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Uniform care and storage

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  • #31
    Re: Uniform care and storage

    I was always worrying about Moths so I have two large Cedar chests.

    Matthew Thompson


    • #32
      Re: Uniform care and storage

      Originally posted by LibertyHallVols View Post
      Any recommendations on keeping them filled without "funk" or bleach? I hate the idea of bringing bleach into the equation because I enjoy the taste of the water from a wooden canteen.

      Heck, what's wrong with a little "funk" between friends. As was mentioned earlier, a little white vinegar will cause the stuff that grows to clump up. I use baking soda to neutralize the vinegar. Dump out the vinegar water, then refill, put in a a couple of spoons of baking soda, shake it around. Pour out and refill. I normally give my canteens the bleach treatment at the beginning of the season. I use about a shot glass of bleach in a canteen of water, shake it around and pour it out. I then change the water about four times. Bleach can kill you, as well as the germs! I have found that a little Southern Comfort does an outstanding job of removing any bleach taste from the water!

      Oh, before I get beat up for suggesting that people take canteens full of Southern Comfort to the field. Put a little of your favorite alcoholic beverage in the canteen, shake it around, then pour it out. I understand a little wine works well too.
      Bill Rodman, King of Prussia, PA


      • #33
        Re: Uniform care and storage

        A few years ago I spoke with Sam Doolin, he of wooden canteen fame, as he was shipping out several to me in trade for some sewing work. He indicated that they were being shipped full of water and should be stored that way. He also said that any worries of canteen funk could be eased with about a half-cap from the Clorox jug filled with bleach, mixed with a bit of water, swished around extensively, and then rinsed with repeated fillings of water.

        Is it safe to grab the Clorox and fling it over your finger and chug it like a jug of sour mash? Nope. Will a tiny bit, thoroughly rinsed after applied, aid you in not contracting a swamp inside your canteen? Yep.

        Fred Baker

        "You may call a Texian anything but a gentleman or a coward." Zachary Taylor


        • #34
          Re: Uniform care and storage

          That settles it!!! I'm going to keep it full of Whisky!!! :)
          John Wickett
          Former Carpetbagger
          Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)


          • #35
            Re: Uniform care and storage

            "Water is the strong stuff that carries whales and ships,
            But water is the wrong stuff; don't let it get past your lips.
            It wets your suits, rots your boots, puts aches in all o' your bones.
            Dilute the stuff wi' whiskey, aye, or leave it well alone."

            (A wise piece of advice I picked up somewhere during my wretched forgotten college years.)
            Rob Weaver
            Co I, 7th Wisconsin, the "Pine River Boys"
            "We're... Christians, what read the Bible and foller what it says about lovin' your enemies and carin' for them what despitefully use you -- that is, after you've downed 'em good and hard."
            [I]Si Klegg[/I]


            • #36
              Re: Uniform care and storage

              Nic Ellis gave an excellent Power Point presentation at one of our COIs a couple of years ago about a variety of insects of interest to reenactors, and among those featured were critters that think your gear is a buffet meant especially for them. An email and a kind word may get an informative presentation in your mailbox. Just a thought.
              [B]Charles Heath[/B]

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