The Hairy Nation Boys, in cooperation with the National Park Service, is pleased to announce "Stranded on the Prairie," an event to be held at the site of Fort Randall in order to honor the men of the 14th Iowa, Company B. This event will strive to educate the general public about the role of the volunteer soldier on the Great Plains during the Civil War, as well as teach about garrison life in the Dakota Territory.
In 1861, the Federal government needed to replace its Regular Army units posted on the frontier in order to prosecute the war in the East. The garrison at Fort Randall, Dakota Territory, consisted of portions of the 4th US Artillery, was desperately needed at the seat of the war, despite the fact that many of its officers had abandoned the post and the Army after the fall of Fort Sumter. Who would protect the people of the Territory from the Natives? Who would defend the roads and Missouri River traffic? In October, 1861, three companies of Iowa soldiers, men who volunteered to end the Rebellion and restore the Nation, received orders to replace the remnant of the 4th US Artillery at Fort Randall.
It is our intent to portray and honor the service of the men of the 14th Iowa at Fort Randall during the Civil War. Our intended impression will portray garrison life for the battalion in June, 1862. Dependent upon restrictions placed by site management plans, we are planning on bringing 20 – 25 men portraying members of the 14th, as well as the post sutler. We are open the presence of authentic civilians visiting the fort. Participation in the event is by invitation only, invitations controlled by the Hairy Nation Boys. Participants will be asked to adhere to a set of authenticity guidelines in order to give the general public an experience with dedicated living historians giving a well-researched glimpse into nineteenth century military life.
While our base portrayal is of an infantry unit, there is documentation to support the presence of a mountain howitzer at the event. Artillery drill will be used to educate about the role and safe practices involved in the use of artillery.
So what can you expect at Fort Randall? Boredom. Drill. The Yankton Reservation is right across the river, so you never know if the Agent will need assistance. Patrols. Boredom. Hot debating society action. I will be posting primary documents here for those attending to prepare for the event. This is a history heavy event; it is expected that those in attendance will read from prepared sources and be able to interpret accordingly. Now, on to the . . .
Event Authenticity Guidelines
These standards may change as needed dependent upon historical research and the needs of the event. All items will be constructed of proper patterns and materials. Modern materials are not allowed. All buttonholes will be hand sewn.
Men attending the event will portray Company B, 14th Iowa Volunteer Infantry Regiment, in the spring of 1862. From accounts left by Sgt. Amos Cherry and others, it appears that when the regiment departed Iowa City, the unit possessed two uniforms, more than likely the prescribed dress and fatigue uniforms. As this is a garrison impression, it is expected your uniforms will be clean and in good repair. All items will be of proper construction.
Headgear: All enlisted men are required to have an M1858 forage cap, preferably Type II. A stamped brass enlisted bugle is optional. Forage caps will be worn when on parade or performing official functions.
A civilian hat of period construction from a quality vendor is allowed when not on parade. Extant images of enlisted personnel at the fort during the era show them wearing non-military headgear.
Coat: Four button fatigue blouse, lined or unlined. If unlined, all seams will be felled properly.
Trowsers: All enlisted trowsers will be of proper period construction and made of sky blue twill-weave kersey. Proper tin stamped buttons. No pattern preference.
Shirt: Wool or cotton civilian style shirts, as well as issue/contractor variant shirts.
Drawers: Canton flannel issue drawers or civilian pattern drawers of linen, cotton, or other appropriate materials.
Footwear: Issue brogans will be worn during duty hours. Alternate footwear must be of proper construction and pattern.
Socks: Hand- or machine-knit wool or cotton socks of period design only.
Weapons: Tthe 14th received “Harper’s Ferry Pattern” muskets. As we have been unable to determine the actual issued model, the following is the order of preference for weapons. All weapons will be clean, armory bright, and in good repair. All weapons will be inspected when you check in at the event. Weapons that do not pass inspection will not be allowed on site.
1. M1816/M1822/M1842
2. M1861 Springfield
3. P1853 Enfield
Accouterments: All accouterments will be US issued accouterments appropriate to the weapon in your possession. Accouterments will be clean and preferably polished.
Knapsack: M1855 double-bag knapsack or blanket roll.
Blankets: Appropriate pattern US issue blankets preferred. Civilian blankets allowed. Buffalo hides allowed. It is documented that some members of the regiment traded their issue blankets for buffalo hides with the local Yankton peoples.
Mess Equipment: Cooking will be performed by a company cook for this event. Enlisted men will therefore not need personal cooking equipment. Rather, plan on bringing tin ware (plates and cups) of appropriate patterns, as well as forks, knives and spoons of proper pattern.
Tents: Please bring a wedge tent or plan on sharing a wedge tent with someone. Mattress ticks are strongly encouraged. No shelter halves.
Errata: No modern eyeglasses. No modern smoking materials. Hairstyles must be appropriate to the 1860s. If you use tobacco, plan on using tobacco pipes, cigars, snuff or chew. Relevant personal materials need to be period correct. Books, writing kits, and comfort items are encouraged, but must be of proper construction and documented to the era. It is known that the men of the 14th “inherited” storage crates and boxes from the departing garrison of the 4th US Artillery. Chests and crates of correct construction are permitted, as are certain items of furniture such as benches, chairs and tables.
I cannot stress enough that all items MUST be of proper construction and documented to the era. Inappropriate items will not be allowed; failure to comply will result in your removal from the event.