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Sack Coat or MSJ

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  • Sack Coat or MSJ

    I'll be the first to admit that my research is very limited into common federal uniforms and equipage. So here's my first question... which is more appropriate in a western Federal cavalry impression, a mounted services jacket or a common Federal blouse (sack coat)? I'm not trying to start a flame war, merely trying to learn a little more about that "other" impression.
    Larry Morgan
    Buttermilk Rangers

  • #2
    I’m going to guess a sack coat but I’ve seen MSJs in use in that theatre so I would say both for anything across the Mississippi I would say the sack predominates and the sack is just as important a piece of gear to a cavalrymen as an MSJ but there are multiple pictures out there of men in just fatigue blouses as cavalry
    Christian Roberts


    • #3
      That’s not saying MSJs didn’t exist there’s pictures of men from Indiana with shortened collared MSJs
      multiple images of men in unpiped MSJs
      Christian Roberts


      • #4
        The person I would ask about this is Steven dacus
        or one of the first Maine guys

        heres some photos some are in the west others in the east I’ll let you guess which ones

        chris Roberts
        Christian Roberts

