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Placement of Companies in a Regimental Front

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  • Placement of Companies in a Regimental Front

    I am seeking information concerning the method used to place companies in a regimental front. Let’s say you have a full regiment consisting of 10 companies; how would each company be placed in line? Once established, what circumstances, if any, would cause the regimental front to be reshuffled?

    Taking a look at Gilham’s we find the following:


    The Regiment

    9. A REGIMENT is composed of ten companies, which are habitually posted from right to left, in the following order: first, sixth, fourth, ninth, eighth, third, fifth, tenth, seventh, second, according to the rank of the captain. With a less number of companies the same principle will be orbserved, viz.: the first captain commands the right company, the second captain the left company, the third captain the right centre company, and so on.
    The companies thus posted are designated from right to left, first company, second company, etc. The designation is observed in all the manoeuvres.
    The first two companies on the right, whatever their denomination, form the first division; the next two companies the second division; and so on to the left.
    In all exercises and manoeuvres, every regiment, or part of a regiment, composed of two or more companies, is called a battalion.
    Every regiment is provided with a color, which is posted with its guard, to be designated hereafter, on the left of the right centre company; that company, and all on its right belong to the right wing of the regiment, or battalion; the remaining companies constitute the left wing.
    To each regiment are attached a colonel, who commands it, and is responsible for its general discipline and instruction, a lieutenant-colonel, two majors, a quartermaster, commissary, paymaster, surgeon, and frequently an assistant surgeon, an adjutant, sergeant major, quartermaster sergeant, and commissary sergeant. The four first named of these officers are the field officers of the regiment; the others constitute its commissioned and non-commissioned staff.

    What do other manuals, like Hardees Revised, have to say about this issue? If a captain became incapacitated or became a casualty and company command was taken over by a lieutenant, how would this effect the line? Any thoughts and information from other manuals is greatly appreciated.
    Phil Maddox
    Hedgesville Blues
    "He playeth 'eucre' with the parson, whether there shall be preaching in camp on the Sabbath, and by dexterously turning jack from the bottom of the pack, postponeth the service." - Camp of the "Turned-Over and Used-Ups," Sept. 27, 1862.

  • #2
    Re: Placement of Companies in a Regimental Front

    I'm going to give you this from memory, I hope I remember this right - I'm in a hotel and away from all my manuals:

    10 Companies arranged in battalion formation:

    A F D K H C E L G B
    Paul Calloway
    Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
    Proud Member of the GHTI
    Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
    Wayne #25, F&AM


    • #3
      Re: Placement of Companies in a Regimental Front

      Periodically at the Regimental Commander’s discretion the companies would be reorganized, typically after loss of personnel or officers. The companies are specifically listed as numbers in the manual you cited because they are to be ordered by seniority and not alphabetical. Occasionally in regimental histories the author will talk about the companies being resorted or even consolidated as a result of loss. Col Guiney in his letters on the 9th Mass mentions with some frequency the orders being changed in the companies order to be in accordance with new assignments. Common sense would dictate that the regimental front would not change in battle, but would do so during a lull, winter quarters, or a substantial list of promotions coming form the Governor of the state. Also consolidation of regiments due to loss would also occur. For instance the 25th Mass was consolidated into four companies in 1864 after Cold Harbor if memory serves. There is a good article on this in the Columbia Rifles Compendium volume 2.
      I am, etc.
      Thomas Gingras
      Awkward Squad Mess
      Columbia Rifles
      Honorary SRR "Yankee"


      • #4
        Re: Placement of Companies in a Regimental Front


        I have the CRRC2. If you want to borrow it... just say the word. I can give it to you at Leesburg
        Brad Ireland
        Old Line Mess
        4th VA CO. A


        • #5
          Re: Placement of Companies in a Regimental Front

          Adding more confusion to this question is a diagram found in Civil War Infantryman : In Camp, on the March, and in Battle, by Gregory Coco, showing how companies are arrayed in a regimental front. It listed them as follows:

          A C D E F G H I K B
          Phil Maddox
          Hedgesville Blues
          "He playeth 'eucre' with the parson, whether there shall be preaching in camp on the Sabbath, and by dexterously turning jack from the bottom of the pack, postponeth the service." - Camp of the "Turned-Over and Used-Ups," Sept. 27, 1862.


          • #6
            Re: Placement of Companies in a Regimental Front

            I think the statement that companies are arranged in order of Captain seniority and not company letter is correct.
            Brad Ireland
            Old Line Mess
            4th VA CO. A


            • #7
              Re: Placement of Companies in a Regimental Front

              from Casys

              6, In a regiment composed of ten companies. eight Will be habitually posted from right to left in the following order: first, fifth.fourth, eighth,sixth,second, according to the rank of th captains. these Will be called battalion companies.

              as I understand it, if the captain of company B is the senior captain then his company is posted on the right as the first company.
              this also this means that in an eight company battalion the four senior captains are posted to command the four "Divisions."
              John Laking
              18th Mo.VI (UK)
              Scallawag mess


              • #8
                Re: Placement of Companies in a Regimental Front

                I believe the two not ordered by seniority would be the Color Company and the Company of Skirmishers. The first having a required fixed position and the other not conforming to the general front in a battle line.
                I am, etc.
                Thomas Gingras
                Awkward Squad Mess
                Columbia Rifles
                Honorary SRR "Yankee"


                • #9
                  Re: Placement of Companies in a Regimental Front


                  Don't forget to crack open your copy of P.I.E.
                  [B]Charles Heath[/B]

                  [URL=""]12 - 14 Jun 09 Hoosiers at Gettysburg[/URL]

                  [EMAIL=""]17-19 Jul 09 Mumford/GCV Carpe Eventum [/EMAIL]

                  [EMAIL=""]31 Jul - 2 Aug 09 Texans at Gettysburg [/EMAIL]

                  [EMAIL=""] 11-13 Sep 09 Fortress Monroe [/EMAIL]

                  [URL=""]2-4 Oct 09 Death March XI - Corduroy[/URL]

                  [EMAIL=""] G'burg Memorial March [/EMAIL]


                  • #10
                    Re: Placement of Companies in a Regimental Front


                    Good idea. I've got a copy and didn't think about looking at it.

                    Thanks for all the help guys.

                    Originally posted by Charles Heath View Post

                    Don't forget to crack open your copy of P.I.E.
                    Phil Maddox
                    Hedgesville Blues
                    "He playeth 'eucre' with the parson, whether there shall be preaching in camp on the Sabbath, and by dexterously turning jack from the bottom of the pack, postponeth the service." - Camp of the "Turned-Over and Used-Ups," Sept. 27, 1862.


                    • #11
                      Re: Placement of Companies in a Regimental Front

                      All (manuals) are right here - the senior captain is Co A (1st), next senior Co B (2nd) etc. Co A and B are generally the skirmish companies because they are on the flanks for ease of deployment (and of course have theoretically the most experienced Captains).

                      Dom's P.I.E. has an outstanding table of company order when dealing with less than 10 companies.
                      Soli Deo Gloria
                      Doug Cooper

                      "The past is never dead. It's not even past." William Faulkner

                      Please support the CWT at


                      • #12
                        Re: Placement of Companies in a Regimental Front

                        Originally posted by DougCooper View Post
                        Dom's P.I.E. has an outstanding table of company order when dealing with less than 10 companies.
                        Phil, please take note of how handy that table can be when you need to order a whole bunch of company letters for an event. Not that anyone really does anything quite that hardcore. :wink_smil

                        [B]Charles Heath[/B]

                        [URL=""]12 - 14 Jun 09 Hoosiers at Gettysburg[/URL]

                        [EMAIL=""]17-19 Jul 09 Mumford/GCV Carpe Eventum [/EMAIL]

                        [EMAIL=""]31 Jul - 2 Aug 09 Texans at Gettysburg [/EMAIL]

                        [EMAIL=""] 11-13 Sep 09 Fortress Monroe [/EMAIL]

                        [URL=""]2-4 Oct 09 Death March XI - Corduroy[/URL]

                        [EMAIL=""] G'burg Memorial March [/EMAIL]


                        • #13
                          Re: Placement of Companies in a Regimental Front

                          Originally posted by riptailedroarer View Post
                          from Casys

                          6, In a regiment composed of ten companies. eight Will be habitually posted from right to left in the following order: first, fifth.fourth, eighth,sixth,second, according to the rank of th captains. these Will be called battalion companies.

                          as I understand it, if the captain of company B is the senior captain then his company is posted on the right as the first company.
                          this also this means that in an eight company battalion the four senior captains are posted to command the four "Divisions."
                          Be careful with that - '62 Casey's also has a 'correction' by Stanton:

                          Originally posted by
                          WAR DEPARTMENT,

                          WASHINGTON, August 11, 1862.

                          The System of Infantry Tactics, prepared by Brig. General SILAS CASEY, U. S. A., having been approved by the President, is adopted for the instruction of the Infantry of the Armies of the United States, whether Regular, Volunteer, or Militia, with the following modifications viz.:

                          First.--That portion which requires that two companies shall be permanently detached from the battalion as skirmishers, will be suspended.

                          Second.-- In Title First, Article First, the following will be substituted for paragraph 6, viz.:

                          " A regiment is composed of ten companies, which will be habitually posted from right to left in the following order: First, sixth, fourth, ninth, third, eighth, fifth, tenth, seventh, second, according to the rank of Captains."

                          EDWIN M. STANTON,
                          Secretary of War.

                          That arrangement is different than the one given above for Gilham (the two center companies are switched), but is the same across Casey's and both the '55 and '62 Hardee's (IIRC).

                          Either way, it is by seniority of company commanders, not company letter, as others have rightly stated. When a captain is lost (for whatever reason) that company pretty much goes to the back of the class and becomes the "tenth" company in seniority, or the seventh from the right end of the line.
                          Andrew Willenbring
                          1st Minn. Co. A


                          • #14
                            Re: Placement of Companies in a Regimental Front

                            Something I noted in this thread that I hadn't thought about before - in the reenacting battalion the senior captain commands company A, the next B, etc., and we get the AFD........B formation. I'm thinking in the real world that would get ragged in time and the senior captain might command C or K. All the manuals I've looked at so far list the order by rank of captain - no mention of company letters. So, is company A on the right a slight reenactorism or did company letter have anything to do with placement
                            John Duffer
                            Independence Mess
                            "There lies $1000 and a cow."


                            • #15
                              Re: Placement of Companies in a Regimental Front


                              It does not appear that the company letter designations had anything to do with how the companies were placed in line. The seniority of each captain was the deciding factor. If, for instance, the senior captain just happened to be commanding company A that company would be placed on the far right and would be designated 1st Company. It also appears that once in a more static situation (after a campaign or battle) a reshuffling would occur depending on company command casualties or absences for some other reason like sickness. Given all this, the regimental commander still held the perogative to make adjustments as he deemed necessary.
                              Originally posted by john duffer View Post
                              Something I noted in this thread that I hadn't thought about before - in the reenacting battalion the senior captain commands company A, the next B, etc., and we get the AFD........B formation. I'm thinking in the real world that would get ragged in time and the senior captain might command C or K. All the manuals I've looked at so far list the order by rank of captain - no mention of company letters. So, is company A on the right a slight reenactorism or did company letter have anything to do with placement
                              Phil Maddox
                              Hedgesville Blues
                              "He playeth 'eucre' with the parson, whether there shall be preaching in camp on the Sabbath, and by dexterously turning jack from the bottom of the pack, postponeth the service." - Camp of the "Turned-Over and Used-Ups," Sept. 27, 1862.

