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Richmond, Kentucky

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  • #31
    Re: Richmond, Kentucky

    Originally posted by Miche_Todd
    I hope I am not opening up a flame war here, because it is not my intention. However, I was disappointed in the lack of willingness on the part of the mainstream units in Ky to allow a change at Richmond. Since the mainstream already has a number of events scheduled throughout the year in Ky (just about every event with the exception of a couple of lhs and Shaker Village, perhaps Perryville) why were these units as a whole so unwilling to let go of one event? I know of several people in notoriously mainstream units that have intentionally been flooding the meetings of the BOR committee just so they could be sure and take control of the event, and stated their intentions while attending last years event as spectators.

    Now, my questions are these, Mr. Lane, are you willing to have a set of authenticity standards at Richmond and stick to them? Limit the number of civilians to an accurate proportion and monitor their clothing and authenticity? If not, then it is still a mainstream event and will stay that way. Yes, I live within 45 minutes of this event but will not be attending for the same reason that I have every other year in the past with the exception of last year. It is exactly the same type of event that I can attend on just about any other weekend anywhere else in the state, and I prefer to not attend any of them. This last year at Wildcat was enough to prove to me that you can't be happy and be truly progressive in nature while attending mainstream events. The anachronisms are just too much and too glaring to warrant a good time.
    Well it WILL be a mainstream event. If that is to much for you to bear, then this is not the event for you. If an incorrect hook and eye fastner sends you into convulsions please stay away
    I had hoped for a different sort of reply.... I would LOVE to have some "progressives" giving lectures and seminars. I HEAR all this talk of education....
    We, the mainstream majority, did allow you all to have the Richmond event last year.The BORA commitee contacted US this year, I have the letter. Why is that do you suppose?
    For the sake of the Richmond battlefield I hope you will reconsider. But if you will be miserable, please don't attend.

    [Edit. Please edit your signature so that your full name appears at the bottom of every post. Thats been our policy for some three years so it shouldn't really come as a surprise. Please see that it is done. -PC
    Last edited by paulcalloway; 01-11-2004, 05:33 PM. Reason: Remarks regarding signing name to posts.
    [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Tod Lane[/FONT]


    • #32
      Re: Richmond, Kentucky

      Fine, post it as an EBUFU like Gaines Mills, etc. If you post an event and want to exclude the 'stremers & farbs as you want to, it takes a lot of preplanning, from what I've heard and seen, and obviously, the Richmond event does not have ANY potentional for this. What's wrong in having a local event every one, but the few high and mighty, can enjoy without feeling like some kind of outcast? Hey, we (reenactor community) needs to help preserve the local battlefields like Richmond, but if you start making it out as a holier than thou event, you will chase away a lot of people, and probably a lot of preservation money. I live in Winchester and work in Richmond, and from the start, I could see that this didn't have an EBUFU chance. When it started out as the Battle to Save the Golf Course, that gave me some insight. Granted, the locals are trying to make something of it, but it looks like it won't materialize into a high falutin' affair like you would want.

      Let bygones be bygones, and try to help out the local events without running them into the ground.

      If you would like to have a reenactment with all your friends, then why not do a counter event, with just the "special" people, so you don't have to contend with the riff-raff?
      Last edited by CPT Fritz; 01-11-2004, 03:01 PM.
      Fritz Jacobs


      • #33
        Re: Richmond, Kentucky

        Originally posted by CPT Fritz
        Going back to Miche' Todd's 6 January response that the event would be "open to everybody, not just a few" is what causes the bad vibes among the reenactors. When you feel or are told that you're not welcome at an event, this drives a wedge between the different factions of the hobby and brings out the "I'm better than you" factor. If we're going to do this in a nice way, a lot of folks need to get their noses out of the air and quit acting like they are so much better than anyone. Offer to help in a nice way, not the I'm smarter/better than you and don't need your kind around attitutude.
        EXACTLY !!! We are ASKING for help... Show the way ! True some will never measure up, but many will.
        [FONT=Trebuchet MS]Tod Lane[/FONT]


        • #34
          Re: Richmond, Kentucky

          Originally posted by KyCavMajor
          For the sake of the Richmond battlefield I hope you will reconsider. But if you will be miserable, please don't attend.

          I'm sorry I didn't realize that the preservation of the battlefield was relying on us attending or not attending this event. The idea that I have seen tossed around is two separate events. To me, 1 mainstream event + 1 progressive event = more money for preservation.
          ~Miche' Todd


          • #35
            Re: Richmond, Kentucky

            Michie', by the responses you got, I think the only way to have a progressive event would be to have an event seperate from the mainstream horse and pony show.

            "I would LOVE to have some "progressives" giving lectures and seminars."

            Mr. Lane, in order to get some progressives at your event you would need to up the standards and regs and enforce them. There isn't going to be a great influx of progressives at your event without at least doing those two things. As far as I'm concerned, if that means having "we're better/smarter than you" attitude, then so be it.

            "If you post an event and want to exclude the 'stremers & farbs as you want to, it takes a lot of preplanning, from what I've heard and seen, and obviously, the Richmond event does not have ANY potentional for this."

            Cpt. Fritz, it's not as hard as one would think. It involves a committee that would raise the bar and enforce the new standards. Anyone that comes that doesn't meet the standards, doesn't get in, it's that simple.

            I would definitely be interested in doing an event in KY. I really hope something can come out of this.
            James K. Masson


            • #36
              Re: Richmond, Kentucky

              Originally posted by James Masson
              Michie', by the responses you got, I think the only way to have a progressive event would be to have an event seperate from the mainstream horse and pony show.
              Exactly! I thought that was what many of us were trying to bring about. :-)
              ~Miche' Todd


              • #37
                Re: Richmond, Kentucky

                Ater talking to an associate who works for the State of Kentucky, managing and maintaining state and county owned historic properties, Richmond being one ofthemthe discussion that both of us had recently in regards to the Site nd the event was that, the BORA does not really care whether there are mainstreamers or authenctis at an event but that the site be preserved, money be raised and tourists brought in.

                WAKE UP people, why don't you quit going around tryingn to impress everyone with your totally handsewn clothing etc. and realize that while you are being holier then thou, that more battlefileds are being lost becuase there is no money to save them. It is our responsibilty as historians to try to preserve and protect what little is left for our children and grandchildren. It is also our responsibility to educate the public, and teach what is obviously not beingn taught in school. I beingn an authentic progressive myself see that there are poeple posting on this topic that are more concerned with segragating themsleves from everyone who does not fit into what they see as right, instead of teaching and sharing your knowleged with those who may need improvement.

                In 2003 I went to 19 events from January to October. From a total immersion event at Port Gibson, to what Miche' called a farbfest at Camp Wildcat. I had fun at all of them.

                (except for one,death in family had to leave early). I have met progerssive authentics down to the person who was absolutely new with no knowlege. No matter what thevent was,or who was around me, I maintained my standards and still had a very good time. I was amazed at how many mainstreamers asked me questions and were eager to learn and wanted more information. I came to teh conclsuion that many of them had been totally ostercized by a few of us progressives and that I was probably one of the first authentics to take an interest in sharing info with them and helping them learn.

                I would like to address one event in particular. My unit the 7th KY Vol Inf. US, who has a member the former Western Brigade Commander, voted last January to attend Camp Wildcat, becuase this was the 7th first battle orginally. 7 of us attended. The standards were theame as always for us, progressive authentic. We opted to use the units sibly tent as you never know what the weather will be in KY in mid october. All around us were guys who were not authentic and some who were even worse that mainstream. But we maintained all weekend and had a ball. First person was encouraged all weekend and we had a a grand time at the dance stealingn chicken, in first person. MIche' I recall that yes you were at Wildcat, but I saw you camping down with the Confederate military, when there was a small authentic Civilian group there, and I also don't think that sitting around in flannel footie pajamas constitutes any effort on your part to maintain your so called standards.

                The whole point of this post is to make everyone aware that nothing is going to be preserved or saved if all of this bickeringn and squabling keeps going on about who is going to run what event. Shw upo support the site and help raise money. You can maintain whatever standards that you have in your own way and still have a nice time.

                1st Corporal Gregory J Dodge
                (Alexander H. Thompson)
                Co. A 7th KY vol. inf. US

                PS where is the spellcheck??? never said I could spell!
                1st Corporal Gregory J. Dodge
                (aka) Alexlander Thompson
                7th Ky Vol Inf U.S./ Western Brigade Secretary-Treasurer
                President Kentucky Soldiers Aide Society


                • #38
                  Re: Richmond, Kentucky

                  Mr. Dodge or Thompson,
                  I guess I started what became a US vs Them arguement on this thread. I was just stated a fact that the Richmond event would be another "non-authentic" event. I have already apoligized for hurt feelings or egos. My point is this forum is for AUTHENTIC events and Richmond does not qualify. I have been to 2 other Richmond events and neither were very good or brought in much money for preservation whether there were farbs or c/p/h ers present. Let the mainstream have their event and the c/p/h ers have another. What is the big deal? It is nice that you attend so many events, but that is your choice not mine. I do not attend mainstream or farb events anymore because the last 5 I have attended (in or near KY) have had serious safety concerns. These events included Wildcat 2003, B'ville 2003, Jonesville 2003, Cumberland Gap 2003, and Richmond 2002. I could go on and on about the events in Ky, but this is not the place.
                  bluegrass rifles
                  [FONT="Book Antiqua"]Everett Taylor[/FONT]


                  • #39
                    Re: Richmond, Kentucky

                    [QUOTE=Yankeeboy]MIche' I recall that yes you were at Wildcat, but I saw you camping down with the Confederate military, when there was a small authentic Civilian group there, and I also don't think that sitting around in flannel footie pajamas constitutes any effort on your part to maintain your so called standards.

                    Hmmm, must be talking about Sunday morning when we decided it was beyond all hope and just wore our AC shirts and jeans the rest of the day. And as far as an authentic camp at Wildcat in that area, we were the ONLY authentic camp in that area, no wall tents, no coolers, no air mattresses and no non pc cots. BTW, for the record, I don't even own flannel footed PJS. I have some nifty flannel ones with frogs, but no feet sorry.

                    And as far as safety issues are concerned, I feel it important to mention that out of a two day event at Wildcat, two people were injured. One on both days. At Cynthiana KY a horse was put down as a result of a drunk rider riding into traffic. I could go on and on. As I have said, this was my last year for mainstream. I grow tired of all of the bickering and back biting that goes on among many of these events and units. It is silly really. If someone is comfortable going to events like Wildcat and Sacramento KY. Fine. Have fun. If an event is willing to work towards a more authentic event. Great I will help. But I am not in for the same old mainstream events. Almost every event I have attended in Ky is basically the same event with the same people in a different location. I am fortunate to have gained admittance to a number of EBUFU events this year, and plan to make the most of it. Quite frankly I don't have time for the bickering anymore, and I suggest that everyone else does the same. The ordeal that Mike and I went through last year has taught us that life is much to short to worry about things in the , I say move on. What we were discussing is the possibility of an authentic event at Richmond, if that isn't possible, I'm sure there are plenty of sites that would love to have a good lh next year.

                    How on earth did this turn into a discussion of the Camp Wildcat event on the Authentic Campaigner !! lol
                    Last edited by Miche_Todd; 01-19-2004, 12:22 AM.
                    ~Miche' Todd


                    • #40
                      Re: Richmond, Kentucky

                      Mainstream events may be promoted at the following internet-locales:

                      Camp Chase Gazette

                      If there is a legitimate preservation component to the event, we may even allow a posting here on our preservation folder.

                      We will not however be maintaining this folder or this thread for the purposes of promoting mainstream events. As the folder clearly states, this is for Authentic Events.

                      Nor is the Authentic Campaigner website a place for anyone to come and assail progressives / authentics / hardcores with insults and barbs. Allegations of being "Holier-than-thou" or "stitch-counting" are not appropriate terms - they are meant to be insulting and will be received as such. While we are always open to legtimate criticism, we will not allow this forum to devolve into name-calling, feigned outrage and baseless attacks.

                      If these policies seem unfair to you, you're welcome to frequent another forum or create your own.
                      Paul Calloway
                      Proudest Member of the Tar Water Mess
                      Proud Member of the GHTI
                      Member, Civil War Preservation Trust
                      Wayne #25, F&AM

