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looking for unit in arizona

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  • looking for unit in arizona

    I am looking for a unit to join in Arizona. I have no reenacting experience but know I want to get into a good unit who cares about the history of the civil war. I have found units out here but they seem like they are more interested in dressing up and going camping then actually living the life of a civil war soldier. Some background information on me is that I have been a member here for about a year, I am a History Major at Arizona State University, I am a civil war enthusiast and have been since I was a 8 years old and I do have a job which would help me purchase the needed items. I do have some items already because I found them on a bargain, all of which are either authentic reproduction of approved venders from this cite or other known venders of authenticity or have been doctored up from my own personal hand stitching. Some things I hope to gain from reenacting is a better understanding of what the common soldier went through during the civil war. I really enjoy personal accounts from the civil war such as "Company Ache" and "Under the Southern Cross". I have no particular specification as far as confederate or union but would like to do both if possible. If anyone is interested in taking me under their wing or have any contact information to a unit or someone in my area that accurately portrays a soldier from the civil war please contact me at or on here.

    your obedient servant,

    Bryce Fagin

  • #2
    Re: looking for unit in arizona

    Bryce, meet Troy :

    Troy, meet Bryce.
    Silas Tackitt,
    one of the moderators.

    Click here for a link to forum rules - or don't at your own peril.


    • #3
      Re: looking for unit in arizona

      there is not a lot happening in AZ these days with reenacting, even the few mainstream units are pretty inactive. I mostly do living history at museums and historic sites. Occasionally, I manage to get out to a decent campaign event out of state.
      Troy Groves "AZReenactor"
      1st California Infantry Volunteers, Co. C

      So, you think that scrap in the East is rough, do you?
      Ever consider what it means to be captured by Apaches?


      • #4
        Re: looking for unit in arizona

        Well, I'm in Oklahoma, a little bit away, but we do a lot of national events and fall in with the Army of the Pacific guys from California. Dom Dal Bello, Heath Hammond and crew are all great guys and if nothing in AZ maybe they may have something you could travel to in CA. I know at Gburg some of the guys were telling me about recreating the march of the California column along the original route.
        Frank Siltman
        24th Mo Vol Inf
        Cannoneer, US Army FA Museum Gun Crew
        Member, Oklahoma Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission
        Company of Military Historians
        Lawton/Fort Sill, OK

        Pacifism is a shifty doctrine under which a man accepts the benefits of the social group without being willing to pay -- and claims a halo for his dishonesty.— Robert A. Heinlein


        • #5
          Re: looking for unit in arizona

          I'm in the same situation as the OP, that is in Arizona and looking, so would be interested in any responces to this thread.
          Don Smith
          Arizona Territory


          • #6
            Re: looking for unit in arizona

            Here are a few links for Southern California, might be worth looking into...

            Learn more about the world of gambling

            Hope you find something...
            [B][I]W.J. McRobbie
            -Perfection Lodge No.75 - A.F.& A.M-
            -Civil War Lodge of Research No.1865 - Grand Lodge of Virginia -
            -U.S.S. Tahoma Marine Guard-
            -Washington Civil War Association- (WCWA)
            -Idaho Rifles- "I've seen God's country...And its Idaho!!!"[/I][/B]


            • #7
              Re: looking for unit in arizona

              I've been in AZ for about a year and there isn't much that I've been able to find. I'm totally willing to lay down my sharps and buy a 1861 to "go blue". West coast events may be in unless you really want to take a drive.

              Respectfully submitted,
              Jeremiah Boring
              Co. B, 1st USSS


              • #8
                Re: looking for unit in arizona

                I live in the Phoenix area. I started re-enacting with a main stream group here in 1986. After years of gaining knowledge about drill and uniforms a group of us within the main stream unit knew there was a more authentic approach to what we were doing. Many of us broke away from the mainstreamers and formed the 1st Arkansas Volunteers. About 20 of us kept up the good fight for a few years educating ourselves and the public on authenticity. I was the commanding office of the 1st. Over time our ranks were depleted due to marriages, moving away, boredom with the hobby etc. Over time I wanted to step down from the officer position but no one wanted to take the sword and carry on. The unit died. I fell in with another group of like minded individuals (Don Smith of Transmississppi Depot was a member) but due to my other commitments I was not able to keep up with their events. I had to drop out. As mentioned in the previous postings it's tough here in Arizona. The main stream group is still active but they are not interested in authenticity. "We've always done it this way so why change" is their battle cry. The best unit currently in Az. in my opinion is the 1st New Mexico. Andy Garcia is the captain.

                Steve Davis
                former Captain, 1st Arkansas Volunteer Infantry
                Steve Davis

