I'm also wanting to know a little bit more about modern replica bits. My horse is spirited and headstrong and fights the bit. He's soft mouthed and takes direction well under saddle, but if we're just standing there in line waiting, he acts up and fights the bit. I got to tell you, I've pulled so hard I've worn blisters on the underside of my little pinkies. Both of 'em.
I realize I got a discipline problem and I'm working on that, but I'm wanting to ride this good horse in the show, so I'm not going to extinguish that behavior entirely. I want him to fight!
Maybe you all could tell me a little bit about Modern Replica Bits. Which ones are more and which are less authentic and which ones would work better for me or not.
You might as well know, pictures work better for me than words.
Please? :confused_
I realize I got a discipline problem and I'm working on that, but I'm wanting to ride this good horse in the show, so I'm not going to extinguish that behavior entirely. I want him to fight!
Maybe you all could tell me a little bit about Modern Replica Bits. Which ones are more and which are less authentic and which ones would work better for me or not.
You might as well know, pictures work better for me than words.
Please? :confused_