Dates: Oct 28 – 30, 2005
Event Name: Payne’s Farm/Mine Run
Location: Orange County, Virginia
Host: CWPT
Sponsor: Stonewall Brigade
Discussion Format: via webpage/A/C forum
Contact: Federal: Kevin O’Beirne
Contact: Confederate: Mike Chapman
Civilian: N/A
Website: will appear on when up
Comments: We will try to replicate the movements of Johnson’s division and French’s III Corp on the evening of November 26th and day of November 27th, 1863. This includes a 1.6 mile march from near Jacob's Ford to Payne's Farm for the Federals.
Event Point of Contact: Dusty Chapman
Event Type: Campaign. <!--EZCODE BOLD START-->Invitation only <!--EZCODE BOLD END-->(to be made by commanding officers)
Impression(s): Companies of the 2nd VA infantry ANV and companies of the 151st NY infantry AOP
Preservation: Raising money to purchase interpretive signs for CWPT
Event Name: Payne’s Farm/Mine Run
Location: Orange County, Virginia
Host: CWPT
Sponsor: Stonewall Brigade
Discussion Format: via webpage/A/C forum
Contact: Federal: Kevin O’Beirne
Contact: Confederate: Mike Chapman
Civilian: N/A
Website: will appear on when up
Comments: We will try to replicate the movements of Johnson’s division and French’s III Corp on the evening of November 26th and day of November 27th, 1863. This includes a 1.6 mile march from near Jacob's Ford to Payne's Farm for the Federals.
Event Point of Contact: Dusty Chapman
Event Type: Campaign. <!--EZCODE BOLD START-->Invitation only <!--EZCODE BOLD END-->(to be made by commanding officers)
Impression(s): Companies of the 2nd VA infantry ANV and companies of the 151st NY infantry AOP
Preservation: Raising money to purchase interpretive signs for CWPT