To all that espouse a passion for authentically-minded living history...
The Salt River Rifles is a living history group of dedicated historians mostly in the deep Southeast US that is an affiliated member mess of the Southeastern Coalition of Authentic Reenactors (SCAR).
We strive to portray the common American soldier of the mid-19th Century, both North South, and build impressions based upon research all classes and members of American society involved in the American Civil War. Our members are serious students of the American Civil War and strive for authenticity in all we do.
We primarily have members in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Florida (and 1 in Australia). We are an apolitical group and eschew hobby politics.
SRR Mess Captain is Johnny Lloyd (FB name: Jay Llo) and can be reached on Facebook or email
Phone/Text#: +1 443-995-2079
Facebook page link:
The Salt River Rifles is a living history group of dedicated historians mostly in the deep Southeast US that is an affiliated member mess of the Southeastern Coalition of Authentic Reenactors (SCAR).
We strive to portray the common American soldier of the mid-19th Century, both North South, and build impressions based upon research all classes and members of American society involved in the American Civil War. Our members are serious students of the American Civil War and strive for authenticity in all we do.
We primarily have members in Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Florida (and 1 in Australia). We are an apolitical group and eschew hobby politics.
SRR Mess Captain is Johnny Lloyd (FB name: Jay Llo) and can be reached on Facebook or email
Phone/Text#: +1 443-995-2079
Facebook page link: