Since I haven't done so yet, I thought I would post our information here-
The Chesapeake Volunteer Guard is a dual impression Civil War reenacting battalion, portraying both sides with equal accuracy.
The Chesapeake Volunteer Guard (CVG) exists to learn more about and pay honor to the brave citizen soldiers of the American Civil War. We believe that the best way to do this is to accurately emulate them both with our equipment and by our actions. We are founded on the belief that to be a true historian we must approach our history in an unbiased manner. This organization is strictly military in nature and will provide its membership with a variety of events to satisfy their needs.
Order of Battle
S. Chris Anders, Command'g
Andrew Dangel, Adjutant
Matthew Maclaughlin, QuarterMaster
Rob Stevenson, Sgt Major
Company Commanders:
Captain John Wyman, Company A
Captain Mike Hendricks, Company B
Captain Sean Stevenson, Company C
Ambulance Corps:
John Novicki
For our Bylaws, SOP's and Contact information, please go to
Since I haven't done so yet, I thought I would post our information here-
The Chesapeake Volunteer Guard is a dual impression Civil War reenacting battalion, portraying both sides with equal accuracy.
The Chesapeake Volunteer Guard (CVG) exists to learn more about and pay honor to the brave citizen soldiers of the American Civil War. We believe that the best way to do this is to accurately emulate them both with our equipment and by our actions. We are founded on the belief that to be a true historian we must approach our history in an unbiased manner. This organization is strictly military in nature and will provide its membership with a variety of events to satisfy their needs.
Order of Battle
S. Chris Anders, Command'g
Andrew Dangel, Adjutant
Matthew Maclaughlin, QuarterMaster
Rob Stevenson, Sgt Major
Company Commanders:
Captain John Wyman, Company A
Captain Mike Hendricks, Company B
Captain Sean Stevenson, Company C
Ambulance Corps:
John Novicki
For our Bylaws, SOP's and Contact information, please go to