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"in the shadow of Forrest's Escort.............."

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  • "in the shadow of Forrest's Escort.............."

    Hello gentlemen of the mounted persuasion,

    I hope that you will indulge me for just a moment, while I share with you a fine experience that was had this past Saturday, here in middle Tennessee. Our unit, the 7th TN. Cavalry, Co. D., has been making a concerted effort over the past few years, of trying to follow the path that the survivors of Forrest's Escort blazed with their reunion meetings in years subsequent to the war. This year, we were fortunate to meet at the Belle Meade Plantation in Nashville, TN. As many of you know, Belle Meade was the huge plantation home of Gen. William G. Harding, who was the father of Selene Harding, the future bride of General William H. “Red” Jackson, who was under Forrest's command. On October 16th, 1896, the men of Forrest's Escort met at the mansion and the meeting was opened by Gen. Jackson. It is recorded that next, Rev. D. C. Kelley, worded a beautiful, yet sad prayer. Comments were then made by Lt George Cowan and the minutes were read by Capt. John Morton.
    Dr. J. B. Cowan then read to the men the words of Forrest's Farewell address, which was first given on May 9, 1865, in Gainesville, AL. Those of you who study the western theatre of the war and cavalry in particular, will recognize these pillars of the Confederate cause.

    One hundred and fifteen years later, on this past Saturday's sunny afternoon, the significance of this history was not lost on the forty (40) plus troopers that we had in attendance and more than a few moist eyes were seen when our own Capt. Ronnie Fullwood called the meeting to order which was followed by Tpr. Kenneth Mansell's prayer offered up to the Almighty in the fashion of Rev. D. C. Kelley. Then, Ken Knopp lead us all in a stirring reading of the same farewell address that Dr. Cowan had read to the members of the Escort so many years earlier. It was a proud yet humbling moment for us all and it actually fueled the meeting making it one of the best that I can remember.

    We were able to take care of our unit business both new and old and then voted in a great schedule for 2011 which will include such things as the Camp of Instruction, the 150th 1st Manassas, living histories at Shiloh and the Forrest Home and Perilous Times in South Union, KY., just to mention a few. Several of you have asked me for copies of our schedule and I would be happy to send one if you will send me a p.m or email me at .

    In closing, I appreciate your patience as I described the significance of this meeting and I certainly hope to see many of you at our COI at the Carnton Plantation in Franklin, KY., in March.


    J. Mark Choate
    7th TN. Cavalry, Co. D.

    "Let history dictate our impressions.......not the other way around!"

  • #2
    Re: "in the shadow of Forrest's Escort.............."

    Kinda raised the hair on the back of your neck huh?
    Cpl. Joseph Lambert
    7th TN Co.D

