Date: 20-22 June, 2008
Name: Living History at Kennesaw Mountain National Military Park.
Location: Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield, Marietta, GA.
Sponsor/Host: Old Northwest Volunteers
Capacity: The NPS has capped the number of participants at 40.
POC: Nathan Hellwig aka "Harrison Holloway" aka "Holler"
Website: None
Fee: Cost: $20.00 per person. This covers rations. Forum: None
Listserver: None
Preservation Component: Any money left over will be donated to the Kennesaw National Military Park.
Notes: The ONV has first dibs on registration.
Name: Living History at Kennesaw Mountain National Military Park.
Location: Kennesaw Mountain Battlefield, Marietta, GA.
Sponsor/Host: Old Northwest Volunteers
Capacity: The NPS has capped the number of participants at 40.
POC: Nathan Hellwig aka "Harrison Holloway" aka "Holler"
Website: None
Fee: Cost: $20.00 per person. This covers rations. Forum: None
Listserver: None
Preservation Component: Any money left over will be donated to the Kennesaw National Military Park.
Notes: The ONV has first dibs on registration.