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Ticks--The Mattress sort not the ones crawling in the mattress

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  • Ticks--The Mattress sort not the ones crawling in the mattress

    I thought there was an article on here about how to make one? Am I missing it or did it disappear?
    Emmanuel Dabney
    Atlantic Guard Soldiers' Aid Society

    "God hasten the day when war shall cease, when slavery shall be blotted from the face of the earth, and when, instead of destruction and desolation, peace, prosperity, liberty, and virtue shall rule the earth!"--John C. Brock, Commissary Sergeant, 43d United States Colored Troops

  • #2
    Re: Ticks--The Mattress sort not the ones crawling in the mattress


    Best I can remember, try searching using "bed sack" or "pillow sack." If that fails, shoot me a PM and I'll give you a hand and repost.


    Will Eichler

    Member, Company of Military Historians
    Saginaw City Light Infantry
    Hubbard Winsor Lodge #420
    Stony Creek Lodge #5

    Civil War Digital Digest

    Historic Fort Wayne Coalition


    • #3
      Re: Ticks--The Mattress sort not the ones crawling in the mattress

      I need to make one this week for a fort impression, but i can,t understand the ussc description


      Bed sack of burlap or ticking, 2 yards and 12 inches long; 40 inches wide. Sew all round. Cut opening in middle 27 inches long: close with three [3] buttons; put a stay at each end of opening and one under each button. Required, 3 knots linen thread.

      Pillow Sacks of ticking or crash; 16 inches wide, 3Q inches long. Leave opening in middle of one end. Close with 2 buttons.

      Sheets. Linen and cotton. 8 feet long. 4 feet wide. Required, one-half skein of cotton or one-twelfth part of a hank.

      does anybody have any images of a original, i am interested in how the pillow and mattress are closed. What does the opening look like?
      Last edited by fedhead; 10-11-2009, 03:39 PM.
      Martyn Goddard
      American Eagle Society
      Mess #4


      • #4
        Re: Ticks--The Mattress sort not the ones crawling in the mattress

        "What do the opening's look like?"

        Got one of those gummed ponchos? You know, a perfectly good gum blanket made unserviceable because someone had the brilliant idea to cut a big slit down the middle so the owner could shove his head through it. Same concept except the opening can be closed with the addition of three buttons.

        After posting the above, I looked carefully at my avatar. That's me at Pamplin Park on a really rainy morning in May with a perfectly serviceable gum blanket wrapped around my neck to keep out the wet.
        Last edited by Silas; 10-11-2009, 01:41 PM. Reason: Add'l comment.
        Silas Tackitt,
        one of the moderators.

        Click here for a link to forum rules - or don't at your own peril.


        • #5
          Re: Ticks--The Mattress sort not the ones crawling in the mattress

          thanks for that, does the slit run horizontal or vertical and are the cut edges left or hemmed?
          Martyn Goddard
          American Eagle Society
          Mess #4


          • #6
            Re: Ticks--The Mattress sort not the ones crawling in the mattress

            My tick the slit is along the long axis (or head to toe). It is centered on the panel. I will see if I can snap a picture tonight.
            Tedd Ill
            Sergeant 1st Illinois Regimental light artillery, Battery A and Pvt. Battery L
            (BTW my last name is "I-L-L" as in sick)


            • #7
              Re: Ticks--The Mattress sort not the ones crawling in the mattress

              Lacking any extant originals, I have made all the Bed Sacks with the slit in the manner Ted has as well.


              Will Eichler

              Member, Company of Military Historians
              Saginaw City Light Infantry
              Hubbard Winsor Lodge #420
              Stony Creek Lodge #5

              Civil War Digital Digest

              Historic Fort Wayne Coalition


              • #8
                Re: Ticks--The Mattress sort not the ones crawling in the mattress

                I've made several different styles of bed tick with various opening treatments, along with its near relative, the market wallet. This is certainly not the only way to finish the edge opening.

                Images are attached of various openings
                (1) Woolen market wallet with cotton lining and bound edge opening.
                (2) Tick with vertical opening and three buttons, on USSC directions
                (3) Pillow with opening and two buttons, on USSC directions
                (4) Unbuttoned tick opening
                Attached Files
                Terre Hood Biederman
                Yassir, I used to be Mrs. Lawson. I still run period dyepots, knit stuff, and cause trouble.

                Wearing Grossly Out of Fashion Clothing Since 1958.

                ADVENTURE CALLS. Can you hear it? Come ON.


                • #9
                  Re: Ticks--The Mattress sort not the ones crawling in the mattress

                  Its the word stay thats throwing a bit of a curve. I can understand it to stop the slit but then get confused when it says also for each button. I don't see how it is applied. Can you clarify what is meant by stay?
                  Mike Stein
                  Mike Stein
                  Remuddeled Kitchen Mess


                  • #10
                    Re: Ticks--The Mattress sort not the ones crawling in the mattress

                    WOW Mrs. Lawson really has this covered...
                    Sorry for the delay. I had to find the dang tick and then find the camera.....

                    As for the stays under each button, to me that means that you need to reinforce the button at the hem so that it does not rip out as easy. There is quite a strain on the buttons when the mattress is stuffed with straw.

                    I hope that this helps. Sorry again for my horrible delay.
                    Tedd Ill
                    Sergeant 1st Illinois Regimental light artillery, Battery A and Pvt. Battery L
                    (BTW my last name is "I-L-L" as in sick)


                    • #11
                      Re: Ticks--The Mattress sort not the ones crawling in the mattress

                      I have to thank you all, my mattress is completed thanks for everyone,s help, Its stuffed with straw and rolled up ready to go .
                      Martyn Goddard
                      American Eagle Society
                      Mess #4



                      • #12
                        Re: Ticks--The Mattress sort not the ones crawling in the mattress

                        Well, I see I'm late here with the reply concerning the 'stay'

                        Essentially, these are a reinforcement under the button to keep them from pulling out.

                        For some construction, the buttons are applied to a hemmed edge, so that one is sewing through two layers of ticking. This is sufficient reinforcement.

                        In some cases (depending entirely on the fabric width available and whether the selvedge edge of the fabric has a period finish rather than a modern selvedge) the button is applied to the tightly woven selvedge edge. In those cases, I cut a small square or circle of fabric and place it behind the button on the inside of the ticking, then sew through both layers to ensure a sound attachment for the button.

                        Button type varies as well. Since such tickings were often produced at home, I look to various 'utility' buttons of the period, or older buttons that might have been saved and recycled in a woman's button jar': four hole paper backed tin, four hole pewter buttons of Mexican War vintage; and two hole large eye underware buttons. Such useage is speculation on my part and I have no specific documentation--the instructions only say 'buttons'

                        When using the underware buttons, which have two large holes, I also use a period attachment method--rather than sewing with thread, I use a narrow twill tape through the fabric and the two holes, firmly tied and knotted. In this case, I open the hole in the fabric with a small awl.

                        Finally, a stay at the end of the slit is a different technique--essentially a way of binding the slit so it cannot strain open. In some cases, I make a triangular gusset and apply it over the opening to alleviate strain on the underlying join. In others, I may use a felling stitch or a firmly tacked pleat to reinforce the area. Again, this is speculation on my part, coupled with a knowledge of various period sewing techniques.
                        Last edited by Spinster; 10-15-2009, 03:30 PM.
                        Terre Hood Biederman
                        Yassir, I used to be Mrs. Lawson. I still run period dyepots, knit stuff, and cause trouble.

                        Wearing Grossly Out of Fashion Clothing Since 1958.

                        ADVENTURE CALLS. Can you hear it? Come ON.


                        • #13
                          Re: Ticks--The Mattress sort not the ones crawling in the mattress

                          I just turned and hemmed the raw edges with a whip stitch and put the buttonhole's , buttons on the hemmed cloth thus giving renforcement.

                          I have quite a few white china 2 hole buttons ( large hole) i think i will try your method of attachment it makes sense when wash day comes. By the way i used 4 hole bone buttons what do you think ?
                          Martyn Goddard
                          American Eagle Society
                          Mess #4



                          • #14
                            Re: Ticks--The Mattress sort not the ones crawling in the mattress

                            Mrs. Lawson can you post the specs on the pillows?


                            • #15
                              Re: Ticks--The Mattress sort not the ones crawling in the mattress

                              Are there any surviving pictures of these? It would be a nice addition to an early war event, if I could make one correctly now that I have some of the specifics.

                              Aaron Rowland
                              Aaron Rowland
                              Prodigal Son ~ Corn Fed Comrade
                              Petersburg National Battlefield

                              "It was the saddest affair I have witnessed in war." ~ U.S. Grant, Battle of the Crater

