On the weekend of 10-12 October 2008 a joint event by the GHTI and WIG will take place at the Conner Prairie Living History Farm in Noblesville Indiana. Dates and details are obviously tentative at this point but we felt the need to get the word out now.
Conner Prairie is an open air museum with three distinct eras of Indiana History being portrayed. The largest of these three is a common Indiana town of the antebellum period. This setting will provide the backdrop for a weekend of historically based scenarios pertaining to Camp Morton, Indiana's POW camp.
The scenario is in it's infancy, but will consist of transportation of recently captured POW's to Indianapolis under the guard of a detached Federal company. Conner Prairie will serve as a warping from the seat of the war to Morton. The historical record contains a wealth of options for interesting things to play out over the course of the weekend.
The event will be an authentic living history and we would certainly like to draw good impressions from all over the country. This should by no means be considered a local event, Indiana is not known for authentic events and it is out desire to change that.
Paul Calloway will serve as the Federal commander for this event and the WIG staff will join with it's northern counterparts in the GHTI for planning and coordinating.
Please stay tuned for updates, guidelines, and scenario notes that will be forthcoming. For now, mark your calendars and get the word out.!