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North Carolina Haversack

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  • North Carolina Haversack

    After much searching on this forum, the internet and books, I have come up with a dry hole on finding information on North Carolina Haversacks. I know North Carolina developed most of its equipment for its troops, which there is quite abit of infromation on. My question is what did their state issued haversacks look like, or did they rely on countless contractors to produce their haversacks? If someone could direct me to a source of this information that would be great.
    Don Woods
    Member ABT

  • #2
    Re: North Carolina Haversack

    Don, what does Donnie Taylor and Lynn Bull have to say about this? Will Gorgas might be able to she some light on it as well and with a 27 NC association.

    Ray Bass is a good source locally as well. He delved into this topic at great length in the mid '80's
    B. G. Beall (Long Gone)


    • #3
      Re: North Carolina Haversack

      You may also want to contact Susan Wiles as she made my haversack and from what I understand has done some research on the subject as well.
      Andrew Turner
      Co.D 27th NCT
      Liberty Rifles

      "Well, by God, I’ll take my men in and if they outflank me I’ll face my men about and cut my way out. Forward, men!” Gen. John R. Cooke at Bristoe Station,VA

