Pards, webfoot with a probably-dumb question here. My outfit's impression is that of a company in a line infantry regiment that was transferred to Forrest's command in early '64 as mounted infantry. And when I joined, like a lot of newbies with just enough WBTS knowledge to be dangerous, when I was given the history of the outfit and the magical name of 'Forrest' was spoken, I responded like Homer Simpson when he says 'chocolate....', y'know? "For-rest....." with that glazed look. And so I just accepted that the outfit became mounted infantry in his command and that was that. But really, I've never really gotten a good explanation of what that meant, and what the differences between cav and mounted infantry were. Apparently there weren't many mounted infantry outfits. What was the advantage to them? Just because they carried infantry muskets in addition to revolvers? Were they something like dragoons? Obviously there was an increase in mobility, but their 'punch' couldn't have been much harder than a regular cav outfit. I can see the advantage in the Lightning Brigade, where the men carried those nasty Spencers, but the advantage wouldn't have been present for a Confederate outfit, with just regular rifles/muskets. Sure, in addition to revolvers, but the increase in firepower would, at least it seems, have been nominal at best. I suppose there's a range advantage in a rifle over a pistol or carbine... I guess I'm just asking why Mounted Infantry weren't just made into Cavalry, in the case of the Confederates, and since they apparently weren't, why, and what were the differences in how they were used tactically. Sorry for the long convoluted post... just something I've always wondered.
