Good Morning fellas,
Since a few of you have asked or inquired about the status of Silent Machines, we thought it would be a good time to get a quick note out to all of you. We are extremely optimistic, and with good reason, that Silent Machines will be the perfect welcome back event after the Covid-19 outbreak has subsided and life begins to return to normal. I think I speak for most of us when I say that the self quarantine and cancellation of many of the Spring events has underscored how much I love reenacting, how much I miss my pards, and how much I can't wait to get back out in the field with all of you.
We of course have contingency plans in the event that things go poorly over the next few months, but we are confident that there will be no need for contingency, and by June 19th, we'll be in the heart of Civil War country, tramping along like the Boys of 63, laughing and joking, sweating and smoking, eating salt pork and crackers, and washing it down with the blackest coffee
So, keep working on your kit, your weight, the manual of arms, etc. Get your buddies to register! Start making carpool plans! And let's get ready to come back out with our boots blackened and our bedrolls light!
Since a few of you have asked or inquired about the status of Silent Machines, we thought it would be a good time to get a quick note out to all of you. We are extremely optimistic, and with good reason, that Silent Machines will be the perfect welcome back event after the Covid-19 outbreak has subsided and life begins to return to normal. I think I speak for most of us when I say that the self quarantine and cancellation of many of the Spring events has underscored how much I love reenacting, how much I miss my pards, and how much I can't wait to get back out in the field with all of you.
We of course have contingency plans in the event that things go poorly over the next few months, but we are confident that there will be no need for contingency, and by June 19th, we'll be in the heart of Civil War country, tramping along like the Boys of 63, laughing and joking, sweating and smoking, eating salt pork and crackers, and washing it down with the blackest coffee

So, keep working on your kit, your weight, the manual of arms, etc. Get your buddies to register! Start making carpool plans! And let's get ready to come back out with our boots blackened and our bedrolls light!