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Carrying The Rifle At Sling Arms

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  • #46
    Re: Carrying The Rifle At Sling Arms

    It could shoot into the ground but also could shoot your file mate in the leg or foot. Honestly in a situation that required a musket to be carried loaded, I find it hard to believe that a soldier would be carrying it in a relaxed position such as sling arms. Then again the picket line can be such a relaxing place.

    In my previous post I'm sorry if I sounded as if I was scolding Mr. Hicks. That was not my intention. Instead I was trying to express that an incompetent officer is just as historically correct as a competent one. Though we as living historians feel jipped and jived when we are commanded by someone who has not done their proper homework, in my opinion, we are glancing over a very relevant historical situation. I do realize the amount of work we all put into our impressions and I do feel jipped when an officer is lack luster. But he is the officer non the less and it is his company to command as he see's fit.
    Finally, It is true "There's no God given right to command", but the captain or lieutenant that looks down the company line and makes a choice that the muskets that are slung should be un-slung, should count more as an order from an officer, not as a gross offense against the manual. Officers make mistakes now just as they did then, take a breath
    Ryan McIntyre
    124th New York State Volunteers
    Founder of the Squatting Bullfrog Mess & the "Leave your politics at home" Mess

    "the Doctor says that I have got the Knapsack complaint that is I cant carry a knapsack that is a disease of my own getting up for I can lift as much as eney[sic] of the boys"
    Joseph H. Johnston
    March 16th 1863
    Camp Convalescent

    "It takes twelve men and a corporal up there [brigade headquarters] to take care of a few trees and salute the officers as they pass these are all the orders we have, but it is military I suppose..."
    Henry M Howell
    March 8 1863
    In camp Near Falmouth


    • #47
      Re: Carrying The Rifle At Sling Arms

      Originally posted by orngblsm View Post
      ..... Finally, It is true "There's no God given right to command", but the captain or lieutenant that looks down the company line and makes a choice that the muskets that are slung should be un-slung, should count more as an order from an officer, not as a gross offense against the manual. Officers make mistakes now just as they did then, take a breath
      Perhaps... but in the specific situation I described back at the beginning if this thread...

      1. We were at the route Step.

      2. The Officer who came up from behind, was not even an officer of our Company.

      3. Regardless.... now, just as I'm sure happened historically....ignorance of the manuals on such a minor issue, when on a march, at route step... which causes further discomfort to Privates.... is very unlikely to be tolerated by some grizzled old veteran who is not afraid to... errr educate? such an officer.

      (And yes.... I am equating myself to a grizzled old veteran. If any of you would like to inquire as to why, I'll be glad to compare or match mileage under foot, with a full combat loaded pack and weapon, with any man on these forums.) :D
      Last edited by BrianHicks; 12-10-2007, 09:05 PM.
      Brian Hicks
      Widows' Sons Mess

      Known lately to associate with the WIG and the Armory Guards

      "He's a good enough fellow... but I fear he may be another Alcibiades."

      “Every man ever got a statue made of him was one kinda sumbitch or another. It ain’t about you. It’s about what THEY need.”CAPTAIN MALCOLM REYNOLDS


      • #48
        Re: Carrying The Rifle At Sling Arms

        The real problemwith what you are saying is that an officer that is not in command of your company has no business saying anything to a private or a NCO that he does not command unless he is command of the battalion.
        Brian Baird


        • #49
          Re: Carrying The Rifle At Sling Arms

          I personally think an officer misquoting or even fouling up a drill command is far more authentic than some private blurting out loud to everyone, "no, no, that's not how you do it!" This has to be one of the more idiotic things I've witnessed during drill.
          Phil Graf

          Can't some of our good friends send us some tobacco? We intend to "hang up our stockings." if they can't send tobacco, please send us the seed, and we will commence preparing the ground; for we mean to defend this place till h-ll freezes over, and then fight the Yankees on the ice.

          Private Co. A, Cook's Reg't, Galveston Island.


          • #50
            Re: Carrying The Rifle At Sling Arms

            I've never witnessed a private correct an officer like that...except during artillery drills at Mansfiled in Jan. 2005, when we had a conscript from Idaho.

            But I have witnessed a first sargent correct a captain in front of the company about his incorrect procedures in the minutae of drill.

            Made me glad to drive 20 hrs to get there to see it.....worth losing work over.
            Cody Mobley

            Texas Ground Hornets
            Texas State Troops

            [HOUSTON] TRI-WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, October 28, 1863,


            All ladies in Houston and surrounding counties who have cloth on hand, which they can spare, are requested to donate it to the ladies of Crockett for the purpose of making petticoats for the Minute Men of this county, who have "backed out" of the service. We think the petticoat more suitable for them in these times.


            • #51
              Re: Carrying The Rifle At Sling Arms

              That was an insubordinate second sergeant, not a first sergeant, who did that.
              Silas Tackitt,
              one of the moderators.

              Click here for a link to forum rules - or don't at your own peril.

