Re: Bayonet Dummy
Our Company practices the bayonet drill from McClellan's manual and just this past weekend practiced infront of the public at an event. Our 1st Sgt. conducts the drill from McClellans book and even gives the commands in French.
We find that the open ranks and open files gives enough room to complete all the manouvers required. We have been working on this the last two years and have I think done quite a good job. We are slowly introduceing more each year while renforcing what we have worked on.
Mark Somerville
Our Company practices the bayonet drill from McClellan's manual and just this past weekend practiced infront of the public at an event. Our 1st Sgt. conducts the drill from McClellans book and even gives the commands in French.
We find that the open ranks and open files gives enough room to complete all the manouvers required. We have been working on this the last two years and have I think done quite a good job. We are slowly introduceing more each year while renforcing what we have worked on.
Mark Somerville