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Confederate uniformity

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  • Confederate uniformity

    I've read many accounts of the variety of uniforms given to CS troops, especially for men of different states, but how much variety was there from man to man in a given company?

    I could understand a few soldiers being dressed differently from their pards due to "battlefield pick-ups" or gifts from home, but what would be authentic overall for a mid-war impression of Mississippi troops in the Army of Northern Virginia? I've had some difficulty in the research of my unit's uniform and could only find information on
    pre-war militia uniforms that several Mississippi units wore in '61.

    I'm trying to help set some guidelines to help direct new recruits with their purchases and would prefer to aviod using the phrase,"Confederates had many types of uniforms, so any jacket and pants will do."

    I appreciate any light that can be shed on the subject.

    Rich Stonikas
    a.k.a. 1st Sgt. Stephen W. Gregg
    Co. D, 17th Miss. Vol. Inf.
    Rich Stonikas
    Co. D 17th Mississippi Vol. Inf.

  • #2
    Re: Confederate uniformity

    The new book, "Cadet Grey and Butternut Brown" addresses the subject very well I think. Check out pics of captured CS troops. You will see a variety of dress along with being able to see different shades of cloth color even in B/W photos.
    ~Marc Shaffer~

