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Kennesaw Mtn. NPS LH 20-22 June 08

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  • Kennesaw Mtn. NPS LH 20-22 June 08

    Date: 20-22 June, 2008
    Name: Living History at Kennesaw Mountain National Military Park.
    Location: Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield, Marietta, GA.
    Sponsor/Host: Old Northwest Volunteers
    Capacity: The NPS has capped the number of participants at 40.
    POC: Nathan Hellwig aka "Harrison Holloway" aka "Holler"
    Website: None
    Fee: Cost: $20.00 per person. This covers rations. Forum: None
    Listserver: None
    Preservation Component: Any money left over will be donated to the Kennesaw National Military Park.
    Notes: The ONV has first dibs on registration.
    Last edited by Charles Heath; 12-05-2007, 01:21 PM. Reason: Added info provided by Nathan.
    [B]Charles Heath[/B]

    [URL=""]12 - 14 Jun 09 Hoosiers at Gettysburg[/URL]

    [EMAIL=""]17-19 Jul 09 Mumford/GCV Carpe Eventum [/EMAIL]

    [EMAIL=""]31 Jul - 2 Aug 09 Texans at Gettysburg [/EMAIL]

    [EMAIL=""] 11-13 Sep 09 Fortress Monroe [/EMAIL]

    [URL=""]2-4 Oct 09 Death March XI - Corduroy[/URL]

    [EMAIL=""] G'burg Memorial March [/EMAIL]

  • #2
    Kennesaw Mountain Living History June 20-22, 2008

    Kennesaw Mountain Living History
    June 20-22, 2008
    Host Unit the Hairy Nation Boys of the ONV
    Contact: Harrison Holloway
    Fee: $20.00 per person Non-Refundable

    Impression: 11th Iowa Co.G
    Recruited Primarily out of Henry County, Mt.Pleasant, Iowa
    Dates: June 20-22, 1864
    Cost: $20.00 per person. This covers rations. Any money left over will be donated to the Kennesaw National Military Park.
    Website: No fancy website will be with this event. If you have any question e-mail me.
    Captain: Steve Acker
    1st Lt Archibald Campbell
    2nd Lt Harrison Holloway
    Orderly Lem Ellington
    All other NCO positions will be posted later.
    Manual: We will use 1861 Infantry Tactics
    Powder and caps will be provided by the park.

    First Person: We will maintain first person at all times. If you need to talk about non-period issues please leave the camp area and talk in hushed tones. The officers and NCO’s will enforce this.
    Just like our friends at Shiloh did we will have one person (officer or NCO) who will act as a go between with the public.
    We are here to enjoy ourselves. No discussions about future/past events, modern politics, sports, and anything else modern.

    We will have a uniform inspection at the time of your arrival. The officers, NCO’s and NPS staff have the right to ask any participant to remove non-period items from their kit. If you come dressed in any other way than what we have noted you will NOT BE ALLOWED TO PARTICPATE.

    We will have one member of our company detailed as photographer. This person has been instructed to be discreet. Please leave your camera in your vehicle. If we see you taking pictures we will confiscate the camera and return it to you at the end of the living history. These photos will be posted online so that you can have a copy. Nothing takes away from an event when multiple people are using their cameras. We will make sure we get a picture of everyone.

    Field Rations are a part of your fee. Please make sure you have eaten supper Friday night. Rations will not be issued until Saturday morning. We know that the men were issued Salt pork, Hardtack and coffee. In one account that we have read the men did not have vegetables for several weeks.
    We will NOT be leaving at any time to go out to eat. If you leave the event to go out to eat do not return.

    On Sunday, we will be marching the Pigeon Hill Trail. This is a 5.4 mile loop and at times can be strenuous. If you suffer from ANY medical problems that could arise while we march you may want to stay back at camp. Please use your own discretion. (This may or may not happen. The park has given the ok but weather will determine what we do.)

    As many of you know Georgia in June will be hot! Make sure you drink plenty of water leading up to and including while at the living history. Do not drink pop or any other beverage that contains caffeine. This will only dehydrate you.

    The Hairy Nation Boys are members of the Temperance Crusade. No drinking of alcohol will be allowed.

    Weapons Inspection: Upon arrival an officer and NCO will check your weapon. On Saturday morning a Ranger will be inspecting your weapon. Make sure they are in good working order. If your weapon fails inspection you will NOT be able to carry it on the field. I will have two spares just in case.

    Please follow what your officers and NCO’s ask you to do. We are going to present to the public and the National Park Service how a western company looked how they acted. All participants will be expected to serve on their fatigue duties and guard details. We will have an all night picket Saturday night. If you don’t want to fit the role as a soldier, don’t come.

    Please try and arrive to the site by 10:00 pm Friday. If you arrive late the gate will have a dummy lock. We will have some boys there to direct you.
    We will be there by noon Friday.

    Any questions? Please contact Harrison “Holler” Holloway at or 319-341-5885 call before 8:00 central. I have two little ones that I put to bed at that time.

    Uniform Guidelines

    Coat: Fatigue Coat lined or unlined

    Trousers: Sky blue and of correct period construction.

    1. Dress hat
    2. Citizen hat
    No Huck Fin hats or hat brass of any kind.

    1.Brogans (Sewn or pegged)
    2. Boots. Remember we are marching on Sunday. Brogans may be better for your feet.

    1. Citizen shirt (the 11th was just coming off of furlough. Would you want to wear a scratchy shirt?)
    2. Issue Shirt Contract Brown or Grey.
    3. Domet Flannel

    Brown-grey with US
    Gum Blanket.
    No Ponchos!
    Bedrolls only.
    KNAPSACKS ARE NOT ALLOWED! At this point the 11th had placed their knapsacks in storage.

    M 1858 Canteen (Smoothside, grey/brown in color), Cloth sling.
    Bullseyes accepted
    No chains
    No sky blue or dark blue canteens allowed.

    1. 1861 Springfield rifle with correct modifications
    3. 1853 Enfield rifle with correct modifications
    NO Smoothbores or two bands

    Belt: Late War version with US buckle.
    With or without brass keeper.

    Scabbard: seven rivet with brass tip.
    Will accept two rivet

    Cap Pouch: M850 Cap pouch

    Cartridge Box: M1855 .58 box may be worn with sling or on belt.

    Haversack: Tarred variety. Needs to be short in length. Cup will be inside

    Extras: This is up to you. Remember to pack light! We will not allow over packing. Bring only what you really need.
    Pipes only! No cigars.
    Twists or plugs only.
    No Corps badges
    Please place all medicine in a period correct container of bag.

    The Hairy Nation Boys
    Event Enlistment
    Kennesaw Mountain Living History
    Impression: 11th Iowa Company G
    Kennesaw Mountain, Georgia
    June 20-22, 2008

    Name ____________________________________

    First Person Name______________________________

    Street Address __________________________________________________ ________

    City __________________________________________________ _________________

    State ________ Zip _______________ Phone _________________________________

    E-Mail Address __________________________________________________ ________

    Local Unit or Mess __________________________________________________ ____

    Are you a member of the ONV? Yes/ No
    There is a $20.00 fee for rations. Each participant is expected to partake in rations.

    Please return this form and ration fee to:
    Nathan Hellwig
    3214 Friendship Street
    Iowa City, Iowa 52245

    Money is due by May 17. No exceptions.
    Please see other side


    I, (print) _________________________________________ (and if a minor, the parent or legal guardian whose signature appears below), in consideration of the acceptance of my voluntary enlistment in the Battle of Barron Fork reenactment (hereafter known as the “Event”), do hereby agree to RELEASE and HOLD HARMLESS The Hairy Nation Boys, all participants, agents, employees, volunteers, officers, directors, members, licensees or assigns of the aforementioned organizations (collectively, the “Released Parties”) for any injury, death, property damage or financial loss of any kind received or suffered by me due to participation in the Event, regardless of whether such injury, death, damage or loss arises from the negligence or any Released Party or otherwise. I also agree to INDEMNIFY and HOLD HARMLESS all Released Parties of any injury, death, property damage of financial loss of any kind caused by me through my participation in the Event.

    I understand that reenacting and living history may be considered hazardous activities and I am aware of, and assume, ALL POTENTIAL RISKS associated with such activities. I understand The Hairy Nation, and their officers, make no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the condition, safety or use of any equipment, materials or other property used or supplied by any of the Released Parties during the Event.

    I, the undersigned (or his legal representative), have carefully read and understand this agreement, and all its terms. I understand this is a RELEASE OF LIABILITY which will legally prevent me or any other person on my behalf from filing or making any other legal claim against any of the Released Parties for damages in the event of my death or any injury to myself or my property.

    I hereby enter into this agreement freely and voluntarily, and stipulate that this release and indemnity agreement shall be binding upon my successors and assigns.

    Signature: ______________________________________________Date : _________________________
    Nathan Hellwig
    AKA Harrison "Holler" Holloway
    "It was the Union armies west of the Appalachians that struck the death knell of the Confederacy." Leslie Anders ,Preface, The Twenty-First Missouri


    • #3
      Re: Kennesaw Mountain Living History June 20-22, 2008

      This sounds great. Looking forward to it. Let me know if I or the Armory Guards can help. We have put on several events at Kennesaw. It is in our backyard.
      [FONT=Times New Roman][b]Tripp Corbin[/b][/FONT]
      [URL=]Western Independent Grays[/URL]
      [URL=]Armory Guards[/url]


      • #4
        Re: Kennesaw Mtn. NPS LH 20-22 June 08

        Currently we have 25 individuals who have expressed interest in this living history. The living history is capped at 45 people. If you are interested in attending and would like the impression guidelines and registration for please e-mail me or PM me.

        The money will cover the cost of rations and the remainder of the money will be donated to the park.

        Captain Steve Acker
        1st Lt. Archibald Campbell
        2nd Lt. Harrison Holloway
        Orderly Sgt. Lem Ellington
        Nathan Hellwig
        AKA Harrison "Holler" Holloway
        "It was the Union armies west of the Appalachians that struck the death knell of the Confederacy." Leslie Anders ,Preface, The Twenty-First Missouri


        • #5
          Kennesaw Mountain Registered List So Far

          So far the following have registered for Kennesaw:
          Abe Flemming ONV
          Charles Dawson ONV
          George Hall ONV
          Dan Chmelar ONV
          John Christianson Southern Guard
          Mike Hoover Hardcase Boys
          Archibald Campbell Hairy Nation ONV
          Harrison Holloway Hairy Nation ONV
          Lem Ellington Hairy Nation ONV
          David Cravens Hairy Nation ONV
          Hyrum Bogum Hairy Nation ONV
          Jefferson Saylor Hairy Nation ONV
          Jake Wickham Hairy Nation ONV
          Jon Beeler Hairy Nation ONV

          Remember we are limited to 45 men so please send me your registration ASAP!
          Dave F. is currently working on our website so that shoule be up and running soon!
          Once we get a good number of registered souls we will be sending out an information packet to you.
          Nathan Hellwig
          AKA Harrison "Holler" Holloway
          "It was the Union armies west of the Appalachians that struck the death knell of the Confederacy." Leslie Anders ,Preface, The Twenty-First Missouri


          • #6
            Re: Kennesaw Mtn. NPS LH 20-22 June 08

            Add Terry Sorchy ONV to the list.
            Nathan Hellwig
            AKA Harrison "Holler" Holloway
            "It was the Union armies west of the Appalachians that struck the death knell of the Confederacy." Leslie Anders ,Preface, The Twenty-First Missouri


            • #7
              Kennesaw Website

              Here is the link for the Kennesaw Mountain Website.

              Nathan Hellwig
              AKA Harrison "Holler" Holloway
              "It was the Union armies west of the Appalachians that struck the death knell of the Confederacy." Leslie Anders ,Preface, The Twenty-First Missouri


              • #8
                Re: Kennesaw Mtn. NPS LH 20-22 June 08

                Keep the registration forms coming in. I just had a good talk with the park and they are very excited for what we have planned. If you want to do western fed, come on down!

                Please contact me and not the park if you have any questions.
                Nathan Hellwig
                AKA Harrison "Holler" Holloway
                "It was the Union armies west of the Appalachians that struck the death knell of the Confederacy." Leslie Anders ,Preface, The Twenty-First Missouri


                • #9
                  11th Iowa/Downing Diary Entry

                  Downings Civil War Diary
                  By. Alexander Downing
                  Company E, 11th Iowa Veteran Volunteer Infantry

                  Chapter XVIII.

                  The Battles Around Atlanta. In the Field Hospital.
                  June 9-July 11.

                  Thursday, 9th-The weather is fine-warm and pleasant. Out corps remained quiet and in its position all day. But orders have been given for the whole army to move forward in the morning. We commenced drawing rations again today. I went out on picket this evening.

                  General Sherman is in command of all of our forces, with General Thomas in command of the right wing, General Hooker of the center, and General McPherson of the left. We have a large force of cavalry on each of the flanks. The country about Atlanta being so hilly and rough, it is exceedingly difficult to advance in front of the rebels, they having by far the better position. They have a great deal better chance to kill our men than we have to kill them.

                  Friday, 10th- Our entire army moved forward early this morning. The teams were all left in the rear. We advanced our division about ten miles and went into bivouac at a place called Big Shanty. Our front drove in the pickets and did some brisk skirmishing and cannonading. The railroad station at Big Shanty and the houses have all been burned. Our army is prepared for a big fight. There is no news from Grant’s army, but at last accounts things were working fine.

                  Saturday, 11th- Had a light shower yesterday, while today it rained all day. We formed a line of battle this morning and moved forward. These was some shaper skirmishing, and our cannons were active, but the rebels did not reply. We advanced about a half mile and the rebels fell back inside of their rifle pits, a mile distant at the foot of Kennesaw mountain. Each regiment then went to work throwing up its own rifle pits. There was some more sharp skirmishing, the rebels attempting to turn our left, but we drove them back. The railroad is not in operation up to our army, and the first train came in to Big Shanty today. News came that Lee had evacuated Richmond, but we could not believe the report.

                  Sunday, 12th- It rained steadily all day. Our forces did not advance any today, but they are still throwing up earthworks and planting batteries. There was some shelling at a few points today by our men and the skirmishing at times was quite lively on both sides. But because of so much rain the last two days, and since we have worked so hard building rifle pits, we are glad to remain quiet and get some rest. As we have no tents, the men have built “ranches” out of their rubber ponchos, for shelter and for resting places in which to get snatches of sleep. There are not tents except the hospital tents, and some of the officers have “fly tents” in order to keep their papers and books dry. Our wagon trains are kept in the rear for fear of our being suddenly shelled and compelled to fall back. The earthworks of both sides are in plain view of each other, all the timber having been cut down, and the pickets are close enough together at night to engage in conversation.

                  Monday 13th-It rained again nearly the whole day. We formed a line of battle early this morning, but soon returned to our “ranches” with orders to keep our accouterments on and be ready to form at a moment’s notice. Skirmishing commenced early all along the line and there was cannonading from our side with no reply from the rebels. Things are progressing fine. There is no news from the army around Richmond. I wrote a letter today to Robinson Laport of the Twenty-fourth Iowa and received on from Miss Moore.

                  Tuesday, 14th- No rain, but cloudy and quite cool. Skirmishing began again early this morning and our artillery threw shells into the rebels’ works but they would not reply. They are still fortifying their position. A rebel company consisting of thirty-five men came over to our lines today and gave themselves up. They informed us that there was a whole brigade that would surrender if give a chance, for they were tired of retreating all the while. They are represented to our officers Johnston’s entire force numbered only sixty thousand men, and said that their artillerymen had orders not to fire when our artillery shelled, but to wait until our troops should make a charge, and the open up on us. There was one man of the Sixteenth Iowa killed today by a rebel sharpshooter.

                  Wednesday 15th-The day has been clear and quite warm. This morning Company E was sent out as sharpshooters. During the night the Eleventh and Sixteenth Regiments had thrown up a new line of rifle pits, about a half mile in advance of the old one, and at noon today moved forward in line of battle into the new trenches. At the same time our skirmish line was ordered to advance on the rebel skirmish line, and it being our company’s turn to go out on the line, we were deployed and advanced, driving in the rebel skirmish line for almost a half mile, pushing them back from their first and second lines of fence rails piled up for protection. We approached so near to their rifle pits at the foot of Kennesaw mountain as to make it possible for their artillerymen to use grape and canister upon us, killing one man, William Alexander. The rebel skirmishers now received reinforcements, while our skirmishers on the left failing to come up with us, made a gap in our lines and left us in a very hot place for a little while as it gave the rebels a cross fire on us, and we were compelled to fall back, thus losing some of the ground taken. But just then our colonel sent another company in double quick to relieve us, and our lost position was regained, We had become completely used up and lost one man killed, one mortally wounded, seven slightly wounded, and one man taken prisoner. Our stretchers bearers, after the fight, raised the white flag and went to get the body of Alexander for burial.

                  Thursday 16th- Skirmishing commenced again early this morning. The rebels batteries off on the left would fire a round or two just as soon as our guns would open on them they would stop firing. General Leggett’s Division on the left drove the rebels back about a mile and there was some very heavy cannonading in the afternoon on the right, where it is reported that General Thomas made a charge on the rebels’ left, around the rear and got possession of Pine Hills. It was reported that at one point a rebel regiment, the Forty-third Mississippi, was ordered to make a charge on our lines and when they started off their colonel ordered them to reverse arms, and they came marching right into our lines, surrendering themselves as prisoners of war. While our men were making demonstrations all along the line yesterday, about one thousand rebels were taken prisoners, some of them surrendering without firing a gun. They said that there was a great discontent in the ranks of their army around Atlanta; that they were tired of continually falling back, and that many had come to the conclusion that the war on their part could be nothing else than a failure. Company E lying quiet today. The rough treatment we experienced yesterday was a hard blow to the company, for the loss of nine men from one company in a skirmish line, in less than four hours, does not often happen.

                  Friday 17th- Our brigade was moved to the left of the Fourth Division during the night, and General Logan’s Division occupied our former position. The Eleventh was at work nearly all night throwing up a new line of rifle pits, while the other regiments of our brigade occupied pits previously made by other troops. During the Logan’s Division was twice charge upon, but both times repulsed the attack. Skirmishing began early this morning and continued throughout the day. Our entire left wing was ordered to fall in all along the line and make a demonstration, by cheering and by opening our batteries. This was done to compel them to draw reinforcements from their left. During these demonstrations and skirmishing the captain of Company C was wounded by a sharpshooter, as was also a private in Company G.

                  Saturday 18th-A light rain yesterday was followed by rain most of today, and all was quiet along the lines until late this evening, when there was heavy cannonading till late in the night. We were ordered to keep all accouterments on and our rifles at our sides during the night, for it is expected by our officers that the rebels will attack our left or evacuate. Deserters report that their men have order to that effect. There has been some very hard fighting on our right this afternoon, and General Thomas has turned the rebels’ left and pierced their center. The news from Richmond is that General Grant is on the south of Richmond, that he has taken Fort Darling, and that he is going to change his base of operations.

                  Sunday 19th- It rained hard all day. Cannonading commenced early this morning and was kept up all day, being very heavy in the center. We have outflanked the rebels’ right and they have fallen back from their first line of rifle pits and have place their heavy guns on high points of ground. It is supposes that they are on the retreat towards Atlanta, as it is reported that they have fallen back from two to four miles and are building strong earthworks. The First Brigade of our Fourth Division has now formed a line of battle beyond their former first line of rifle pits. The Thirteenth and the Fifteenth Iowa Regiments moved out in the front this afternoon.
                  The rain today has been a great benefit to those who are wounded. May God help them and stand by them, and may they return thanks unto Him! May they ever look unto Him for their support and help.

                  Monday 20th-It has been quite warm today with rain this evening. Things were quiet all along the line until in the afternoon, when there was heavy fighting in the center, and all our artillery opened upon the rebels, without response from their guns. The heaviest cannonading that we have had yet was from our center, and it lasted two hours. The rebels have fallen back, still hold Kennesaw mountain and have their heavy batteries planted on the very top, while our men are along the north side of the mountain, slowly ascending it. Our regiment moved to the front again this evening and two companies, I and H are out on picket.

                  Tuesday, 21st-Another all day rain and tings were very still along the lines until late in the afternoon when there was some brisk skirmishing. General Hooker made two charges on the rebel works yesterday; the first time he was repulsed, but the second time he carried and took several hundred prisoners. General Osterhaus at the same time made a charge and took about two hundred prisoners. There is no news from Richmond.

                  Wednesday, 22nd- It has cleared off and is quite warm today. The rebels commenced shelling us thins morning, but did little to damage as their shells fell short our lines, on account of their insufficient charges of powder, we suppose, and because their guns are too small to stand heavier charges. Our batteries opened up and exchanged shots with them for about two hours. Our men commenced throwing up heavy earthworks this evening. Company C went out on picket this evening. There have been no trains coming in to Big Shanty for the last two days on account of the rebels’ destroying the railroad this side of Chattanooga; but it will be repaired in a few days. Our army draws full rations with the exception of meat, of which we ware allowed but three-fifths rations.

                  Thursday, 23rd-We were up all night throwing breastworks, finishing them about noon today. The rebels opened up their battery on Little Kennesaw mountain, but did not harm. General Leggett on the right made a demonstration before the rebel lines, but was not engaged and soon fell back again. All is quiet on the right. The Sixteenth Corps was ordered out on an expedition with fifteen days’ rations, but we do not know their destination. We received orders to be ready to march at a moment’s warning, with two days rations. William Cross of Company E returned from the hospital after an absence of ten months.
                  Nathan Hellwig
                  AKA Harrison "Holler" Holloway
                  "It was the Union armies west of the Appalachians that struck the death knell of the Confederacy." Leslie Anders ,Preface, The Twenty-First Missouri


                  • #10
                    Updated Registration for Kennesaw

                    Here is the updated registraiton list for Kennesaw. Remember we are limited to 45 participants so send in your registration ASAP.
                    Also please note that my e-mail has changed. It is now

                    Update 2/2/08
                    Charles Dawson ONV
                    John Christiansen Southern Guard
                    Abraham Flemming ONV
                    Harrison Holloway Hairy Nation/ONV
                    Arch Campbell Hairy Nation/ONV
                    Jake Wickham Hairy Nation/ONV
                    John Beeler Hairy Nation/ONV
                    Hiram Bogum Hairy Nation/ONV
                    Peter Castleman Hairy Nation/ONV
                    David Cravens Hairy Nation/ONV
                    Lem Ellington Hairy Nation/ONV
                    Jefferson Saylor Hairy Nation/ONV
                    Steve Acker ONV
                    Geoge Hall ONV
                    Mike Hoover Hardcase Boys
                    John Dawson ONV
                    John Weadeward ONV
                    Preston Todd Hardcase Boys
                    Tim Arnold Hardcase Boys
                    James Smith ONV
                    Scott Busenbark Top Rail Mess
                    Michael Comer
                    Cal Kinzer 2nd Colorado
                    Nathan Hellwig
                    AKA Harrison "Holler" Holloway
                    "It was the Union armies west of the Appalachians that struck the death knell of the Confederacy." Leslie Anders ,Preface, The Twenty-First Missouri


                    • #11

                      As of right now we have 24 registered for Kennesaw June 20-22. If you are planning on attending please get your registration in soon. We are limited to 45 spots.

                      Also, my e-mail has changed. My new e-mail is

                      We have many things planned for this event that I think you will enjoy. If you have any questions please contact me and not the park.

                      I hope you can join us Hawkeyes!
                      Nathan Hellwig
                      AKA Harrison "Holler" Holloway
                      "It was the Union armies west of the Appalachians that struck the death knell of the Confederacy." Leslie Anders ,Preface, The Twenty-First Missouri


                      • #12
                        Kennesaw Mountain Registration List 2/23/08

                        Kennesaw Registration List 2/23/08

                        Steve Acker Captain
                        Archibald Campbell 1st Lt
                        Harrison Holloway 2nd Lt
                        Lem Ellington Orderly
                        Preston Todd 2nd Sgt
                        Abraham Fleming 3rd Sgt
                        David Cravens Cpl
                        George Hall Cpl
                        Hiram Bogum Musician

                        Tim Arnold
                        Scott Busenbark
                        Peter Castleman
                        John Christiansen
                        Michael Comer
                        Charles Dawson
                        John Dawson
                        Mike Hoover
                        William Little
                        Cal Kinzer
                        Charles Reed
                        Jefferson Saylor
                        James Smith
                        John Weadeward
                        Jake Wickham

                        Please get your registration in to me soon. Just last night we ordered the tack. We have 22 more spots open.

                        Last edited by Hairy Nation Boys; 02-23-2008, 08:30 AM. Reason: Forgot to add one person.
                        Nathan Hellwig
                        AKA Harrison "Holler" Holloway
                        "It was the Union armies west of the Appalachians that struck the death knell of the Confederacy." Leslie Anders ,Preface, The Twenty-First Missouri


                        • #13
                          Re: Kennesaw Mtn. NPS LH 20-22 June 08

                          Get those registrations sent in! We have some really neat things planned and you do not want to miss this.

                          Plus, if you plan on attending Marmadukes and Into the Piney Woods look at this event as a company warm-up.

                          If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
                          Nathan Hellwig
                          AKA Harrison "Holler" Holloway
                          "It was the Union armies west of the Appalachians that struck the death knell of the Confederacy." Leslie Anders ,Preface, The Twenty-First Missouri


                          • #14
                            Re: Kennesaw Mtn. NPS LH 20-22 June 08

                            seems like ill be back in time.. go ahead and add me. Have friends in Atlanta that will watch my dog for me over the weekend..

                            [B][I]Skip Owens[/I][/B]


                            [U]Southern Guard Living History Assn.

                            The Company of Military Historians[/U]


                            • #15
                              Re: Kennesaw Mtn. NPS LH 20-22 June 08

                              Cool! Look forward to seeing you.
                              Nathan Hellwig
                              AKA Harrison "Holler" Holloway
                              "It was the Union armies west of the Appalachians that struck the death knell of the Confederacy." Leslie Anders ,Preface, The Twenty-First Missouri

