...at some other event in the distant future, an opportunity exists for a slaughtering and butchering session to provide vittles for the troops. Given this freshly slaughtered animal will probably not be equine, which of the following animals (as if you'll have a choice) would you choose to provide you with a still-quivering, steaming, bloody chunk of flesh:
What do you prefer, and why or why not?
Note: I've seen perfectly sane people dig around in the slop bucket for pieces of fish, so let's not go there just yet.
- About a 150 pound pig
- A calf of maybe 175 pounds
- Three 50 pound goats
- Two 80 pound sheep
- Eight 20 pound turkeys
- Five Guinea hens
- A double sawbuck of Capon
- I like my chicken frying size. Those laying hens are much too wise.
- Bunches of rabbits.
- A passle o' Pea hens!
- There is a 12 Days of Christmas joke in here somewhere, but I just don't get it.
What do you prefer, and why or why not?
Note: I've seen perfectly sane people dig around in the slop bucket for pieces of fish, so let's not go there just yet.