Originally posted by Hargis, G. 5 A-1
The observation that the rules existed because there was a need for them to prevent and demand certain behaviors is most insightful. There are numerous examples of the regulations being neglected, ignored, or disregarded by officers and men alike. In both volunteer and regular army units men frequently chose actions that were contrary to good order and discipline. Whether it is sneaking alcohol into camp, stealing a few turnips on the march, faking illness at surgeons call, cursing in the presence of officers, failing to properly maintain uniforms or equipment properly, throwing away issued items because of weight, shirking duty, or skulking away during battle the soldiers of the Civil War frequently chose to act in their own interests. They weren't martinets waiting to have their strings pulled.
My question to this forum is this, how does the human tendency towards being selfish, lazy, independent, mischevieous, clever, efficient, etc. in manners contrary to the "official regulations and orders" play out into your reenacting? In what ways do you incorporate being a bad soldier into your authentic impression?