All gear should be of correct period patterns, construction and materials.
1) Headgear
A) Citizen “slouch hats in black,brown,tan,or gray
B) Kepis of know late war western provenance in gray, or brown/tan jean.
C) English import hats
D) Caps in English cloth
2) Jackets
A) Dept of Ala ( Strongly preferred)
B) Mobile"/Montgomery Depot
C) English Import material jackets (Alabama State “Tait”, Non descript “Kit” produced jackets
D) Civilian coats (VERY LIMITED)
3) Trousers (must be brown, gray or tan jean, cassimere or satinet)
A) CS Issue Trousers
B) English cloth trousers
4) Shirts/Drawers/Socks
A) CS issue
B) English contracts
C) Civilian
5) Shoes
A) CS issue
B) English contracts
C) Civilian shoes/boots
D) Federal shoes/boots ( LIMITED)
6) Cartridge Boxes, Cap Boxes, Belts, Scabbards
A) Late Western CS issue in leather
B) Late Western CS issue in painted cloth
C) English
7) Knapsacks
A) CS Mexican war pattern
B) Isaac and Campbell/A. Ross
C) Bedroll
8) Blankets
A) Cs issue
B) Coverlets
C) English
D) Federal
9) Ground Cloths
A) CS issue painted
B) Federal
C) Citizen
10) Weapons
A) Enfields,Springfeilds, Lorenz’s preferred….smoothbores are ok.
11) Tentage--CS tent flies or CS shelter tents
12) Canteens
A) CS issue in wood or tin
B) Federal issue
C) English Import wood or tin
13) Haversacks
A) Documented Osnaburg plain cotton haversack
B) Painted CS documented bag
Notes: The events we are depicting is that of March and April 1865, the Missouri Brigade being sent south with the rest of French's division to bolster Mobile's defenses.
These troops were refitted while in winter quarters near Tupelo, and drew items from the corresponding stores.
Upon arrival at Blakeley they are immediately put to work strengthening the fortifications there.
As the siege commences they are fighting by day, and pulling duty in rifle pits or repairing damaged works by night.
Abbay's Mississippi Battery as well as 16th CS Cav have been in the Mobile/Blakeley area for several months.
2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 13th Army Corps
Most of the Federal troops participating in the assault on Fort Blakely were refitted to full regulation in New Orleans December ’65 – March ’65 before starting the campaign.
(Fun Historical Fact: While in New Orleans it became a fad for US troops to wear captured Confederate belt plates – enough that General Orders were issued to desist this practice! So, NO Confederate belt plates will be allowed to be worn by US troops at this event!)
All gear should be of correct period patterns, construction and materials.
1. Issue US Army Hat
2. US issue Forage Cap
1. Federal issue Fatigue (4 button) Blouse
2. Private purchase fatigue blouse
1. US Enlisted issue “Sky Blue” trousers
1. US Issue Domet flannel shirt
2. US Issue Contract variant wool shirt
3. Civilian shirt (Strongly discouraged and should only be used if the above listed
shirts are not available)
1. US Federal issue canton flannel(
2. Christian Commission (of proper material and construction)
3. Civilian (of proper material and construction)
1. US issue woolen
2. Civilian
1. US Army issue bootees
2. US Army issue boots
3. Civilian shoes or boots
**NOTE** It is historically documented that many members of the brigade were
carrying an extra pair of shoes! This is noted but not a requirement for the event.
1. US issue Foot Pattern overcoat of sky blue kersey
1. US issue, mid to late war, complete with polished box and belt plates
1. Painted US issue haversack
1. US issue smooth side canteen
1. M63 or M64 Springfield rifle preferred
2. M55 and M61 Springfields, P53 Enfields (These are known to have been used in
our Brigade and are acceptable)
3. Repeating Rifles (See your individual battalion specific impression guidelines for
any repeating rifles. If your battalion did NOT have them historically, you can
NOT use them at the event.)
1. US Issue double bag knapsack - preferred
2. Horse collar/blanket roll – accepted
1. US issue gray or brown blanket (preferably with “US” stitch on center)
Ground Cloth:
1. US issues rubber blanket
1. US issued shelter half (it is STRONGLY suggested that every man carry a
shelter half of proper material and construction)
NCOs are expected to wear proper, period correct, sleeve rank insignia
Srgts are expected to carry proper gun tools and ball pullers in the cartridge boxes
1. Private purchase slouch hat without brass or embroidered device
2. Private purchase cap without brass or embroidered device
1. Private purchase fatigue blouse or sack coat of proper material and pattern
Rank insignia on coat:
1. Subdued rand insignia – preferred (Photographic images of Union Officers
indicate that a number removed the shoulder straps, choosing the sew the
specific rank emblem directly to the coat’s shoulders as per WD Gen Orders from
November ’64. See attached image of Col. Victor Vifquain, 97th Ill. Infantry, who
lead his men in the attack on the north flank of Redoubt No. 4 at Fort Blakeley.
1. Private purchase military cut trousers of correct material and construction
1. Sashes will only be needed if you are called upon to act as Officer of the Day
(OD). So, it isn’t necessary to have one…unless you are asked to serve as OD.
That duty will be assigned before the event and you will know if you need to bring
a sash, or not.
1. Private purchase, period correct haversack of leather or painted canvas
1. Period correct private purchase shoes
2. Period correct private purchase boots
Sword, Sword Belt, & Pistol:
1. Each officer is expected to have a period correct sword (appropriate to his rank)
worn on a period correct US sword belt.
2. Personal sider arms (period correct makes and appropriate for infantry line
officers) are encouraged and to be worn on the sword belt
1. Officers will be expected to carry their own baggage and personal effects
2. Knapsacks, blanket rolls, and blanket slings are acceptable
1. Each line officer should carry as US issue shelter half
2. Field Grade officers may choose the bring a period correct fly for their HQs.
3. We will be moving so Common or Wall tents are not to be used