On Mr. Knopp's site, under the photos of mounted confederates, there are two photos I would like information on. Perhaps some of you know, so that I needn't bother Ken directly. Private Willis of a Ga. unit sits astride a skirtless Texas saddle. So states the description. My question concerns troopers Secrest and Bowman. The descriptions for those two states that they are sitting quarter rigged Texas saddles. No mention of skirts is made one way or the other. Do any of you have an opinion on the presence of skirts on either Bowman's saddle, or Secrest's? I read many references to abbreviated skirts, but not many to skirtless entirely. Is it appropriate to construct my Texas saddle without skirts entirely? Will such a decision relegate that saddle to mid/late war impressions exclusively? If my frequent queries on the Texas saddle grow tiresome, I offer my sincerest apologies. Money being as scarce as it is for me, and given the need for a custom tree to fit my horse, I can afford but one try at this thing. My only desire is to get it right.
God bless,
Greg Tucker
God bless,
Greg Tucker