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S Isaac Campbell Knapsack Reproductions

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  • #16
    Re: S Isaac Campbell Knapsack Reproductions

    The I&C pack is done with period paint. The others are done with latex normally and can be done with period paint if requested but the cost is different.

    Best Regards,

    Josh Sawyer
    Liberty Rifles
    Hardtack Society
    Best Regards,

    Josh Sawyer


    • #17
      Re: S Isaac Campbell Knapsack Reproductions

      Is Eric using the correct weight linen and buff leather where appropriate?

      I managed to get an I&C knapsack made by Sam Haywood, and I can say there is no vendor today making a product nearly as good as the guys from the old school, NO ONE. As for what is available in today's market, ************ is the best thing in production right at this moment, I have seen pictures of Eric's bag and while his customer service is stand up, I know several people, myself include that have had questions about the reproduction. The interior straps seem a bit small, and the addition of a makers mark would be a great improvement.

      Cody Mobley of the Company Tailor is about to start his run of English import knapsacks and I am sure they will be the closest thing to what the guys from about a decade ago were cranking out.
      Patrick Landrum
      Independent Rifles


      • #18
        Re: S Isaac Campbell Knapsack Reproductions

        Sam Haywoods's were sweet, I have always regretted parting ways with it. I will have one of Eric's in a day or two and will report on how they compare.-ELI GEERY
        -ELI GEERY- Corinthian No. 414-F&AM
        "The Dippin' Gourd Mess" (FOUNDER)
        "Original MOOCOWS Board of directors member"
        "The Bully Boys"
        "The Hard Case Boys"
        "The Independant Mess"
        29th Infantry DIV/OEF/OJG Veteran
        3d Iinfantry DIV/OIF Veteran


        • #19
          Re: S Isaac Campbell Knapsack Reproductions

          No, from what I saw Eric is not using buff leather anywhere and the bag it made from a cotton material and the main flap of the bag is lined with linen. I have a ************ I&C that I bought used and from what I can tell it is currently the best repro of that style knapsack on the market. Correct linen bag, hardware, Herman Oak tanned leather and it is 100% hand sewn. The only downside if you are really picky is that it seems to be painted with a modern paint recipe. I'd recommend ************ as well. Has anyone seen one of Serio's I&C packs? Where do they stand as an I&C repro? What are your thoughts?

          Best Regards,

          Josh Sawyer
          Liberty Rifles
          Hardtack Society
          Best Regards,

          Josh Sawyer


          • #20
            Re: S Isaac Campbell Knapsack Reproductions

            The only reason I got my knapsack was because an old Salt in the hobby was parting ways with the last of his stuff at the Nashville show, I just managed to be the first one to run into him. Before that happened, I had been on the study trail for about 2 years trying to find who was making a great US and CS knapsack. Even though the cost may be a bit higher, ************ or Welch make superior knapsacks in terms of construction, Cody Mobley makes the best CS knapsack with correct paint recipe. That being said about Cody, I personally can not wait to see his English reproduction accoutrements when he finishes the line.

            The other thing to consider is the cost involved for the maker of these bags. This hobby swings and sways on what is so great and needed that a vendor can't keep up. The largest here today gone tomorrow trend of folks seems to be imported items. Either its flood or drought. The investment for a vendor to make anything English import is far greater than to just stick to the standard line, which is why the repops cost more, and the vendors that provide them are so small. I'm personally glad that Neill Rose and the South Carolina Relic Room were kind enough to post the McRae docs and show just how common these items should be.
            Patrick Landrum
            Independent Rifles


            • #21
              Re: S Isaac Campbell Knapsack Reproductions

              Thanks to all for the comments, the McRae papers are going to make everything by S Isaac Campbell huge again.
              Knapsacks, Ball Bags, Waistbelts (Snakebelts) Pouches ( Cartridge boxes) Oil Bottles, Cap Pockets.
              Just received a I&C snakebelt from Brad Malone which is a superb copy of the one residing in the Greenville museum, with correct tunnel stitch, rough side out leather, which is blacked on both sides, so you can get a correct snakebelt from him.
              A good copy Oil bottle can br purchased from O'Dea military equipts.
              But does Mr Heywood still make the I&C pack??
              Dave Burt, ACWS, UK.
              David Burt, Co Author "Suppliers to the Confederacy: British Imported Arms and Accoutrements" "Suppliers to the Confederacy II: S. Isaac Campbell & Co, London - Peter Tait & Co, Limerick, Out Now


              • #22
                Re: S Isaac Campbell Knapsack Reproductions


                Can you PM me Mr. Malone's contact info? I have been wanting a proper "snake buckle" belt for some time. I will be ordering a Cartridge pouch/box from Tim Welch in 2008 I hope. I would really like to get a proper set of English wartime accoutrements together. Thanks for any info you can share.

                Edward Parrott
                Edward Anthony Parrott


                • #23
                  Re: S Isaac Campbell Knapsack Reproductions

                  Several years ago, I had the opportunity to purchase a used Isaac & Campbell Knapsack from a gentleman in the Southern Guard. I believe his first name was Sam, not sure of his last name. Anyway, he said that the knapsack was one of the first ones produced by a vendor that first started making them many, many years back. It is a first rate knapsack and as I can recall, many people were lined up to get the it; I was the lucky purchaser. I was just wondering if anyone who remembers that thread and if they may know who that vendor might have been, since I can't remember who it was. Thanks for the help.

                  I was able to Purchase the knapsack from Sam Cathey: Thanks Huck for Sam's last name!
                  Last edited by rmassella; 12-28-2007, 10:01 PM.
                  [FONT="Times New Roman"]Robert Masella
                  Wheeling Fencibles
                  Pridgeon's Shenandoah Legion
                  Southern Division

                  "Quem Deus vult perdere, prius dementat" (The one whom God wants to destroy, he first makes mad): Col. S. Crutchfield, (Jackson's Chief of Artillery)[/FONT]


                  • #24
                    Re: S Isaac Campbell Knapsack Reproductions

                    Well folks,

                    I've watched this thread and have been very interested at the responses. I guess the bottom line is that there are a few vendors producing packs with varying degrees of quality. I'd like to encourage folks to do their research thoroughly on these packs through sharing info with others, viewing originals, posting pics of reproductions vs. originals, etc. I really wish more folks would get interested in producing some of these items in exacting quality; the information is certainly available. I know I'd be willing to post studies of at least one of such articles. Anyway, take this as encouragement to get out there and find where the originals are, etc. I know of at least 3-5.

                    As Dave mentioned, the McRae Papers are slowly changing the way we look at Confederate finance, supply and their impact on the average soldier.


                    Neill Rose
                    Last edited by Iron Scout; 12-28-2007, 07:12 PM.


                    • #25
                      Re: S Isaac Campbell Knapsack Reproductions

                      Neil makes some good points. As to the originals:

                      1. Stone Mountain, GA, or at least there used to be one there.
                      2. Atlanta History Center.

                      Where are some others? Also Mess kits or meat canteens. The Chattanooga Regional History Museum has one IDed to a soldier in the 26th TN.

                      Lee White
                      Researcher and Historian
                      "Delenda Est Carthago"
                      "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings, Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!"



                      • #26
                        Re: S Isaac Campbell Knapsack Reproductions


                        Here's mine:
                        1) Overton knapsack-MOC (buff straps)
                        2) Dugan knapsack-SCCRR&M (I&C marked)
                        3) No ID-knapsack-Augusta History Museum (currently on display)
                        4) & 5) Private Collections-Columbia, SC

                        2 Mess Tins-one at the SCCRR&M and the other at the UDC Museum in Chaleston, SC.

                        Neill Rose


                        • #27
                          Re: S Isaac Campbell Knapsack Reproductions

                          Here's a decent photo of the one in the Augusta Museum. This and the one at the Atlanta History Center are the two that I am familiar with and compare favorably (at least macroscopically) to my MO B&S Knapsack.
                          Garrett W. Silliman

                          [I]Don't Float the Mainstream[/I]
                          [SIZE="1"]-Sweetwater Brewing Company, Atlanta, GA[/SIZE]


                          • #28
                            Re: S Isaac Campbell Knapsack Reproductions


                            There is another one on display at the Wisconsin Veteran's Museum that I saw earlier this year during a research trip. Unfortunately, since it was on display, I was unable to examine it closely.

                            The really interesting thing is that it was coupled with a full set of accouterments that included a waistbelt with a Louisiana buckle and one of those "CS" embossed canteens with alleged origins to LA. I may be mistaken but I want to say that the entire set was captured by a Wisconsin soldier serving in the west.
                            Brian White
                            [URL=""]Wambaugh, White, & Co.[/URL]


                            • #29
                              Re: S Isaac Campbell Knapsack Reproductions

                              Jarnagin sells the only British mess tin that I would purchase. I have handled the original it was patterned of (in Lon Webster's collection) as well as the first one off of the production line. I have side by side shots of them somewhere on this computer or on a CD somewhere. If I find them, I will post them.
                              Cody Mobley

                              Texas Ground Hornets
                              Texas State Troops

                              [HOUSTON] TRI-WEEKLY TELEGRAPH, October 28, 1863,


                              All ladies in Houston and surrounding counties who have cloth on hand, which they can spare, are requested to donate it to the ladies of Crockett for the purpose of making petticoats for the Minute Men of this county, who have "backed out" of the service. We think the petticoat more suitable for them in these times.


                              • #30
                                Re: S Isaac Campbell Knapsack Reproductions


                                I looked on their site but could not find it. Any ideas? has it not been put out yet?

                                Chris Reed

