Originally posted in an older thread
As a derivation of the* manuals', or not, the position of reverse arms can be construed as less than honorific in specific instances. (**Drummed from Service)
I have not yet found that detail in the "OD's" of the time.
Most, if not all, (** Drummed from Service ), were done so without benefit of blouse or other "coat" ( Rank?)
Again , I have no reference to inclusively specifying regulations.
( 1 ) Citations, references, or suggested reading to the implied questions above?
Desertion, rejoining a regiment ,or another, parole , galvanizing, are obscure but relatively well-documented.
( 2 ) What was the fate , immediately , or subsequently , of a soldier drummed out of service in "enemy" territory?
"There are no stupid questions..... Only stupid answers "
Kevin Ellis,
26th NC
As a derivation of the* manuals', or not, the position of reverse arms can be construed as less than honorific in specific instances. (**Drummed from Service)
I have not yet found that detail in the "OD's" of the time.
Most, if not all, (** Drummed from Service ), were done so without benefit of blouse or other "coat" ( Rank?)
Again , I have no reference to inclusively specifying regulations.
( 1 ) Citations, references, or suggested reading to the implied questions above?
Desertion, rejoining a regiment ,or another, parole , galvanizing, are obscure but relatively well-documented.
( 2 ) What was the fate , immediately , or subsequently , of a soldier drummed out of service in "enemy" territory?
"There are no stupid questions..... Only stupid answers "
Kevin Ellis,
26th NC