Historic Brattonsville, McConnells SC.
On Oct 3rd 2009 Historic Brattonsville will explore the sensative subjects of slavery, slave patrols, vigilante groups and slave revolts. This event is centered around events that took place in late December 1860 in McConnells South Carolina. Members of a suspected abolitionist family were accused of trying to insight a slave insurrection. They were caught selling whiskey to slaves and arrested, but not without a fight. A large gunfight broke out during the arrest attemp between the Pugh family (including women and children) and the local Turkey Creek Minutemen. The Pugh's were tried and convicted. Their punishment was harsh...they were whipped, had the left sides of their heads shaved and were put on a train "to the free states". The whipping was to be carried out by the Bratton overseers.
Historic Brattonsville will recreate some of these events through first person scripted scenarios and third person interpretation. The shoot out with the Pugh family will be recreated twice during the day.
We are seeking high quaily civilian militia and African American slave impressions for this jurried event. Campaigning is welcome on site both Friday and Saturday night, and some historic structures (barns, outbuildings) are available for sleeping on a first come first serve basis. Historic Brattonsville is a carefully restored 800 acre living history museum complete with three generations of Bratton Family homes (the earliest dating back to 1770). It is the site of a Revolutionary War battle and also home to a restored and still functional atebellum cotton plantation.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions at jfailor@chmuseums.org
Thanks everyone.
Jon Failor, Historic Farmer
On Oct 3rd 2009 Historic Brattonsville will explore the sensative subjects of slavery, slave patrols, vigilante groups and slave revolts. This event is centered around events that took place in late December 1860 in McConnells South Carolina. Members of a suspected abolitionist family were accused of trying to insight a slave insurrection. They were caught selling whiskey to slaves and arrested, but not without a fight. A large gunfight broke out during the arrest attemp between the Pugh family (including women and children) and the local Turkey Creek Minutemen. The Pugh's were tried and convicted. Their punishment was harsh...they were whipped, had the left sides of their heads shaved and were put on a train "to the free states". The whipping was to be carried out by the Bratton overseers.
Historic Brattonsville will recreate some of these events through first person scripted scenarios and third person interpretation. The shoot out with the Pugh family will be recreated twice during the day.
We are seeking high quaily civilian militia and African American slave impressions for this jurried event. Campaigning is welcome on site both Friday and Saturday night, and some historic structures (barns, outbuildings) are available for sleeping on a first come first serve basis. Historic Brattonsville is a carefully restored 800 acre living history museum complete with three generations of Bratton Family homes (the earliest dating back to 1770). It is the site of a Revolutionary War battle and also home to a restored and still functional atebellum cotton plantation.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions at jfailor@chmuseums.org
Thanks everyone.
Jon Failor, Historic Farmer