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Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

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  • #61
    Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

    Pre-event registration is closed for this event. Anyone wishing to be a part of the Co. K 7th Ohio Federal Campaigner Company needs to register on-site. If you are planning to do so please contact me at to let me know of your intent. Anyone registering on-site will not be guaranteed rations. If rations are available you will need to pay the $4.00 to cover your part.

    I also need a head count of who will be taking part in the battlefield tour. Please let me know soon if you intent to participate.
    [FONT=Times New Roman][b]Tripp Corbin[/b][/FONT]
    [URL=]Western Independent Grays[/URL]
    [URL=]Armory Guards[/url]


    • #62
      Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

      Well I personally had a good time at Resaca this past weekend. I want to thank all that came out and fell in with Tripp’s company, Company K, 7th Ohio. To the SCAR folks, the Possum Skinners, the 56th Georgia, my fellow WIG members, and everyone else that made it a fun weekend thank you! Tripp and I also spoke with Hunter Poythress and David Young (commanding the Federal forces and our battalion respectively) and they let us know that they were very happy that we came out. The battles and camaraderie were fun and if we decide to do this again we will work on NOT camping next to the railroad. It was very rumbley over there.

      On Sunday we were supported by and then helped out of some big time trouble by the Critter Company. Once again it was great to see infantry and cavalry working together to pin down and ultimately run the enemy off. That was a good feeling and if I might say a ‘moment’ watching Tommy, Coley, John, Patrick, Jerry, and the other Federal Cavalry launch a charge on the flanks of the Rebel formation as Tripp and Paul Jerram had our company rush forward and lay a volley into the Confederates.

      And I will put this little factoid forward to my fellow AC members. Would you believe it if I said that the Federal forces outnumbered the Confederate forces at the event this past weekend? Well it is true. Yes it happened in the south, in Georgia! I went to an event that had more Federals than Confederates. I found this fact quite simply amazing.
      Herb Coats
      Armory Guards &


      • #63
        Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

        Indeed, this weekend was a lot of fun. Wish I could have seen some of you there, but there was enough confusion as my guys didn't even show themselves (had to be adopted by the 21st MA) to try to find Tripp or anyone else.

        Regardless, excellent fun, despite being completely screwed at Sunday's outset by the Confederate lodgement near the tracks!
        Jonathan "Scottie" Scott
        Co. A, 104th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
        Salt River Rifles

        <a href="">Race to Knoxville: April 17-19, 2009</a>
        <a href="">145th Anniversary Battle of Resaca: May 17-19, 2009</a>


        • #64
          Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

          Comrads... It was certainly worth the 9+ hour drive to serve with great bunch from Co. K. The colors and the battles were memorable especially Sunday's battle against the Rebs near the tracks. Nice to meet new people and see again familiar faces.Thanks to all who were there and who helped put this together. OHIO! OHIO!

          Ed Henry
          Plug Ugly Mess


          • #65
            Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

            Thanks again for everyone that supported the effort to raise a campaigner company for Resaca. It looks like we had the biggest company on the field for either side. We had a high of 52 men on Saturday and Sunday we still had 47. We ended up being one wing of the Georgia Volunteer Battalion.

            Everyone kept telling me how great we looked and how well we drilled. To quote Sgt Major Boone of the GVB we helped dispell the myth that campaigners can not drill. Given the number of different units we had (Armory Guards, Possum Skinners, WIG, Salt River Rifles, 56th Ga, 30th Ga, 48th NY, 45th Al, New Madrid Guards, 63rd Tn, Elk River Boys and 21st OH) I was amazed at how quickly we were able to operate in the field as single unit. I was proud and honored to have been your captain.

            Thanks to the GVB for giving us a home and for being patient with me as I learned how they opperate. Hunter Poythress did a great job as the overall federal commander. As always it was a pleasure to serve with Paul Jerram.

            A special thanks to the Critters and the rest of the Federal Cav. for saving our bacon Sunday morning. That one Confederate company would have over run our platoon if y'all had not showed up.
            [FONT=Times New Roman][b]Tripp Corbin[/b][/FONT]
            [URL=]Western Independent Grays[/URL]
            [URL=]Armory Guards[/url]


            • #66
              Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

              I was in that company of Confederates that came across the tracks on your flank Sunday. It looked like we were holding our own there for a little bit with you boys. When that cavalry came upon us, it looked terrific! (or I should say terrifying!) After that, the 7th Ohio then began to kick our butts across the field and never let up.

              Hope you all had a good weekend and for those that went on the tour Friday evening, I hope you enjoyed it.

              Tony Patton
              Tony Patton


              • #67
                Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

                I am so sorry I forgot to thank you for a great tour. That alone was worth the trip to the event.
                [FONT=Times New Roman][b]Tripp Corbin[/b][/FONT]
                [URL=]Western Independent Grays[/URL]
                [URL=]Armory Guards[/url]


                • #68
                  Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

                  I was part of that tour group friday evening and just wanted to mention again how grateful I am for your time and energy. I still get chills thinking of that view of Van den Corput's Battery Redan. Thanks again.
                  Peter Julius
                  North State Rifles

                  "North Carolina - a vale of humility between two mountains of conceit." Unknown author


                  • #69
                    Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

                    Greetings all,

                    Truly a good weekend. Great guys all around. The leadership was great this weekend and it was good to get to know a bunch of new gentlemen. I use that word loosely as it is defined. Looking forward to seeing al again at Outpost III.
                    I never thought I would say it, but Ohio, Ohio, Ohio!!!!
                    Greg S Barnett
                    Burlington Lodge #763 F&AM

                    New Knoxville Mess
                    ArmoryGuards/ WIG

                    An authentic person of true insignificance


                    • #70
                      Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

                      Oh how could I forget, those rousing cheers for the Buckeye State?! Never been more elated to hear a volley followed by the shout of OHIO!
                      Jonathan "Scottie" Scott
                      Co. A, 104th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
                      Salt River Rifles

                      <a href="">Race to Knoxville: April 17-19, 2009</a>
                      <a href="">145th Anniversary Battle of Resaca: May 17-19, 2009</a>


                      • #71
                        Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

                        I would like to thank Tripp and Kiev for all of their hard work in organizing the event. You did an excellent job once again. Enjoyed it!!
                        Johnny Pullen
                        Possum Skinners Mess
                        Armory Guards

                        "Mr. Davis tried to do what God failed to do. He tried to make a soldier of Braxton Bragg."
                        General Joe Johnston


                        • #72
                          Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

                          I had a great time, up until my knee went south the second time we came out of the works. Thanks to everybody that worked so hard on the event, it was a blast.
                          [SIZE=3][COLOR=DarkOliveGreen][B]Howard Davis[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]


                          • #73
                            Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

                            Yep, it was good. I signed up with some mixed feelings but was very impressed by the number of Federals we had. It was a good look and ended up being a force ratio much more authentic than what I understand has been in the past.

                            So even though I came with some hesitation to a mainstream event, I ended up having a good time and enjoyed the camaraderie in the company.

                            I wonder if Landrum will wear his new kepi to Vicksburg?
                            Michael Comer
                            one of the moderator guys


                            • #74
                              Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

                              I want to also thank Tripp and Kiev. I had a blast !!!!!!!!! I was only there on Friday night and Saturday; no sleep, stinking trains. Tony Patton put on an excellent tour. Rations were good. Saturday's battle was great. Whipped those Seesch good.
                              [FONT=Arial]Chris Cox[/FONT]
                              [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Co.B 45th AL[/COLOR][/B]
                              [I][COLOR="Navy"][B]Possum Skinner Mess[/B][/COLOR][/I]


                              • #75
                                Re: Resaca - May 18-20, 2007

                                Thank you all for making the event what it was.You all pulled it together on the field and in camp.You all are the ones we should be thanking.

                                I would like to say I hope this is not the last time that the ratios at a mainstream event look as they did this past weekend.WoW ! Thats alot of Yanks! Ohio ..Ohio !! I also hope that we can pull this off at another event maybe in the next year or so.

                                You all did a great Job!My hats off to you all.I hope everyone got home safe.
                                Kiev Thomason
                                a.k.a. King Corn:baring_te
                                Armory Guards
                                Forest Park Lodge #399
                                Forest Park GA.

