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1861 Illinois volunteer impression

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  • #16
    Re: 1861 Illinois volunteer impression

    Sounds really interesting, but I fear that I am too far away ;)

    Are there any pictures of these early-war soldiers?
    Bene von Bremen

    German Mess

    "I had not previously known one could get on, even in this unsatisfactory fashion, with so little brain."
    Ambrose Bierce "What I Saw of Shiloh"


    • #17
      Re: 1861 Illinois volunteer impression


      Well, thankfully there are airplanes to transport you from there to here. And, what would a 9th Illinois impression be without some "Dutchmen?"

      Yes, there are some photos of these early war Illinois volunteers, albeit only a few. Just decide what event you would like to come over for and play for it.

      Nic Clark
      2017 - 24 years in the hobby
      Proud co-founder of the Butcherknife Roughnecks


      • #18
        Re: 1861 Illinois volunteer impression

        It sounds cool from a material impression standpoint and I like the possible focus it might bring. My only concern would be about folks 'makin' their own garments. Getting through a County Cloth kit with relative adequacy and constructing a realistic facsimile of a garment that doesn't exist, requires some knowledge of how that sort of garment might be constructed.

        The idea of a highly specialized impression is appealing. That said, I've broken my ass meeting guidelines 100% only to be the only one at the event who met over 50% of them. I'd hate to be involved with something as costly in time & material and have the same result.

        Anyway, count me in as an interested/ somewhat committed 'recruit'.

        R. Pierson


        • #19
          Re: 1861 Illinois volunteer impression

          I'm always interested in impressions that were historically close to home.
          Michael Comer
          one of the moderator guys


          • #20
            Re: 1861 Illinois volunteer impression

            Originally posted by Iceman View Post
            Well, thankfully there are airplanes to transport you from there to here. And, what would a 9th Illinois impression be without some "Dutchmen?"
            So true. Just joined the social group and will keep following how everything unfolds.
            Bene von Bremen

            German Mess

            "I had not previously known one could get on, even in this unsatisfactory fashion, with so little brain."
            Ambrose Bierce "What I Saw of Shiloh"


            • #21
              Re: 1861 Illinois volunteer impression


              You're preaching to the choir on following 100% of the guidelines only to be let down when you get out to the event and see that you're the only one who cared to do it up right. No worries with this group. I'll send you an invite to the social group on here and you can keep up to speed on the custom uniforms, guidelines, etc.
              Nic Clark
              2017 - 24 years in the hobby
              Proud co-founder of the Butcherknife Roughnecks


              • #22
                Re: 1861 Illinois volunteer impression

                Alright guys, we've now crossed over 400 people who are at least intersted enough in this topic/impression to take a look at the discussion that is being said about it. If a 1/4 of you guys would come on board we could have an outstanding company for 2011 - 2012.

                Gov. Yates needs you! "Come in out of the cold and avoid the draft!" Enlist today!
                Nic Clark
                2017 - 24 years in the hobby
                Proud co-founder of the Butcherknife Roughnecks


                • #23
                  Re: 1861 Illinois volunteer impression

                  This discussion may also prove helpful on this topic:

                  Jim Butler
                  Jim Butler


                  • #24
                    Re: 1861 Illinois volunteer impression

                    I don't have the money to start over with a new impression. I like reading what you all have to say.
                    Nathan Hellwig
                    AKA Harrison "Holler" Holloway
                    "It was the Union armies west of the Appalachians that struck the death knell of the Confederacy." Leslie Anders ,Preface, The Twenty-First Missouri


                    • #25
                      Re: 1861 Illinois volunteer impression


                      We all know that deep down you wish you was a sucker instead of a Hawkeye. :tounge_sm

                      Rod Miller
                      [COLOR=SlateGray]Old Pards[/COLOR]
                      [COLOR=DarkRed]Cornfed Comrades[/COLOR]
                      [COLOR=Navy]Old Northwest Volunteers[/COLOR]

                      [FONT=Palatino Linotype]"We trust, Sir, that God is on our side." "It is more important to know that we are on God's side."
                      A. Lincoln[/FONT]

                      150th Anniversary
                      1861 Camp Jackson-Sgt. German Milita US
                      1st Manassas- Chaplain T. Witherspoon, 2nd Miss. Inf. CS
                      1862 Shiloh -Lt. ,6th Miss. Inf. CS
                      1863 VicksburgLH-Captain Cephas Williams, 113th Co.B US
                      Gettysburg BGA- Chaplain WilliamWay, 24th MI US
                      1864 Charleston Riot-Judge Charles Constable "Copperhead".
                      Bermuda Hundred Campaign-USCC Field Agent J.R. Miller


                      • #26
                        Re: 1861 Illinois volunteer impression

                        I like the idea. Just don't have the funds to start over.

                        Rod, I can portray a sucker just as well as a Hawkeye. But I prefer Hawkeye.
                        Nathan Hellwig
                        AKA Harrison "Holler" Holloway
                        "It was the Union armies west of the Appalachians that struck the death knell of the Confederacy." Leslie Anders ,Preface, The Twenty-First Missouri


                        • #27
                          Re: 1861 Illinois volunteer impression

                          530 interested people and counting. Come on all you Suckers and those who would like to be. If you're serious about liking this concept and want to be in on the discussion, drop me a line and let me know that you would like to be added to our social group, called 90 Day Suckers.

                          For those of you that are riding the fence, right now on our social board we're discussing the details of civilian impressions, for the sake of those first few months as volunteers without uniforms. Other topics of discussion are the Illinois Brigade uniform and possible events for the 2011 - 2012 season.

                          Come out of the cold and avoid the draft! Enlist today.
                          Nic Clark
                          2017 - 24 years in the hobby
                          Proud co-founder of the Butcherknife Roughnecks


                          • #28
                            Re: 1861 Illinois volunteer impression

                            Originally posted by Rmhisteach View Post
                            We all know that deep down you wish you was a sucker instead of a Hawkeye. :tounge_sm
                            Yer all a bunch of Hoosier-wannabe's!!!
                            John Wickett
                            Former Carpetbagger
                            Administrator (We got rules here! Be Nice - Sign Your Name - No Farbisms)


                            • #29
                              12th Illinois

                              12th Ill. Inf.
                              REMINISCENCES OF A SURGEON.
                              HORACE WARDNER.

                              [Read April 12, 1894.]

                              While at Cairo our men were “spoiling for a fight.” To relieve the monotony of camp life, the officers got up a sham battle between the two wings of the regiment. The right was commanded by Colonel McArthur and the left by Captain A. C. Ducat. After maneuvering a while for position, the battle began with blank cartridges; but as the lines approached each other the men became so excited that it resulted in a hand-to-hand fight, in spite of the efforts of the officers to prevent it. Many heads were hurt, and numerous other casualties were reported. The number of men unable for duty the next day alarmed the officers commanding the opposing forces. They requested me to report an epidemic of measles, diarrhea, or anything to prevent an investigation. The matter was smoothed over so that nothing was said about it outside of the regiment. The ground over which the battle took place had a heavy growth of stramonium or Jamestown weed. The odor of this weed was not agreeable, and the occurrence has since been known by those who participated in it as the “Battle of Stink-weed Valley.”

                              Wardner, Horace. “Reminiscences of a Surgeon.” In Military Essays and Recollections: Papers Read Before the Commandery of the State of illinois, Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, Vol. 3, pp. 173—91. Chicago: Dial Press, 1899.
                              John Pillers
                              Looking for images/accounts of 7th through 12th Ill. Inf. regiments from April 1861 - April 1862

                              'We're putting the band back together'


                              • #30
                                Re: 1861 Illinois volunteer impression


                                Sounds like you just put an even on the 2011 Calander for us 90 Day Suckers, down in Cairo. The Battle of Stinkweed Valley!

                                Come on all you Suckers, both real and wunna-be's, join up with one of (if not the most) coolest ideas and impressions this hobby will produce in a long time. Contact me to be a part of the social board for this conceptual organization (which is become more solidified each day).
                                Nic Clark
                                2017 - 24 years in the hobby
                                Proud co-founder of the Butcherknife Roughnecks

