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Good books on shermans campaign in North Carolina

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  • Good books on shermans campaign in North Carolina


    I am looking for some good books for an up coming event that is in the Charlotte area of North Carolina and will be dealing with Sherman's March circa 1865 March time frame. Any help would be most appreciated.
    Last edited by creed1939; 03-26-2008, 04:57 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Good books on shermans campaign in North Carolina

    I would recommend if you can find a copy of Theodore Upson’s “With Sherman to the Sea”, which is out of print and usually pricey if you do find a copy, you may want to try through library loan but it's worth it, one of my favorite first hand accounts from the war. Two other good books on Sherman's troops, if you like first and accounts, are Rice Bull’s “soldiering” and Robert Strong’s “A Yankee Private's Civil War" which is also out of print. Those three books are classic Bummer volumes and should get you started. Maybe some others can recommend some books other then first hand accounts but these are the three that jump to mind right away.

    Kind Regards,
    -Seth Harr

    Liberty Rifles
    93rd New York Coffee Cooler
    "One of the questions that troubled me was whether I would ever be able to eat hardtack again. I knew the chances were against me. If I could not I was just as good as out of the service"[/I]
    [B]-Robert S. Camberlain, 64th Ohio Veteran Volunteer Infantry[/B]


    • #3
      Re: Good books on shermans campaign in North Carolina

      Glathaar's March to the Sea and Beyond and Barrett's Sherman's March through the Carolinas are both excellent secondary resources that subscribe to the B.I. Wiley school of CW history and rely heavily on private soldier's letters/diaries. The Road to Bennett Place is another good one. While at the library don't forget to check out I.Vol 47 pt.1-3 of the ORs - this is the volume that deals with the Carolinas Campaign. Good luck,
      Garrett W. Silliman

      [I]Don't Float the Mainstream[/I]
      [SIZE="1"]-Sweetwater Brewing Company, Atlanta, GA[/SIZE]


      • #4
        Re: Good books on shermans campaign in North Carolina


        You might also want to take a look at:

        Sherman: fighting Prophet by Lloyd Lewis

        Sherman's March by Burke Davis

        Last Stand in the Carolinas: the Battle of Bentonville by Mark Bradley

        The Civil War in North Carolina by John Barrett

        Just some suggestions.

        Steve LaBarre
        CornFed Comrades

