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First Virginia Cavalry

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  • First Virginia Cavalry

    Might be portraying a member of the 1st Virginia Cavalry at a living history who right after the battle of First Manasas was promoted from Lieutenat to Assistant Surgeon. Since he would have had no time to change uniforms, I need to find trhe uniform worn by Company F, 1st Virginia Cavalry.

    Any suggestions?

    My searches are coming up empty...
    Harry Aycock

    Chief Surgeon
    Southern Division

  • #2
    Re: First Virginia Cavalry

    I am in the 1st VA Cavalry Company D. The 1st wore cadet gray jackets with black lines across the front. They also wore black plumes in their hats.
    I will further this when I return from school, and perhaps give you some links.
    Cpl. Ryan Halsey
    Wampus Cats Mess
    Mossy Creek Mess-SCAR
    Breckinridge Greys
    Liberty Rifles


    • #3
      Re: First Virginia Cavalry

      Dear Sir,
      Arthur Waud sketched the 1st Virginia at rest during the Maryland campaign wearing their short jackets with black hussar bars across the front of them, large "plantation hats with cords and plumes, smoking pipes . The officer wears a frock coat with hussar bars. See also page 54 of "Echoes of Glory Arms and Equipment of the Confederacy" to see the jacket with hussar bars and the troooper wearing a kepi. On page 167 the is a photograph of a slouch hat of the 1st as well.
      all for the old flag,
      David Corbett
      Dave Corbett


      • #4
        Re: First Virginia Cavalry


        This drawing is from Harpers Weekly of the 1st VA in Sharpsburg ca. 1862. You can see the Hussar bars on the shell jacket.

        Our (Company H) jacket pattern follows the Richmond Depot Type I shell jacket design, with black sleeve trim ( square, not peaked ), black shoulder epaulets, black stand up collar and two belt loops on the back.

        I don't have my Regimental History with me as I am on travel so I can't tell you if F Company had anything unusual.

        Keep in mind that all of the companies of the 1st VA were Militia (most from the valley) and had formed at the company level before the war began. VA Buttons and Buckles were the norm. After 1st Manassas, I would expect that you are still attired to the nines.
        Mike Schramm

        Just another FARB trying to get better.


        • #5
          Re: First Virginia Cavalry

          Thanks so much for the replies.

          I had seen these uniforms, but was curious when the uniforms you describe were adopted. I have seen some references to some companies of the regiment wearing the Virginia regulation militia uniform with blue coats very early in the war.

          And since I am portraying July 1861, I want to portray whatever early war references I can find.

          Thanks again for your help and I'll check EOG when I get home!
          Harry Aycock

          Chief Surgeon
          Southern Division


          • #6
            Re: First Virginia Cavalry

            You may also want to get a hold of the regimental series that are those little grey books on different regiments from the war. The 1st VA one is written by Donald Driver, I think it is Donald, I know his last name is Driver. Anyway, in the back there are several pictures of men who served in the 1st. It could give a picture of the variety of uniforms they wore. With the exception of the picture in EOG, I can't think of another picture of a guy in the 1st VA with that unique uniform. They certainly wore them, but how many would be the other question.
            Rob Bruno
            1st MD Cav
            Rob Bruno
            1st MD Cav


            • #7
              Re: First Virginia Cavalry

              Originally posted by Ryan Halsey View Post
              I am in the 1st VA Cavalry Company D. The 1st wore cadet gray jackets with black lines across the front. They also wore black plumes in their hats.
              I will further this when I return from school, and perhaps give you some links.

              Dear sirs,
              I beg to differ, the illustrated uniform with the black facing apparently are attributed to only one company! I do not remember which company though. The illustrious Nick Nichols had done all the research to confirm this. Even Mosby or was it Blackford, talked about the plain drab uniforms out of penitentiary cloth of his company, co. D- Grumble Jones- Capt.. I would guess a perusal of 1st Va, images will show very few if any jackets with facings black facings. Plumes, well maybe for some at this early part of the war. What is cadet gray? That term seems to be thrown about way easily and mean many different things to many people. I would suggest a commutation Jacket out of broadcloth with a blue/gray tint and Virginia buttons(though the ones sold by most sutlers is a post war button), a veg. dyed jeancloth jacket , OR the dark blue uniform of the Virginia Militia. could have been, and was probably, many different uniforms bvetween companies.

              sincerely, Todd Kern
              Last edited by T.Kern; 01-22-2009, 03:34 PM.
              Todd Kern


              • #8
                Re: First Virginia Cavalry


                I have a copy of the Virginia Militia Law of 1850 describing the uniforms. Do you know where I can get a photocopy or scan of the Virginia Militia uniform regulation in effect in 1861?


                Harry Aycock

                Chief Surgeon
                Southern Division


                • #9
                  Re: First Virginia Cavalry

                  I got my start in the 1st's been a while since I pulled out this research...thanks for the drill.....
                  From the book "Grumble: The W. E. Jones Brigade" by Dobbie Lambert. Although there is not date exactly, the previous paragraph dates January 1861, Grumble is discussing the look and nature of his soldiers of the 1st VA...
                  "Ragged, Ragged! it must be smooth. Some of you farmhands haven't got out of the bulrushes!"....."This despite their having no uniforms."
                  Granted Grumble is put in charge of the 1st VA Co. D...however, I doesn't sound like they differ too much here. I'd stay away from the "uniform" look if possible....consider some 1860 farmer's clothing with a military mix....not saying that they definatly wore this...but it sounds like at least while drilling pre-Manasas they had NO Issued uniform.
                  Of course Mosby is a private in this might try looking for some early war images of him BEFORE he achieved officer status....this might reflect the look of a poor private.
                  If I run across any other images (as I know I have some somewhere...) I'll post!
                  In the meantime...hope this helps!
                  Luke Gilly
                  Breckinridge Greys
                  Lodge 661 F&AM

                  "May the grass grow long on the road to hell." --an Irish toast


                  • #10
                    Re: First Virginia Cavalry

                    I went home and checked my 1st VA book that I mentioned yesterday. The author is ROBERT Driver. Sorry for the mistake everyone. Anyway, there are about 20 to 24 picutres in the back and only one has a tooper in a uniform that resembles the uniform being discussed. The variety is very typical of many units. Some in frocks, both single breasted and double and dark I dare say could have been blue, some in battle shirts, some in shells the fit like an issue jacket, to very well fitted shell jackets. I would suggest to keep digging to find out what specific impression you want to do and go from there.
                    Rob Bruno
                    1st MD Cav
                    Rob Bruno
                    1st MD Cav


                    • #11
                      Re: First Virginia Cavalry

                      One thing I think some of you are missing is the OP intends to portray a Lt. that became a Surgeon.

                      Poor Private isn't going to fit the impression he is looking for.

                      I don't have my 1st VA Cav Regimental History in front of me (on travel), but I distinctly remember the Militia Units describing their uniforms matching (and the flair of the uniforms) and the send off they received as they left the valley to march towards Harpers Ferry.
                      Mike Schramm

                      Just another FARB trying to get better.


                      • #12
                        Re: First Virginia Cavalry

                        Originally posted by Mike_Schramm View Post
                        One thing I think some of you are missing is the OP intends to portray a Lt. that became a Surgeon.

                        Poor Private isn't going to fit the impression he is looking for.

                        I don't have my 1st VA Cav Regimental History in front of me (on travel), but I distinctly remember the Militia Units describing their uniforms matching (and the flair of the uniforms) and the send off they received as they left the valley to march towards Harpers Ferry.
                        I agree, a frock would be the best choice for an officer.

                        Todd kern
                        Todd Kern


                        • #13
                          Re: First Virginia Cavalry

                          Originally posted by Mike_Schramm View Post
                          One thing I think some of you are missing is the OP intends to portray a Lt. that became a Surgeon.

                          Poor Private isn't going to fit the impression he is looking for.
                          Then I would recommend you reading "Repairing the March of Mars: The Civil War Diaries fo John Samuel Apperson" by John H. Roper. He works his way up as a Hospital Steward in the Stonewall Brigade. I've spoke with Dr. Roper many times about this book as he was my academic advisor in college. Fantastic for anyone interested in the medical point of view. I don't believe the 1st VA Cav is cited per say...however, the 1st VA brigade (later known as the Stonewall Brigade) definatly is. Again, it's been awhile since I have read this book, however, I believe you will find decent descriptions of folks throughout the book.
                          Luke Gilly
                          Breckinridge Greys
                          Lodge 661 F&AM

                          "May the grass grow long on the road to hell." --an Irish toast


                          • #14
                            Re: First Virginia Cavalry

                            I agree that "Repairing the March of Mars" is a great book. The editor unfortunately really bungled his transcriptions of the prescriptions in the beginning of the book. I wrote to Virginia Tech and got photocopies of those original pages from which I could finally make sense of what was being written. The editor seemed to have difficulty with apothecary symbols and the double "s," for example Blue Mass was transcribed Blue Map. If anyone who has read the book wants a copy of my transcriptions of those prescriptions, send me a PM.

                            But overall, a great read for someone wanting to know what a Confederate Hospital steward in the ANV did during the war.

                            I ordered the Driver book last week and will read through it when it arrives.

                            Thanks again for all your help!
                            Harry Aycock

                            Chief Surgeon
                            Southern Division


                            • #15
                              Re: First Virginia Cavalry

                              Hrm...that's intersting about the sloppy transcriptions....I know some of the original papers weren't in fantastic shape...however, some were preserved really well considering where they were found.

                              I got interested in my old 1st VA days and I pulled up this letter as well:

                              He asks his family for pants that are "lined below" because the wear from the saddle destroys them so quickly.
                              Hope this helps.
                              Luke Gilly
                              Breckinridge Greys
                              Lodge 661 F&AM

                              "May the grass grow long on the road to hell." --an Irish toast

