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Eggs from home?

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  • #16
    Re: Eggs from home?

    For SFS, the eggs we used were collected from chickens for about five days prior to the event, so by the last day they were about 7-8 days old. The eggs were kept in a bin in the barn, (unwashed and unrefrigerated), until we all took them down into the bottoms for the event. From what I understand one cannot use eggs purchased at the store which have been washed and refrigerated; they must be fresh from the hen.

    Linda Trent
    Linda Trent

    “It ain’t what you know that gets you into trouble.
    It’s what you know that just ain’t so.” Mark Twain.


    • #17
      Re: Eggs from home?

      Well I don't have much to say on the topic at hand, but I did see where someone posted they had not read anything about soldiers receiving eggs. This is from my latest reading the "Rose Cottage Chronicles" which is a collection of letters between 1st Lt. Winston Stephens and his wife Octavia Stephens.

      " [Octavia Stephens to Winston Stephens]

      Mar 2, 1862
      My dear Husband
      I have just laid our baby down to sleep, and now sit down to have a little chat with you. I rather thing though that I will do all the Chatting, if it can be called so, and it ought not for how much pleasanter it would be to have you here so that we could talk in earnest, this way of sending questions and answers by letters is a slow business, but being able to write and read letters is a great blessing, yes letter writing was a great invention. I dont know how I would do if I could not hear from you. You dont know how much I want to see you, the weeks are very long......I suppose when you come home you will be Capt as I hear that you will most probably be elected to that office. The night that the men passed here with Capt Hopkins body, four men stopped in the yard and got Jane to cook them some supper...

      I sent your trunk over to the store yesterday to go with the provisions.....I send your bedding too as you have not countermanded your order. In the left hand corner of your trunk (which you cant help seeing, you will find a box of cake, in the right hand corner back part, you'll find a kettle of lard, which I intended to fry your fish and oysters) inside of that kettle is a cup of butter, in the back part of the trunk is a box of eggs. I found that the pies would not keep this weather. I hope you will get all this safely, and that they will taste good. I am sorry the Pone is burned...was in rather a hurry to get it done and cool to put in the trunk, the one I baked for you last week was too dry to be good, but I hope this is better. I made some uite nice pies last week for you, but of course we ate them as there was no way to send them. Speaking of the pies etc my flour is getting very low, as you said you were going to get more. The syrup is some of Barnes' and perhaps you know as well as Tina and Burrel that his syrup is watered, generally, this is thing, but has a good deal of sugar in it.

      I will now finish what I was saying about the storm. Well it was terriffic, the roar of the thunder and falling of the trees was awful...The fields are sights to behold, Burrel said tell you that if you could see you would almost be willing to declare the field has not been cleaned up. I think it worse than before they rolled at all, it did not do much damage to the corn, he is getting them rolled up pretty fast but there is a great deal of grumbling about the hard work, and I had some words with Jane and Rachel about things they said day before yesterday, before the boys, they have said little things before, and Henry would not say anything until now he thought it had gone or was going too far. I thought Jane had said a good many things that Rach had said, and threatened to either send her home or have her punished if I heard any more, she said for one thing that she had rather be whipped to death than worked to death, and they or Rach said you used to have to work before you were married but you had not since, and couldn't see why you couldn't ask help to roll logs unless you were afraid you would have to feed them. They were neither of them impudent but yesterday Jane the same as called Henry a liar. I have not said anything more to her, the work is hard and I fear will injure Burrel for his back troubles him so much. I will tell you more of it when you come...
      Rosa sends a kiss. I send love and kisses in lots to my dear Husband, lovingly your

      Wife "

      "[Winston Stephens to Octavia Stephens]

      Enterprise Mar 4, 1862
      My Dear Wife

      ...sorry you have had so much trouble in the first place with my fixings and in the second with the darkies-never mind I will fix up their account and settle it for them. I will come home some time next week and hav'nt time to write you a long letter as I will start to day for Volusia and am in a hury preparing to leave...The trunk and goodies were rec'd and very acceptable and no remark made only in praise of them-Dont fear that I shall ever despair of My Wife for she is the best I have ever seen. I want to get home and see you and be with you as much as possible and I think I shall be about Welaka for some months, this is only supposition as we have traveled around considerable lately-Good news for the Confederate States- We have the Carolina, Cecil, and three Sailing crafts now inside of the Smyrna bar. The Steamers are loaded with arms, powder and other things to equip about 15 thousand men, one of the sail vessels has 1,000 sacks of salt-the others I have not learned what they have-I am to keep watch at Welaka and Volusia for the enemy and if they approach I am to send an express to Smyrna etc. I think we are yet to have trouble on this River caused by the shipment of these goods. If we do I will have a chance to fire my gun in defence of my Country and My Dear family and you may rest assured that one will fall when she fires...

      Kiss my Dear Rosa and accept much love from your aff
      Old Man."

      So there you go. Octavia sent hers in a box, but that's all it says, and it sounds like none of them broke or anything as the box was received ok.

      Adam Cripps
      [COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=4][FONT=Book Antiqua]Adam Cripps[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]


      • #18
        Re: Eggs from home?

        Just found this thread.

        Before you run out and buy a stoneware container like those in replies 2 & 3, be advised that both examples are late 19th to early twentieth century wares.

        They are still being made today.

        I am puzzled by the use of this type at Yorktown.

        Old Sturbridge Village sell three sizes of lard pot c1830 that are quite good but I am not familiar with their current stamps and markings.
        Last edited by Vuhginyuh; 08-09-2004, 04:35 PM.
        B. G. Beall (Long Gone)

