I thought some of you might find this of interest:
From the MACON TELEGRAPH, May 30, 1864.
Special Correspondence of the Daily Telegraph.
Near Marietta, GA
May 27, 1864
Dallas is the county site of Paulding, small village of about four hundred inhabitants, twenty miles north-east from Marietta. The recent engagement occured four miles north-east from Dallas on the Acworth road at New Hope Church. The country is undullating and covered with low, stunted pines, neighborhood sparsely settled. Roads good.
The fight on Wednesday evening was fierce and hot, lasting from near five o'clock until nearly sundown. The roar of musketry was as load as has ever been heard in this army since Chickamauga. Our troops were in good spirts and anxious to meet the foe, and for a time drove them in confusion, killing and wounding a great number. From all I can learn our loss was comparatively slight. Strahl's Brigade suffered severely in wounded, losing about one hundred me.
Few prisioners were taken. Indeed, it is a subject of remark that the entire number taken since the first gun was fired in front of Dalton is surprisingly small. Truth is, the men are tired of taking them. They know the time of enlistment will soon expire, and the Yankee authorities would be slow to exchange for them veterans who are enlisted for the war, and are now smarting under the indignities and cruelties which have been heaped upon them in prison, and chafing with impatience to be once again in the field. The intense hatred which we sometimes see expressed in the newspapers for Yankees is beginning to be felt by the entire army, rank and file, and they begin to feel that it is idle to take them prisoners and to divide rations with them......
Thought you all might find this of interest, seems that there shouldnt be too much friendly relations going on at the time.
From the MACON TELEGRAPH, May 30, 1864.
Special Correspondence of the Daily Telegraph.
Near Marietta, GA
May 27, 1864
Dallas is the county site of Paulding, small village of about four hundred inhabitants, twenty miles north-east from Marietta. The recent engagement occured four miles north-east from Dallas on the Acworth road at New Hope Church. The country is undullating and covered with low, stunted pines, neighborhood sparsely settled. Roads good.
The fight on Wednesday evening was fierce and hot, lasting from near five o'clock until nearly sundown. The roar of musketry was as load as has ever been heard in this army since Chickamauga. Our troops were in good spirts and anxious to meet the foe, and for a time drove them in confusion, killing and wounding a great number. From all I can learn our loss was comparatively slight. Strahl's Brigade suffered severely in wounded, losing about one hundred me.
Few prisioners were taken. Indeed, it is a subject of remark that the entire number taken since the first gun was fired in front of Dalton is surprisingly small. Truth is, the men are tired of taking them. They know the time of enlistment will soon expire, and the Yankee authorities would be slow to exchange for them veterans who are enlisted for the war, and are now smarting under the indignities and cruelties which have been heaped upon them in prison, and chafing with impatience to be once again in the field. The intense hatred which we sometimes see expressed in the newspapers for Yankees is beginning to be felt by the entire army, rank and file, and they begin to feel that it is idle to take them prisoners and to divide rations with them......
Thought you all might find this of interest, seems that there shouldnt be too much friendly relations going on at the time.