Hello Friends!
The Tallahatchie Rifle Guards, a fledgling and shadowy organization consisting of Will MacDonald and myself, would like to invite interested participants to a LH portraying Co. H, 3rd Mississippi State Troops Infantry ("Minute Men") as they organized in camp at Grenada, MS in August of 1862.
The Minute Men were called out by the governor in the summer of 1862 to serve for an indefinite period, though some sources state the original intent was for a six month enlistment. The men were picked from the various military companies of the state and sent to assembly points in the central and northern portions of the state. Co H of the 3rd Regiment hailed from Choctaw County, and the majority of the men enlisted at Greensboro in July 1862.
For this event, we will portray the company mustering in electing officers and NCOs. Campaigning for offices will be done on Friday night, and elections will be held Saturday morning. Following elections, the company will form up and begin drilling. Drill manual will be either Scott's or Gilham's. Saturday will consist of company formation, drill, and fatigue detail. This is August in Mississippi, so we'll be acting accordingly!
Each participant will be given the name and background (from the 1860 census) of one of the original members of the company. Your age and occupation will guide you in putting together your impression.
"The Minute Men were organized in May 1862 under the order of Maj.-Gen. T. C. Tupper from militia companies in each county. The enlistment term was for six months. Although not mustered into the Confederate States services, they were still subject to orders of Confederate officers. "--Official and Statistical Register of the State of Mississippi. The militia law in place at the time (Sumer 1862) required each man to report to muster with the best gun and such military accoutrements as he had on hand. None of the muster rolls I have been able to look at mention the weapons the men brought to muster, and so for purposes of this event, weapon requirements will be as follows: double barrel shotgun, military smoothbore musket percussion or flintlock (but probably no RevWar weapons--these would have been pretty old by the 1860s) and civilian rifles. Original or reproduction--there will be drill here but no firing, so good condition originals are perfectly fine. It is also perfectly acceptable to show up with no weapon. The law threatened court martial and/or fine, but I imagine a well placed bribe....err, bottle of spirits will ease that penalty.
Clothing guidelines are relatively simple: Correctly constructed civilian clothing suitable for your age and occupation as determined by your period counterpart.
Every man must a have a properly constructed period canteen!! US or CS, wooden--what have you. We'll need to stay hydrated!
Registration will open November 1st. Cost will be $10 to go towards rations. You are on your own for Friday, but ration issue will begin after company formation on Saturday. Over 100 men are listed on the initial muster roll (though by the end of their service (roughly summer/fall 1863) less than half of those remained), so that is our ultimate albeit grandly optimistic registration goal.
Dave Ray
Tallahatchie Rifle Guards
Hot B**ch Mess
"...say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism...at least it's an ethos." Walter Sobchak, Vietnam veteran.