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  • #46
    Re: Knapsacks

    Originally posted by Danimal29 View Post
    After all you talk like you are the God of reenacting so whatever you have to say must be the gospel.
    Hardly. However, if you elect to mistakenly interpret it that way, that's your right, I guess.

    Originally posted by Danimal29 View Post
    Your attitude of it's not this person's or that person's responsibility to do this or that will kill this hobby. I don't consider it a responsibility I just consider it being nice and wanting to help out a fellow reenactor/living historian trying to better himeself.
    I've been answering utterly basic questions on the Internet for more than ten or twelve years, so don't be so quick to think that me posting a few times that dumb questions are an annoying waste of time for all of us is the "picture". Have you ever heard of a book called the CRRC? It was written for folks in need of basic info, to allow the research to move ahead.

    Nevermind. I guess it's the obligcation--in the minds of some--that we're all supposed to remain at "Intro to Authenticity 101" for our entire reenacting careers.


    • #47
      Re: Knapsacks


      Ever wonder why this forum tolerates the terminally dumb "WMTB" questions, and "where do I buy period food", and "how do I pack food in my haversack without it spoiling"? I mean, it's not like the moderators can't fix this or clean it up.

      The AC Forum didn't used to be like this. Some of you may even remember when it was a lot more "authenticity-oriented" than it has been for some time now. As in 'way back in 1998-2001, or so.

      Yes, there's a reason why it's in its current condition. And it's not a pretty one.


      • #48
        Re: Knapsacks


        I could sit here and argue back and forth with you until the end of time, but I 'm gonna be the bigger man here and do what Chadd (the original thread starter) asked of us and drop the subject. Let it go man, just let it go.
        Daniel Calhoun


        • #49
          Re: Knapsacks

          Originally posted by Kevin O'Beirne View Post
          It's a shame you view plain speaking in that light.
          It's a shame YOU view plain speaking in that light.
          [FONT=Arial][COLOR=Black]Greg Sites[/COLOR][/FONT]
          Co. H 33rd Va Inf
          Stonewall Brigade

          "Whenever you see anything blue, shoot at it and do all you can to keep up the scare."
          Nathan Bedford Forrest


          • #50
            Re: Knapsacks

            Moderator Hat ON: This thread was started about knapsacks. This thread has divulged into snapping at each other. I normally don't get involved over here (as I am the civilian moderator) but this thread is not about Reenactor 101 (and I'm in agreement that more time could be spent by people searching the Approved Vendors links, using Google and university/college library systems, Interlibrary loan, and the forum search tool).

            My suggestion for the time being is to search the approved vendors for knapsacks but this thread is closed unless someone else feels it needs to be open.
            Emmanuel Dabney
            Atlantic Guard Soldiers' Aid Society

            "God hasten the day when war shall cease, when slavery shall be blotted from the face of the earth, and when, instead of destruction and desolation, peace, prosperity, liberty, and virtue shall rule the earth!"--John C. Brock, Commissary Sergeant, 43d United States Colored Troops

