After some initial research, I've failed to find out exactly when the U.S. issue greatcoat changed from the Seminole War/Mexican War style with the smaller backbelt, 3 button cape, and flat U.S. marked buttons. Was it the same year the fatigue uniform was changed to the fatigue blouse (sack coat)? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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U.S. Greatcoats
U.S. Greatcoats
Ross L. Lamoreaux
"...and if profanity was included in the course of study at West Point, I am sure that the Army of the Cumberland had their share of the prize scholars in this branch." - B.F. Scribner, 38th Indiana Vol InfTags: None
Re: U.S. Greatcoats
Originally posted by Ross L. LamoreauxAfter some initial research, I've failed to find out exactly when the U.S. issue greatcoat changed from the Seminole War/Mexican War style with the smaller backbelt, 3 button cape, and flat U.S. marked buttons. Was it the same year the fatigue uniform was changed to the fatigue blouse (sack coat)? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
G. O. No 31, A. G. O. 1851 describes the overcoat as issued during the 1850s and '60s. The button changes in 1854, but I can't find the citation for it. Will try to find it when I get to the office Monday if you need it.
MickMick Woodcock
Company of Military Historians