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Rate of Fire

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  • #16
    Re: Rate of Fire

    Originally posted by NCSoldier View Post
    With that being said, does skipping just one sponging in the firing sequence run the crew any more risk of the charge going off prematurely?
    Our units' take on it is that we don't skip. We do both a wet sponge and a dry sponge for the reason that we are not in actual combat so do not need to trade rate of fire for assurance of safety.

    I've seen other crews, particularly the less formal reb mountain howitzer crews, skip a step when they feel like it. Since their drill passed inspection at beginning of event they must know all the steps, but don't always maintain the discipline. Still, I've never seen anyone hurt by skipping a wet or a dry sponge, or for that matter exposing their upper body to the line of fire from the muzzle while they sponge - something we monitor rigorously.

    As to the cited example of blocking the wheels to avoid having to roll-up after each shot, apparently those clever lads weren't concerned that their carriages would need to last beyond the campaign. Their practice risked the integrity of the gun carriage. Iron fittings and hardwood crack after repeated slams. A Justifiable risk given the effectiveness of their method on the enemy. The gov't can make more carriages.

    Dan Wykes
    Last edited by Danny; 12-31-2009, 04:52 PM.
    Danny Wykes


    • #17
      Re: Rate of Fire


      Which book title contains the quote?
      From Rapidan to Richmond
      by William L Greenleaf (MOLLUS)
      From the Rapidan to Richmond and the Spottsylvania campaign
      by William Meade Dame

      Any other details of the unit describing the "chocking"?

      Mike Rupert


      • #18
        Re: Rate of Fire

        The quote about chocking the wheels comes from William Dame of the Richmond Howitzers. It's part of his description of Spotsylvania Court House.

        Here's another great passage from the same book regarding rate of fire:

        We sent two or three canisters tearing through their ranks, the Texans were blazing away, but they had got too close to be stopped. The next instant, they surged over our works like a great blue wave and were inside. So sudden was the surprise that they bayoneted two of the Texan infantry, asleep up the ground. Soon as they got over they turned and began to sweep down the works on the inside, upon our guns. As the Texans forced to retire streamed past our guns,leaving us all alone and unsupported to face the enemy. We turned the guns round so as to command the approaching enemy, and chocked them with rails; several men snatched up the pile of ammunition and piled it down before the guns in their new place and we opened with double canister.

        If ever two guns were worked for all they were worth, those were! I don’t believe any two guns, in the same time ever fired as many shots as those two Napoleons did. We kept them just spouting canister! Several times three canisters were fired. Billy White, No. 2 had only to reach down for them, and he would have loaded the guns to the muzzle if No. 1 had given him time. The gun got so hot that once in jumping in to put in the friction primer, the back of my left hand touched it and the skin was nearly taken off. The sponge was entirely worn off the rammer, so No. 1 stopped sponging out the gun and only rammed shot home. We fired so fast that the powder did not have time to ignite in the gun. No. 4 could hardly get the primer in before the gun was loaded and ready to fire again. So it went on and the bullets sounded like bees buzzing above our heads.

        In this mass our canister was doing deadly work, cutting lanes in every direction. Still on they came, getting slower in their advance as the canister constantly swept away the foremost men. The men in front began to flinch, they were within thirty yards of us, firing wildly now. One good rush and their bayonets would have silenced our guns! But they could not face that hail of death any longer; they could not make that rush. they began to give back from our muzzles.


        • #19
          Re: Rate of Fire

          Thank you ktfrench for answering Mike's question and posting the addition part from the book.
          Andy Mouradian
          JayBirds Mess

          "Snap it up, shake the lead."



          • #20
            Re: Rate of Fire

            When the gooks are in the wire, it's surprising how many rounds you can put downrange in an effect to get as much steel and high explosive in the air between you and the bad guys.

            But even so, it's not so much how fast you can deliver fire, it's how fast you can deliver aimed fire. You won't hurt 'em if you can't hit 'em, so you must also consider the time to re-lay the gun on target. It's a lot easier today with artillery's hydraulic equilibrators , checking the bubbles, and alignment in the panoramic telescope, than it was laying by hand and eye with the old horse-drawn pieces.

            Even today, though, we differentiate between the maximum rate of fire (when you really need too, see situation immediately above), and the sustained rate of fire, which is what the system can reliably do with aimed fire.
            Tom Ezell


            • #21
              Re: Rate of Fire

              Originally posted by NCSoldier View Post
              With that being said, does skipping just one sponging in the firing sequence run the crew any more risk of the charge going off prematurely?
              Several units I've seen or been involved with do "dry" spoung after a few firings. Is there really a need to "dry" barrel that is hot enough to dry itself? What safety issues would there be in not drying? Is there concern about have caked/damp powder being discharged?
              [FONT="Arial Black"][I][/I][/FONT] Jamey B Creel
              CSS Tallahassee Marine Guard
              ggg-grandfather Duncan Stievender Creel, pvt Confederate Marine Corp / gg-grandfather George Shelton Pickle, 51st GA, CO A


              • #22
                Re: Rate of Fire

                Let me first off say I've never served on a gun crew, just offering my 2 cents...

                From "The Bloody Crucible of Courage" Brent Nosworthy pg 427

                "....The entire (loading) process took less than 30 seconds and when necessary could be performed up to three times a minute for a short period."
                Bob Martin
                Company A "Chesapeake Rifles"
                Chesapeake Volunteer Guard


                • #23
                  Re: Rate of Fire

                  Originally posted by Creel View Post
                  Several units I've seen or been involved with do "dry" spoung after a few firings. Is there really a need to "dry" barrel that is hot enough to dry itself? What safety issues would there be in not drying? Is there concern about have caked/damp powder being discharged?
                  It depends on how attached you are to your peripheral parts (fingers, hands, forearms, etc.) and how much you desire to remain so attached.

                  It only takes a small spark... a very small spark -- to ignite powder in either a hot or a cold tube. That's why rammers are shaped the way they are, that's why you are taught to hold them in a very specific manner, that's why there is so high an emphasis on serving the vent, why the guy on the vent wears a thumbstall, and why #1 and #2 are constantly cautioned to keep body parts clear of the muzzle. That little spark can blow off an arm and even the shoulder, and there's a damn good chance you could bleed to death before anyone could help you. Remember that Daniel Hough, the first soldier to die in the Civil War, died from a premature powder ignition, not from enemy fire.

                  There is absolutely no excuse for short-cutting a safety procedure with black powder artillery. People's lives, and livelihoods are at stake.

                  We need to separate ourselves from some of the wartime experiences cited above, where the participants were in imminent danger of violent death on the point of a bayonet, or when the unit's wartime mission was at the point of catastrophic failure; from the type of action we replicate today in living history demonstrations and re-enactments.

                  Tom Ezell
                  MAJ, FA (USAR)
                  Tom Ezell


                  • #24
                    Re: Rate of Fire

                    Tom, then what is the purpose of dry sponging?
                    RJ Samp
                    (Mr. Robert James Samp, Junior)
                    Bugle, Bugle, Bugle


                    • #25
                      Re: Rate of Fire


                      Even though it is not the 4-5 rounds searched for in the original post, I have reposted General Hunt's General Order #2 from 1864 in it's entirety for it is an invaluable insight into what was happening in the US artillery late in the war. (the rate of fire portion that would apply to this thread is in red text)
                      One must ask if Gen. Hunt was issuing the order, then it apparently was a problem.. the excessive rate of fire that is.

                      I have also read through this post and may I remind everyone that this is the Authentic Campaigner forum, that relies on research and documentation, and not modern Monday morning quarterbacking nor modern unit drills and experiences. The original poster requested documented replies, please be considerate of that.

                      The question of worming and sponging should not be a question.
                      One review of the Instruction for Field Artillery (commonly referred to as Hunt,Barry and French or HBF.. which also closely resembles it's CSA counterpart) does not make a mention of the use of the worm during the School of the Piece and the sponge is only used once... it goes in and comes out... no mention of wets and drys... that is all modern stuff... and shouldn't be in discussion on the A/C other than to say... OK, we see that this is what is done today, BUT the original documented system said this...

                      We have been down this road before when the thread came up about improving drill and impressions of artillery and the moderator closed/redirected it to only include discussion of period practices.. THERE ARE PLENTY OF FORUMS OUT THERE WHERE YOU WILL FIND THE DISCUSSION OF MODERN DRILL AND SAFETY ISSUES BUT THIS IS NOT THAT PLACE. Please respect that.

                      On the question of can 4 or 5 rounds a minute be achieved?
                      If you are on a gun crew try this with your gun without rounds for curiositites sake.. maybe just primers ...
                      Place the gun and limber at the proper intervals and no worming, one sponging and the #7 and #5 are changing places going to the limber as instructed in HBF, also as in HBF they will not be going to the caisson at least for a few dozen rounds because it's a "do or die" situation.... Canister? Shell? you have up to 3 guys there cutting fuzes? Shot.. no fuse...
                      #7and #5 both have gunner's haversacks and are passing each other, no worming per the book, one sponge and #1 is waiting for the round... priming wire, primer... do these boys need commands and to drill by the book? Hell no, they know it... the gunner is on a runaway horse...
                      I bet you can do it... and then you will have to help your short-timer Officer write to Gen. Hunt and explain to him why you fired all your ammunition in 30 minutes...

                      Yes, boys, be safe out there.
                      But remember, this forum is the place for documented research.
                      I thank you and the original poster thanks you... I'm sure...

                      Your obedient servant,
                      Chris Sedlak

                      Again, below please find the invaluable Gen. Order #2.


                      Originally posted by "Jefferson Guards" on the A/C Forum 8/28/04
                      Brian Koenig

                      Inclosure No. 2.]

                      GENERAL ORDERS No. 2.
                      ARTY. HDQRS., ARMY OF THE POTOMAC,

                      January 15, 1864.

                      The following instructions and regulations for the artillery of this army, having been sanctioned by the general commanding, are published for the government of all concerned:

                      1. The responsibility of choosing the position for action devolves upon the commander of the artillery. If assigned to his position by the general officer under whose orders he is placed he will, to relieve himself from the responsibility, report to the latter its objectionable features, provided a better one can be found, and suggest the means necessary to improve or secure it.

                      2. In taking up a position, four points require especial attention:
                      I. The efficacy of fire of the battery.
                      II. Cover for the pieces from the enemy's fire.
                      III. The position of the rest of the troops.
                      IV. Facility of movement.

                      I. That the fire should be effective is in all cases the most important consideration, to which, as far as may be necessary, the second consideration must be sacrificed. For this purpose a clear view of the enemy is necessary, and judgment must be used in the selection of the different projectiles, according to the nature of the ground and the object to be attained. Concentration of fire, rather than its distribution, is of importance; hence the guns should be as much as possible so placed that their fire may converge on important points, and should not be too much scattered over the field. In a hilly or undulating country a moderate elevation, which gives a good view of the ground, is the best position for artillery. Too much elevation should be avoided, since the fire is more effective in proportion as the projectiles pass more closely to the ground. Ground covered by bushes, trees, or other obstructions is not favorable to the use of artillery. It is advantageous under all circumstances to fire at lines obliquely, and at columns in the direction of their greatest depth. Against walls, the most effective projectile is solid shot. Shot and, in rare cases, shell should be used against log stockades, barricades, &c., and for sweeping a wood--to which latter purpose shrapnel and canister are not well adapted--and also against deep columns of cavalry, taken in the prolongation of the column. There has been too much neglect of solid-shot fire from the smooth-bore guns, and altogether too much dependence placed upon shell. In the above cases percussion shell fired direct so as to act first as solid shot or, at need, shrapnel without the fuse are the best for rifled field guns. Canister is to be employed at close quarters. It is effective both from the wide spread of its balls and from the rapidity with which it may be fired, accurate aiming not being necessary. Canister may be fired with great advantage into the edge or skirts of a wood which is about to be charged by our infantry, and against the flank of an enemy's battery at close quarters, under which circumstances the canister-shot are very destructive to both men and horses. The prevailing tendency to the use of canister is too great. Shrapnel may be considered as a long-range canister, the iron case or shell carrying the bullets safely over the ground before distributing them. It should be chiefly used against troops which are stationary or not moving rapidly, or directed against fixed points over which an enemy is passing. Distances must be accurately judged, the projectiles carefully prepared, the fire slow and deliberate, and its effect well noted, with a view to the correction of errors. Shrapnel is too often wasted. Artillery officers should recollect that, although it is the most effective and powerful of projectiles if well used, it is also the most harmless and contemptible if used badly; that the elements of uncertainty in its effect are numerous, and therefore in its use nothing should be left to chance which can be made certain by care and attention. Shrapnel should never be fired rapidly, except against large and dense masses, and then solid shot would generally be better. An intelligent officer, or non-commissioned officer, should be detailed to watch the effect of each shot, and to report what correction appears necessary. When time presses and observation of the shrapnel fire is difficult, canister is preferable, if the range is such as to admit of its use. Shrapnel fire is very effective against lines of troops, columns, or batteries which are stationary upon open ground. It is not to be used against troops which are covered from view by the conformation of the ground, or by obstacles of any kind, except only when it is known that the enemy is stationed within a certain distance in the rear of a given obstacle, as in the case of field works, against the defenders of which shrapnel is effective. The allowance of shrapnel for the light 12-pounder gun is largely in excess of the ordinary requirements of bat-tie. By reference to the table for packing ammunition chests it will be seen that for the 12-pounder gun only eight shrapnel are allowed. In determining the proportion for the light 12-pounder gun the number was increased to twelve, because circumstances might arise which would make them useful, but it was expected that habitually one-third of them, at least, would be used as solid shot. Batteries should be as much as possible protected from sudden attack, either by their position or by troops posted near them. A position within rifle-range of a wood, or other cover which is not held by our own troops, is a bad one, and should not be taken if possible to avoid it, since the enemy can occupy the cover, if only with sharpshooters, and pick off our men and horses. Woods and other places of cover within the range of small-arms must therefore be occupied by our own troops. Even on perfectly open ground the flanks of a battery must be protected from assaults. Its front can take care of itself; and hence it follows that the supports of batteries should never be placed behind them, nor amongst the carriages, but always on the flanks, either on the prolongation of the line of the battery, or, if cover can be secured, in advance or rear of that prolongation; but always within easy supporting distance and no closer, so that the fire directed on the battery may not injure its supporting troops. Although artillery, as a rule, must protect itself against attacks from the front, yet if such attacks are made by a heavy force, either in successive lines or in column, and with determination and persistence, the supporting troops should, if practicable, wheel forward their outward flanks, so that their cross-fire may sweep the ground in front of the battery, and may then charge vigorously with the bayonet, the commander of the supports having previously arranged with the commander of the battery for a suspension of the artillery fire. The enemy having been driven off, the supports will at once fall back toward the flanks so as to unmask the fire of the battery.

                      II. Artillery should, whenever practicable without undue detriment to its offensive powers, seek positions in which it may be protected from the enemy's fire, or concealed from his observation. The best natural cover is that afforded by the crest of hills which slope gently toward the enemy. The guns should be placed behind them with their muzzles looking over the top. The limbers and caissons will thus be entirely concealed. Cover which makes splinters when struck by shot, such as masonry, wood stacks, &c., is objectionable. Artificial cover may be obtained by sinking the piece. This is done by making an excavation for it to stand in. The excavation should be one foot and a half deep in front, and should slope gently upward toward the rear. The earth is to be thrown up in front to the height of about one foot and a half. Ditches may be dug at the sides for the men. This system of sinking the piece is used with advantage behind the edge of a hill, as it permits the piece to be brought closer to the crest and enables it the better to sweep the ground. Good drainage should always be secured. Next to the protection of the guns, that of the caissons and limbers is of importance. Where the batteries are frequently moving the limbers cannot be put under cover, but must remain close in rear of the pieces. Where so situated that they are not likely to require movements greater than can be effected by hand, as on a defensive line, or in position, a caisson body for each piece, or even one for each section, may be partially protected near the guns by digging trenches of one spade width, for the wheels only, so as to sink them to the axles, all the limbers with their horses being placed under cover if it can be found within reasonable distance of the position of the battery. Each section should load from one caisson-body until the latter is empty, when it should be replaced and sent to the ammunition train to be replenished. Neither caissons nor limbers must, under any circumstances, be so far separated from their guns as to be beyond the prompt control of the battery commander.

                      III. The third consideration in posting artillery is the position of the rest of the troops. In general, the movements and positions of the infantry and cavalry determine the position for action of the artillery, which usually places itself on the flanks of the other troops, or between their intervals where it is secure itself and can fire for the longest period of time. A position in advance of other troops is very objectionable, especially in advance of cavalry. Cases occur, however, in which it cannot be avoided, those cases being, in general, when the action of the artillery is of primary importance, and there is no suitable position for it elsewhere. When a line of battle is established, on which infantry is to receive an attack, it is often strengthened by artificial means. A rifle-pit is dug, or barricades of wood constructed, or advantage is taken of stone walls, &c. In such cases the artillery should be placed immediately on the line, preferably on advanced points, or in flanking positions, if such offer, so that it can be used freely, and fire canister at need. This it cannot do if posted, as is too often the case, behind the line so as to fire over the troops. For the reasons already given, the guns when so posted should not be placed behind wood or stone barricades. Such cover should be removed and the pieces sunk as already directed, or earth parapets placed in front of them. It may be laid down as a rule that artillery should not fire over our own troops. For this there are three good reasons: Accidents are liable to happen to the troops from projectiles; it embarrasses their advance by battering the ground in front of them, and obliging them to hold back until the fire can be stopped or its range extended; it makes the men over whom the projectiles are passing uneasy, and may demoralize them. When it becomes necessary to fire over troops, solid shot and, in rare cases, shell should be used, and not canister nor shrapnel; the latter projectile being liable to burst too soon, and to carry destruction among those over whose heads it was intended to pass.

                      IV. It is of importance that every position assumed by artillery should afford facilities for free movement in every direction, in order that such new positions may be taken up as circumstances may require. When this is not the case, care must at least be taken that the safety of the guns is not compromised. When the position is to be held to the last extremity, strong supports should be furnished and the guns fought to the last, so that if lost it shall be with honor. If the position is not to be so held, and the nature of the ground will permit, prolonges must be fixed that the battery may be fought retiring with the other troops. When it is likely that a position will be carried and its defense will not .justify the loss of guns, they must, if the nature of the ground will not admit of the use of the prolonge, be limbered up and retired in due season under the protection of their supports. A battery may often be retired by sections, and half batteries under the protection of its own fire alone. Whenever a battery takes post, the means of moving it to the front, the flanks, or the rear must be studied by its commander, and, if necessary, walls and fences torn down and ditches filled up, so that no unexpected obstacles may hinder its freedom of movement in any direction. It is a disgrace to an artillery officer if a gun, or even an opportunity of rendering service, should be lost through a neglect or want of forethought on his part. Guns may be honorably lost, especially if their sacrifice is necessary to the safety of other troops. But in all such cases the enemy should be made to pay dearly for them.

                      3. Objects of fire: It is too much the tendency of artillery to fire at artillery. In the beginning of a battle the artillery should direct its fire wherever the enemy seems most exposed to danger. When the battle is further advanced, if our own troops are about to repel an attack, that portion of the enemy's force is to be fired on whose attack is the most dangerous for the time being. If we are acting on the offensive, the guns must fire on that portion of the enemy whose resistance is the most formidable. When acting on the defensive the enemy's infantry and cavalry are the most proper objects of fire. Artillery fire is to be concentrated on single points rather than divided between numerous objects, notwithstanding that such a division or distribution of the fire may cause a greater absolute loss to the enemy. It is not the number of killed and wounded that decides a battle, but the panic and demoralization of those who remain; and this panic and demoralization are much sooner created and spread by concentrating the artillery fire on successive points than by distributing it over a wide space. The general rule is that artillery should concentrate its fire upon that part of the enemy's force which, from its position, or from its character, it is the most desirable to overthrow. Against an enemy's battery the fire should be concentrated on a single piece until that is disabled, and should then be turned upon another, and an analogous plan should generally be followed in firing upon infantry and cavalry. When firing upon a hostile column the guns are to be directed at its center. If the column is in the act of deploying the flank toward which the deployment is being made is to be fired on with canister or shrapnel. As a general rule artillery should not fire upon skirmishers or small groups of men. It is too much the habit to open fire on wagons or single horsemen, or small parties, and sometimes, as in almost all cases of shelling woods, on a mere suspicion that an enemy may be in a certain locality. This is a perversion of artillery from its proper duties, which are to destroy material obstacles and disorganize masses of men, so as to make them an easy prey to the other arms. A successful fire upon individuals, or even on small bodies, produces no adequate result, and may be compared to picket shooting, which scarcely rises above the level of murder.

                      4. Expenditure of ammunition: One of the evil effects of firing at small bodies is the waste of ammunition. Rapid firing at large bodies and opening at long ranges are additional causes of waste. In small skirmishes between 300 and 400 rounds per battery are expended; the fire, according to the reports, frequently averaging, and sometimes exceeding, one round per minute for each gun. In general engagements batteries have been known to expend all the ammunition in their chests in a little over an hour and a half. An officer who expends ammunition in this manner proves his ignorance of the proper use of his arm, and a want of capacity for the command of a battery. He also incurs a heavy responsibility by throwing a whole battery out of use, and should be held to answer for the consequences. There has been an improvement in this respect, but there is still too great a consumption of ammunition. It is not so much the loss of the ammunition that should be considered--limited as is the amount which an army can transport--as the loss of effect from too distant and too rapid firing. In no case, except when firing canister at short ranges, should the rate exceed one round from each gun in two minutes; and that rate should only be reached at critical moments, when the distance, numbers, and formation of the enemy are such that the fire is sure to be effective. At all other times one round in four to six minutes is as rapid firing as should be permitted. The value of the rifled cannon consists principally in its accuracy. Accuracy requires careful pointing, with close observation of the effect, and these require time. Twelve shots in an hour at an object over 1,000 yards distant, the time being spent in careful 1oading and pointing, will produce better results than fifty shots will ordinarily produce from the same gun in the same time. If a heavy artillery fire is required it should be obtained not by rapid firing, but by bringing a large number of guns into action, and firing each with the greatest accuracy attainable. The campaign allowance is calculated to suffice for a general action and the combats which usually precede it; and, under ordinary circumstances, an officer who expends all his ammunition in a few hours renders himself liable to the suspicion that his reckless expenditure was prompted by a desire to quit the field. In future, batteries will not be permitted to leave their positions under this plea. The guns and cannoneers will remain on the ground until ammunition is furnished them. As soon as one caisson from each section has been emptied the empty caissons will be sent to the rear, under charge of a non-commissioned officer, to replenish at the ammunition train. At a time when all the resources of the country are taxed to the utmost to provide the army and navy with munitions of war, the non-effective expenditure of ammunition, in addition to other evils, diminishes greatly the efficiency of fire to which the artillery might attain; for the consequent excessive demand gives us, in many instances, imperfectly made and hastily inspected projectiles, instead of carefully manufactured and approved ones.

                      5. The custom which obtains in some batteries of bringing from the ammunition-chests a number of rounds and placing them near the gun on the ground is a bad one, and is positively prohibited. It not only leads to too rapid firing, but in case of a sudden movement of the battery this ammunition is apt to be left on the ground, as it requires time properly to repack it.

                      6. Opening fire: That the enemy is within range is not a sufficient reason for firing upon him. The fire is not to be commenced until the enemy is within effective range--that is, so near that at least one-quarter of the shots are hits. Firing at too great a distance wastes ammunition which will be wanted at the critical moments of the battle, and emboldens the enemy's troops by giving them a contemptuous idea of the effects of our fire. Frederick the Great, in his instructions on this subject, says:
                      It sometimes happens that the general in command, or some other general, is himself forgetful, and orders the fire to be opened too soon, without considering what injurious consequences may result from it. In such a case the artillery officer must certainly obey, but he should fire as slowly as possible and point the pieces with the utmost accuracy, in order that his shots may not be thrown away. Such a fire is only pardonable when the general wishes to attract the enemy's attention to one point so as to make movements in another.
                      But in such a case as this the object of the fire should be explained to the artillery officer. Accuracy of fire is of more importance than quickness. The fire should be slow while the enemy is at a distance, is to be quicker as the distance diminishes, and is to become rapid when canister shot is being fired at effective ranges. There are moments in which we should not fire, or only very slowly, and others of a critical nature in which there should be no question of saving of ammunition but the latter are only of Short duration and do not lead to a lavish expenditure, while the inefficient constant fire at long ranges always has that effect. A careful record will be kept of the amount and kinds of ammunition used.

                      7. After an engagement the commander of each battery must use all diligence in putting it into a condition to march and to fight. He will replace disabled horses, fill up his ammunition-chests, make whatever repairs his means will permit, and, if necessary, reassign officers and men, so as to be ready for service at the earliest possible moment. This will be done before he sleeps. He will also present to the commander of the artillery brigade to which he belongs a field return, showing the number of effective officers and men, of guns, caissons, and horses, the amount of ammunition expended, and what he has on hand after replenishing his chests. The field return will give the names of officers killed and disabled, and those for duty, and will be made each night of a battle lasting more than one day. The field returns of batteries will be at once consolidated by the commander of the brigade, who will use all the means at his disposal to complete the batteries for service. He will note his action on the consolidated returns and transmit them to the chief of artillery of the army for his information, and to enable him to provide at once for all deficiencies. When a general action is fought the batteries should be refitted and ready to take the field at dawn of the ensuing day, even with a reduced number of guns.

                      8. As soon after the action as possible a general return of the losses Of men and material, and a separate report of the fight, will be presented to the commanders of artillery brigades for transmittal to the chief of artillery. The return should contain a specification of the men and horses killed and disabled, giving the names of the killed and wounded officers and men and dates of death of whatever has been made unserviceable or has been injured; of whatever has been expended, lost, or damaged, distinguishing what has fallen into the hands of the enemy; and, under the head of remarks, should call attention to all defects of material and of ammunition noticed, an d should suggest proper remedies. The report, which is in addition to that required by the commander of the troops with which it serves, should briefly describe the participation of the battery in the engagement, as far as may be necessary for understanding the part taken by it; the special instructions communicated; its position, with a statement of the neighboring troops; the nature of the enemy's troops against which its fire was directed; the distances of fire; the kind of projectiles used; the effect remarked; the reasons why positions were changed; the behavior of the men, and, without regard to rank, who distinguished himself; and, lastly, all important circumstances observed in its neighborhood. If sections or half batteries were detached, it is to be specified by whose order and for what purpose they were so detached. Separate reports should be prepared by the commanders of pieces so detached. They are to be annexed, in original, to the narrative of the commander of the battery.

                      9. When more than one battery is engaged, the brigade commander should also forward a general account of the operations of the artillery, mentioning specially those who distinguished themselves. He will also consolidate and tabulate the returns of losses of men and material of his corps.

                      10. Commanders of each brigade of artillery will see that the inspections prescribed by the General Regulations, paragraph 104, are regularly made. He will himself inspect each battery once in each month, and make a report of the inspection in the prescribed printed form to the chief of artillery of the army. The inspection will be made as early in the month as practicable, and will extend to all the points embraced in the forms, in which all blanks will be properly filled. This inspection report will accompany the monthly return.

                      11. A monthly return of each battery, according to the form furnished from this office, will be made on the first of each month to the brigade commander. The returns of each corps will be consolidated, and the consolidated return sent to the office of the chief of artillery. Should any battery be detached, so that its returns are not received within three days by the brigade commander, he will enter its name with the reasons for its absence in the column of remarks, and forward the consolidated returns by the third of the month at latest. As soon as the return is received from the absent battery, it will be forwarded to the office of the chief of artillery, entered on the consolidated return, and returned to the commandant. Requisitions for horses and ordnance stores will also be transmitted with the monthly return. Except in cases of exigency, such requisitions will be sent in at no other time.

                      12. Commandants of artillery will watch over and check the extravagant expenditure of ordnance stores, and take the necessary measures to cause instructions to-be given regularly to officers and non-commissioned officers in all their duties. A regular course of instruction for officers and non-commissioned officers will be established whilst in winter quarters. These recitations will embrace the tactics, orders, &c., in force, and also the subject of ammunition, its description, and mode of preparation. Special attention should be called to the study of Articles IV and V of the Instructions for Field Artillery.

                      13. On marches no supplies or baggage whatever, except the knapsacks of cannoneers, articles authorized by regulations, and, when circumstances absolutely require it, two days' forage of grain and hay (twisted) will be allowed on artillery carriages, nor will any article be placed on the spare wheels. Brigade commanders will be responsible for the enforcement of this order, and will in their respective commands cause all articles placed on artillery carriages, contrary to this order, to be thrown off.

                      14. On level, good roads, when it will not add sensibly to the labor of the horses, a portion of the cannoneers, not to exceed two to the piece and four to the caisson, may be allowed to ride, but no man shall be allowed to ride longer than half an hour at a time. If the roads are bad or pass over rolling ground no one shall, under any circumstances, be allowed to mount the chests, except the artificers who work in camp for whom the limber-chests of the forge and battery wagon are reserved. Cannoneers may from time to time change places with the drivers. The sick, unable to march, must be carried in ambulances, or as may be otherwise provided. The chests will be mounted only by order of the commander of the battery, or by his authority delegated to chiefs of sections. On approaching a hill the men so mounted will, without waiting for orders, dismount. On the march batteries will never stop to water. It delays the column behind them. The cannoneers will remain near their pieces, and when an obstacle presents itself will be called to the front at once to remove it, fill up mud holes, repair bridges, &c. An officer, or intelligent non-commissioned officer, should always precede the column so far as to enable him to return and notify the commandant of any obstructions. When it is probable that there will be a delay of ten minutes or more the drivers should be dismounted and the pole props let down. When, from any cause, a carriage on the march is unable to proceed it will immediately be drawn out of the column, and the carriages behind it will pass and close up, so as not to delay the movement of the troops.

                      15. When not on the march, and battery drills are not practicable, the battery horses will, when the weather permits, be exercised daily.

                      By command of Brigadier-General Hunt:

                      JNO. N. CRAIG,
                      Assistant Adjutant-General.

                      Originally posted by "Jefferson Guards" on the A/C Forum 8/28/04
                      Brian Koenig
                      Hedgesville Blues
                      Last edited by sedlakchristopher; 02-26-2010, 03:53 AM. Reason: correct numbers who have haversacks and bring ammo. up.
                      [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][/FONT]
                      Christopher Sedlak
                      Iron City Guards
                      (1st PA Light Art'y- Bt'y G / 9th PA Res. - Co. C)
                      [B][FONT="Arial"][I]"Sole purveyor of the finest corn silk moustaches as seen in the image above, adhesive not included"[/I][/FONT][/B]


                      • #26
                        Re: Rate of Fire

                        One correction on my blabberings that Mr. French picked up on below:


                        I believe your post contains a small error. FBH says that 5 and 7 have the gunner's haversacks and switch, not 5 and 2.

                        Kevin French

                        Ah, yes, the elusive manual switching numbers on me again :)
                        YES, it is 5 and 7 NOT 5 and 2.... I'm getting older and them letters getting fuzzier.
                        THANK YOU Kevin!

                        Chris Sedlak
                        [FONT="Palatino Linotype"][/FONT]
                        Christopher Sedlak
                        Iron City Guards
                        (1st PA Light Art'y- Bt'y G / 9th PA Res. - Co. C)
                        [B][FONT="Arial"][I]"Sole purveyor of the finest corn silk moustaches as seen in the image above, adhesive not included"[/I][/FONT][/B]

