This will be a recreation of the 49th Tennessee as they begin to move into position and build Fort Donelson. Active fatigue duty, drill and soldier life will be the orders of the day. Guidelines and registration information will be posted soon. Below are the company commanders, some of the best in the hobby!
Just to clarify- you do not have to be on site Thursday to participate. We are opening the site and work and going live Thursday afternoon. Registration will open again Friday morning and all bringing tents need to be on site by 3:00 on Friday and we are closing registration by 7:00 pm Friday night. Guys have called for longer events, here you go. We will have everyone on the road by 10 on Sunday.
49th Tenn Infantry
Commanding officer Patrick Landrum
Adjutant Craig Schneider
Sgt Major Joe Blunt
Clerk Tyler Gibson
Engineer Officer Brian DesRochers
Companies (30 Man cap)
Independent Rifles Justin Morris
Armory Guards Herb Coats Joe Knight
Liberty Rifles 1 Michael Clarke
Liberty Rifles 2 Tyler Grecco
Whit Barr
Scott Sheets
Walter Cook
Frank Aufmuth
Sam Galyon
Fife and Drum- Kelly Ford and Calvin Chappelle
3rd Tenn Cavalry
Jerry Ross
Maury’s Battery Tenn Light Artillery