At such a long event with so many players, there must be some hysterical moments. My favorite had to involve Cody Mobley and Micah Ables of Co C, 15th Texas. Now Cody is a man of few words who makes a living punching cows and making great uniforms and equipment. He marched most of the event without heels on either shoe while carrying the flag.
At the halt on Thursday at the top of a hill around noon (during the evac of the federal with the bad med reaction) Cody sat whittling happily on a piece of wood, sharpening it to a fine point with a truly nice period knife. Due to some comment I assume (or maybe not) from Micah, Cody reached over and jabbed the point of the piece of wood into Micah's thigh.
Micah was startled at the sudden pain and inquired what the heck it was that Cody had been whittling.
Cody calmly replied "Its a poke stick."
At the halt on Thursday at the top of a hill around noon (during the evac of the federal with the bad med reaction) Cody sat whittling happily on a piece of wood, sharpening it to a fine point with a truly nice period knife. Due to some comment I assume (or maybe not) from Micah, Cody reached over and jabbed the point of the piece of wood into Micah's thigh.
Micah was startled at the sudden pain and inquired what the heck it was that Cody had been whittling.
Cody calmly replied "Its a poke stick."