Re: Bleeding Kansas Event
SATURDAY: 9:00A GO TIME! All participants on site, set up, ready to interpret
10:00A Arrival of Immigrants
11:00A Political Gatherings -- Free-State Speechifying (town-site)
12:00P Political Gatherings -- Pro-Slavers Speechifying (Ruffians
1:00P Political Speech by Jim Lane (at the church, townsite)
2:30P Ruffians begin their march to "Bloomington" townsite)
3:00P Election of 1855 Scenario
4:00P Period Wedding/Covered Dish "Reception" [Dinner]
8:00P Debates: Territorial Issues e.g. Pro/Anti Slavery,
Temperance, Women's Suffrage, Transcendentalism,
Octagenarians, Spiritualism, and other period
9:30P Entertainment
On-going demonstrations: Farming, Gardening, Early Schooling, Fence-building,
Cooking, etc.
SUNDAY 6/27 Period Church Service (Time TBA)
11:00A Bloomingto Guard Drilling on the Prairie
12:00P Yard Ball
3:00P Strike
On-going demonstrations: Cartridge-making; Farming/Gardening/Building
As for the wide range of years, we needed to do this because the Territory didn't open up until Fall of '54; the election in question happened in Mar '55; many of the key players in the Territory (Jim Lane for instance) were not here yet by March of '55. The guidelines for clothing/accoutrements are good for the entire Territorial Period.
Just passing it on.
Frank Aufmuth
SATURDAY: 9:00A GO TIME! All participants on site, set up, ready to interpret
10:00A Arrival of Immigrants
11:00A Political Gatherings -- Free-State Speechifying (town-site)
12:00P Political Gatherings -- Pro-Slavers Speechifying (Ruffians
1:00P Political Speech by Jim Lane (at the church, townsite)
2:30P Ruffians begin their march to "Bloomington" townsite)
3:00P Election of 1855 Scenario
4:00P Period Wedding/Covered Dish "Reception" [Dinner]
8:00P Debates: Territorial Issues e.g. Pro/Anti Slavery,
Temperance, Women's Suffrage, Transcendentalism,
Octagenarians, Spiritualism, and other period
9:30P Entertainment
On-going demonstrations: Farming, Gardening, Early Schooling, Fence-building,
Cooking, etc.
SUNDAY 6/27 Period Church Service (Time TBA)
11:00A Bloomingto Guard Drilling on the Prairie
12:00P Yard Ball
3:00P Strike
On-going demonstrations: Cartridge-making; Farming/Gardening/Building
As for the wide range of years, we needed to do this because the Territory didn't open up until Fall of '54; the election in question happened in Mar '55; many of the key players in the Territory (Jim Lane for instance) were not here yet by March of '55. The guidelines for clothing/accoutrements are good for the entire Territorial Period.
Just passing it on.
Frank Aufmuth