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Cap Pouch authenticity question

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  • #31
    Re: Cap pouch trivia


    You echo my thoughts exactly. I don't mind people asking questions and helping them AFTER they have tried to find the answer themselves first. Too many people on these forums do not make even the slightest effort to find the answer before popping the question on to this forum or any of the others.

    As was said a short Google search will turn up the answer to many of the questions asked on these forums. The fellow who started this thread is obviously very new to the hobby and understandably has questions most of which will be old hat to most of us. I wonder if it might help if we added a links page to research sites that would go along with the FAQ section.
    Last edited by JimKindred; 03-14-2004, 03:29 PM.
    Jim Kindred


    • #32
      Re: Cap pouch trivia

      Alright let's return to the original question and give the man an example of a good COI type questions:

      What common materials were used in Confederate cap pouch construction?

      Does anyone have an article on how I could make my own cap pouch?

      Could I find any of the authentic materials at Wal-mart, JoAnn's Fabrics, hobby shops, etc., or would I need to pursue a more specific vendor source?

      My question:
      Wouldn't it be less frustrating and more economical to buy a common cap box from a reputable vendor versus making it yourself? See time, effort, expenses, gasoline, materials etc.

      I also doubt that most soldiers of the ACW/WBTS era ever called each other "pards" that often. The JW reenactors do that. JW= Johnny Walker, John Wayne and Josey Wales.

      We can rework the inquiry. Please maintain the standards.
      Gregory Deese
      Carolina Rifles-Living History Association
      "How can you call yourself a campaigner if you've never campaigned?"-Charles Heath, R. I. P.


      • #33
        Re: Cap pouch trivia


        I would throw that cap pouch as far as you can throw it, and pick one up from an approved vendor from this forum. There are some good vendors out there that will not put you in the poor house.

        Dont be afraid to ask questions, but plan your questions abit so things like this thread do not happen. And dont be a stranger to the search engine.
        Robert Johnson

        "Them fellers out thar you ar goin up against, ain't none of the blue-bellied, white-livered Yanks and sassidge-eatin'forrin' hirelin's you have in Virginny that run atthe snap of a cap - they're Western fellers, an' they'll mighty quick give you a bellyful o' fightin."

        In memory of: William Garry Co.H 5th USCC KIA 10/2/64 Saltville VA.


        • #34
          Re: Cap pouch trivia

          I would point out that it is opinion, and nothing more, concerning materials available at retail chain stores in regard to authenticity. Comments such as "closer than I've ever seen" really mean nothing. So what? Sounds like people are somewhat on the defensive concerning their personal choices.

          If it is closer, show something other than opinion, so the rest of us have a little more to go on. We do have standards that we hope to maintain do we not? As the accepted standard, if you will, is open to question and now challenged by you, it is up to you to not make generalized statements concerning what is, and what is not correct. Can we be faulted if we are suspect?

          I (as many) have an open mind, provide us something of real use. Maybe I too will go check out the local fabric shop depending on what you show. Until then, I cannot accept that reproduction material somewhat falls short based only on your opinion.


          John Sarver
          John Sarver


          • #35
            Re: Cap pouch trivia

            Mr. David Chinnis,

            Have fun buying your materials from JoAnn fabrics!!!

            I would rather give my business to "approved vendors" who depend on people like me and other authentics to make a living.

            Plus, I don't think it's a good idea mentioning places like JoAnn Fabrics when we have a bunch of new comers searching this forum for help everyday. (Not saying you do).

            Proud owner of a hemp haversack,

            Aaron Schwieterman


            • #36
              Re: Cap pouch trivia


              Mr. Chinnis, in my opinion, made real sense in the haversack debate, and I encourage you to have Joe replace that haversack with cotton. Once that thread started, and the question of Federal haversacks, and observations of originals thereof, was brought up, I disagreed. I brought to the discussion documentation of the use by the principle depots of "linen" in the construction of late war haversacks by the USQMD. This being realistically the only period we have any real information on.

              The argument stood.

              In this post you have expressed a belief commonly held by the authentic community (at least our authentic community). I say that because we are not all from the same community, at least IMHO. You, being one of the few who will express yourself and the beliefs upheld by some, and you BTW, should be congratulated for it.

              Allow him, and the others who have expressed themselves regarding this, the opportunity to respond. We may find out that there is something to it, and again, we may not. We need something outside of opinion, sometimes even learned ones. That is part of getting folks on the right track to research and proper documentation, we must show how it is properly done.

              Your Comrade,


              John Sarver
              John Sarver


              • #37
                Re: Cap pouch trivia

                Hallo Kameraden!

                Dont you think you jumped down his throat a bit quicky? True his question may not have been the most educated question posted on this forum, but for somebody trying to make his first jumps to authenticity it was a perfectly good question."

                Since it was asked, I will answer…

                No, I don't. Anyone- when it comes to me, please don't confuse style with intent.

                And yes, it was a perfectly good question- not for here, but for other fora.

                Rather than just "delete" it, I thought an explanation of the rules and policies, and why it was not was in order.

                I was under the belief that I was being "firmly professorial and mentoring," as well as discharging my duties as a Moderator.

                Lads, I have read, reread, and reread my Mod posting three times.

                Granted, in any commuication there is always the Rule of Three:

                1. What I thought I said.
                2. What others thought I said.
                3. What I actually said.

                On the two previous versions of this Forum over the past four years or so, I have posted and answered well over 2,000 times. On other fora, I have posted over far more than 4,000 times.
                I take criticism for being too free in readily sharing my knowledge and experience, (such that it is) as it can be seen as discouraging the very research and research methodologies we try to encourage and support when "too quick, too easy, Shake and Bake" answers are provided instead of guiding and directing research "how to 's.
                (Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish...)

                Anyone- again, please do not confuse style with intent.
                And anyone, please do not read between my lines looking and finding things I did not put there.

                If my intent was to jump down his throat, I would have done so with both feet so as to leave no doubt for the poster and a warning to other thread viewers- using awesome and disproportionate Mod powers and provisions of the "No Farbism" Rule to have these kinds of postings delegated and relegated to the fora where they are appropriate and commonly shared, and punish the offender by a Warning and a 30 Day reduction in forum privileges to "Read Only" status. ;-)
                Instead, I hope to set his feet on a better path, and one envisioned and supported by this Forum (if that is what he ultimately is after as I know him not, nor how old he is, his educational background, his interests, and his personal Mental Picture.

                As a former professor at the 3rd ranked college of its kind in the country, I
                hold certain expectations of the students in the class.
                I have absolutely nothing against elementary school and junior high kids as they are just starting on their Journey.
                However, if they want to take college, graduate, and post grad/doctorate classes, I do hold them to a higher standard than grammar school- evil, wicked beastie that I be.
                They may just not be ready for higher level work yet.

                While not everyone here and on other fora agree, there ARE various "schools" at work here on the WWW.
                Some take their "enrollment and participation" as serious and want to learn and do better.
                Some find fora as their personal and/or political playgrounds and soap boxes.
                Some find the various fora a form of personal entertainment, and like to see their names and words "up in lights" and little more.

                There is room for any and all interests and applications, even when it comes to the Glowing Screen. But at the same time, if there is a "time to every purpose under Heaven" there is also a "Cyberland place for it."

                The highly paid, highly rewarded, and highly esteemed AC Forum Mods are charged with, and expected to, maintain not only the Forum rules and policies but further the vision, goals, and objectives of the AC Forum.

                Of course, not everyone sees things the same, and...

                Others' mileage will differ.

                Your Obet Servt, I remain, Sirs:

                Curt-Heinrich Schmidt
                Curt Schmidt
                In gleichem Schritt und Tritt, Curt Schmidt

                -Hard and sharp as flint...secret, and self-contained, and solitary as an oyster.
                -Haplogroup R1b M343 (Subclade R1b1a2 M269)
                -Pointless Folksy Wisdom Mess, Oblio Lodge #1
                -Vastly Ignorant
                -Often incorrect, technically, historically, factually.


                • #38
                  Re: Cap pouch trivia

                  I read the original post somewhat differently: The reference to Wal-Mart and super glue being intended as references for OUR benefit, to understand the poster's concern over quality. He suspected the provenance.
                  Bill Watson


                  • #39
                    Re: Cap pouch trivia

                    Originally posted by JimKindred
                    As was said a short Google search will turn up the answer to many of the questions asked on these forums.

                    Google can also turn up a lot of garbage on mainstream sites. Google ranks the hits by the relevance to your original request and how many people have chosen which links from similar requests in the past. It doesn't evaluate how correct the info is. If you don't have enough basic knowledge to know what you're looking at, you could be misled.

                    Also, a fresh fish may not know where to begin when he looks at an artifact. This exchange happened a lot when I joined my unit:

                    Me: What do you think of my new widget? Is it right?
                    Them: It's wrong.
                    Me: What's wrong about it?
                    Them: It's just wrong.
                    Me: But you said to get such-and-such, I got it, how is it wrong?
                    Them: Go look at a book, you'll figure it out.

                    Not very productive. I looked at the books, but not knowing what details to look for, it didn't do a lot of good. Eventually, I cornered one of the experts and demanded that he explain to me how to evaluate an original artifact. Then the the light switched on. And after reading a few of John Stillwagon's postings evaluating reproductions, the heavens opened, angels sang, and I got it. Maybe we should have a FAQ called "What am I looking at: critically evaluating original artifacts and reproductions." Teaching someone how to look is more important than just telling them where to look.

                    I'd think if there were a place to ask a tyro question, it would be in the COI forum. Being short with people who want to learn just drives them into the arms of the mainstream. Taking 'the red pen' to someone's post could be embarrassing for them, too. Just my opinion, but if the only safe place to ask a stupid question is on Szabo's forum, that's where they'll go, and they may not come back.

                    -Michael McComas

                    PS -- Bill, I got the same thing out of the original post that you did, that he knew the fake fur was wrong but didn't know what was right.
                    Last edited by Michael McComas; 03-14-2004, 07:42 PM.
                    Michael McComas


                    • #40
                      Re: Cap pouch trivia


                      The Google reference I made was referencing a comment made earlier by one of the moderators. :)

                      I very strongly agree that there should be a FAQ section on how to research and Curt has provided some extremely good information in his most recent posts dealing with research techniques.

                      All I ask is that posters at least try to find some of the answers for themselves, be it online or in a book. Most won't make the small effort to open a book even when you give them the title, page number and paragraph.

                      Finding the right answer to most questions dealing with the basic subject matter isn't that hard if they would at least just try. I learned what I know before the internet came about, I used the old fashion method of looking in museums and reading. For some reason people don't like that method anymore.
                      Jim Kindred


                      • #41
                        Re: Cap pouch trivia


                        Please don't forget to sign your edits of signed posts with your full name.

                        Thank you.
                        Bo Carlson

                        [i][b]At the dawn of the 21st century the human species does appear to be in a rapid state of de-evolution. The time for personal salvation is now, while the people terrorize each other like warring insects, all the while crying out for global change and healing. Can we as a species hope to achieve something as grandiose as constructing a Heaven on Earth, when our very souls are rotten and empty?[/b][/i]


                        • #42
                          Re: Cap pouch trivia

                          Originally posted by billwatson
                          I read the original post somewhat differently: The reference to Wal-Mart and super glue being intended as references for OUR benefit, to understand the poster's concern over quality. He suspected the provenance.
                          YES THANK YOU !! SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS ME !!!(I'm so happy :cry_smile )

                          you guys are blowing this way out of proportion . I asked this question as a quicky answer , if you know what I mean. I asked this because i wanted to alter my pouch to become more authentic and not have artificail fur in it , and also have a place that I can put a nipple pick . I know have realized the error of my ways . I thought this forum was a place to ask, well "quicky questions".

                          I've never used the calico, but the linsey woolsey in our area is very nice , and i am very picky in choseing linen, I only chose the stuff thatis the very best .

                          actually i'll leave it in some camp where some self-respecting spectator will pick it up , lol ( actually I'll bgive it to a friend ).

                          i hope you all have a good night , becaus ei've typed an aweful lot and i have to get up and go to school tommarrow .

                          Respectfully your
                          Rob young
                          Very Respectfully,
                          Robert Young


                          • #43
                            Re: Cap pouch trivia

                            Originally posted by bluebellybugleboy
                            YES THANK YOU !! SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS ME !!!(I'm so happy :cry_smile )

                            actually i'll leave it in some camp where some self-respecting spectator will pick it up , lol ( actually I'll bgive it to a friend ).

                            By friend I hope you mean you are going to give to your dog as a chew toy. :wink_smil
                            Robert Johnson

                            "Them fellers out thar you ar goin up against, ain't none of the blue-bellied, white-livered Yanks and sassidge-eatin'forrin' hirelin's you have in Virginny that run atthe snap of a cap - they're Western fellers, an' they'll mighty quick give you a bellyful o' fightin."

                            In memory of: William Garry Co.H 5th USCC KIA 10/2/64 Saltville VA.


                            • #44
                              Re: Cap pouch trivia

                              Originally posted by hireddutchcutthroat
                              By friend I hope you mean you are going to give to your dog as a chew toy. :wink_smil
                              I think chrome-tanned leather is toxic to dogs.
                              Michael McComas


                              • #45
                                Re: Cap pouch trivia


                                In this field of study there are really no "quicky" answers. Everything here is fair game for lengthy debate and discussion. As you have no doubt found out. :D

                                Greg Deese
                                My German-Shepard puppy once shredded my expensive gortex police boots to a pulp.
                                Gregory Deese
                                Carolina Rifles-Living History Association

                                "How can you call yourself a campaigner if you've never campaigned?"-Charles Heath, R. I. P.

