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Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

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  • 65thgainf
    Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

    Yes, suh,...he will start them out at Snake Creek Gap, and march them down Hwy 136 into Resaca. :D Just kidding. I'm a member of the Friends of Resaca, Tony, was in my reenactment group and I live here too. A great read prior to the battle is Phil Secrest's, "Battle Of Resaca" also the Atlanta Campaign.

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  • HighPrvt
    Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

    Ahhh, the ol' Patton death march....:D

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  • trippcor
    Re: Resaca Guided Tour

    I have managed to arrange what I think will be nice treat for those falling in with the Federal Campaigner Company being formed for Resaca. Tony Patton, a local historian and reenactor, has agreed to give a guided tour of the Resaca Battlefield on Friday night starting at 6 pm Friday evening. Tony is very active in the Friends of the Resaca Battlefield and is very knowledgeable about the battle and surrounding area. The tour will not only include the site where the event is taking place but also include near by sites and property.

    Anyone falling in with the 7th Ohio will be able to take the tour. There will be no additional cost involved. My thanks to Tony for his willingness to do this for us.

    We are up to 37 men registered so far for this effort. If we keep going we may have to split into to companies so we can maintain historically accurate numbers. An updated list has been posted on the efforts website.

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  • trippcor
    Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

    Well we have passed the thirty man mark for the Federal Campaign Company being raised for Resaca. Not to bad with still two months to go. We are one person shy of having the actual number that were in Co. K of the 7th Ohio at the Battle of Resaca.

    Here is the list of those that are currently registered:
    1. Adams, John
    2. Arnold, Timothy
    3. Barnett, Greg
    4. Brown, Eric
    5. Butler, Jim
    6. Coats, Herb - Lt
    7. Comer, Michael
    8. Comer, Shelby
    9. Corbin, Tripp - Capt
    10. Cox, Christopher
    11. Craddock, Patrick
    12. Davis, CJ
    13. Davis, Howard
    14. Duffer, John
    15. Ewing, Steve
    16. Forte, Ed
    17. Hancock, Terry
    18. Hicks, Brian
    19. Lane, Christopher
    20. McDonald, Bruce
    21. McPherson, John
    22. Morris, Clint
    23. Noland, Jeffery
    24. Pullen, Johnny
    25. Quinlin, Brad
    26. Quinlin, Sean
    27. Roberts, Jordan
    28. Shackleford, Jared
    29. Silliman, Garrett
    30. Stibitz, Mark
    31. Thomason, Kiev - Orderly Sgt.
    32. Wilson, Brian

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  • trippcor
    Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

    Things are continuing to come together for the Federal Campaign Company being raised for Resaca. Here is a list of all those registered as of March 22.
    1. Adams, John
    2. Arnold, Timothy
    3. Barnett, Greg
    4. Brown, Eric
    5. Butler, Jim
    6. Coats, Herb
    7. Comer, Michael
    8. Comer, Shelby
    9. Corbin, Tripp - Capt
    10. Cox, Christopher
    11. Craddock, Patrick
    12. Davis, Howard
    13. Duffer, John
    14. Ewing, Steve
    15. Hancock, Terry
    16. Hicks, Brian
    17. Lane, Christopher
    18. McDonald, Bruce
    19. McPherson, John
    20. Noland, Jeffery
    21. Pullen, Johnny
    22. Quinlin, Brad
    23. Quinlin, Sean
    24. Shackleford, Jared
    25. Silliman, Garrett
    26. Thomason, Kiev - Orderly Sgt.
    27. Wilson, Brian

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  • trippcor
    Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

    Many folks have indicated an interested in supporting this effort and with I- 600 now a very fond memory, it is time to start getting those registrations in. It will not be long before the event is upon us so it is time for me to start figuring out rations and positions with in the company. So far the following folks have registered:

    Registration List - 02/28/07

    1. Arnold, Timothy
    2. Barnett, Greg
    3. Brown, Eric
    4. Butler, Jim
    5. Coats, Herb
    6. Comer, Michael
    7. Comer, Shelby
    8. Corbin, Tripp
    9. Cox, Christopher
    10. Craddock, Patrick
    11. Davis, Howard
    12. Duffer, John
    13. Hancock, Terry
    14. Hicks, Brian
    15. Lane, Christopher
    16. McDonald, Bruce
    17. McPherson, John
    18. Noland, Jeffery
    19. Pullen, Johnny
    20. Quinlin, Brad
    21. Quinlin, Sean
    22. Shackleford, Jared
    23. Thomason, Kiev
    24. Wilson, Brian

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  • HighPrvt
    Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

    Hey Tony,
    You going to be joining us?
    Give me a holler I'm home today.

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  • Resaca
    Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

    Sorry folks, I believe the fellows first name ( Id'd XX Corps badge) was Alec or Alex. Its been a while since I've seen it. I think I'll go back to sleep now.

    Tony Patton
    Blue Ridge Mess

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  • Resaca
    Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

    I know of three 20th Corps badges recovered from the valley in front of Van Corputs Battery. One of those I believe was Id'd to an Eric Greiner, I can't think of the unit at this moment, (his picture is in the "Echoes of Battle" series -Atlanta Campaign. ) I know the metal badges weren't as common but there was a massive number of troops massed for the attack down the valley toward the Battery.

    Tony Patton

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  • trippcor
    Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

    Here is the list of those that have registered as of 02/05/07
    1. Tim Arnold
    2. Greg Barnett
    3. Eric Brown
    4. Jim Butler
    5. Herb Coats
    6. Michael Comer
    7. Shelby Comer
    8. Tripp Corbin
    9. Christopher Cox
    10. Patrick Craddock
    11. Howard Davis
    12. John Duffer
    13. Terry Hancock
    14. Brian Hicks
    15. Christopher Lane
    16. Bruce McDonald
    17. Jeffery Noland
    18. Johnny Pullen
    19. Jared Shackleford
    20. Kiev Thomason
    21. Brian Wilson

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  • Jim of The SRR
    Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

    SCAR will also have some guys there to support Tripp's efforts. I know this is an adjunct to a mainstream event. But, the site is on original ground and on the actual annivesary date. I have always thought about how great it would be to improve the standards at this venue and I believe the way we start is through particpation and incremental change.

    Jim Butler

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  • Kiev Thomason
    Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

    Originally posted by cloud4131ff7bw View Post
    The 30th Ga. will be participating and I believe several of us would be interested in joining your ranks. Who is in charge of the Federals?

    Russell Bergmann
    30th Ga. Co. E
    Russel,The GVB will be going federal and Hunter will be the overall commander.I am sure the 30th will be with the GVB battalion.We will no doubt be around you all on the field.Please get in touch with Jordan and talk to him about what is going on he can fill you in or call me 404 358 5611.We would love to have anyone who can meet the guidelines.

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  • Coatsy
    Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

    Mr. Heath...I am NOT going to let the cat out of the bag for which color the badges should be. Folks can easily do their own research for this..... cough, WHITE, cough ok so the cat is out now.

    Admiral Duffer....the infamous LBL XX Corps badge will be there on my person at Resaca.

    After looking at some different pictures of corps badges in the Herb Coats Memorial Civil War Picture Library I have to say that if I had the patience and time I would shoot for making a bone corps badge. No quips about dead animal parts on hats please!

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  • john duffer
    Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

    The LBL badges were green for 4th division but could no doubt be painted red, white or blue.

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  • Michael Comer
    Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

    Well actually I was thinking about that badge left over from LBL. Seemed like another good opportunity to use it but cloth will work too. I just didn't know if there had been a decision to have no such markings.

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