I picked this bayonet up for ~50 dollars (American), with no idea of its type or origin. I have requested more info on it and will make it available if needed. I am sure some one can tell me what it is. It was marketed as original WBTS period and as a Springfield type. I am sure of one thing, it is smaller that .58 cal. I have researched the matherial I Have (the AC search,EoG and Google (in that order)). The closest bayonet I have found is the Austrian Lorenz .54 cal. My bayonet does have 4 sides, but does not demonstrate the twisting slide in the socket, as the Austrian Lorenz. It measures 21 5/8 inches from tip to socket and all markings are clear as in the pics attached. This is my first post, so I hope I placed it correctly. Many thanks. Long time reader, first time poster.
Greg S Barnett
Knoxville TN
Greg S Barnett
Knoxville TN