To all of those brave souls ready to defend the deep south, its people, and its way of life from that dastardly Yankee Sherman and his Brutish mercenaries. The second company, Company B, of the 11th Georgia Militia is calling all men up to join its ranks! Gov. Brown has let it be known that ALL men of Georgia are to defend its borders from the enemy. This comes from his Gub'nor-ship in Milledgeville. The farm leave is up men, it is time to re-gather outside of Griffin and repulse the invaders.
Hood and his army are GONE! They can no longer help our fair state and home. We are all that is left to defend the Empire State of the South! We held the Blue Ogres back at the Gates of Atlanta as long as we could under General Smith, now we are to go out again. Let no man sit at home thinking that someone else will save them form the dire peril that is at our doorsteps! It is YOU that will help defend the lands of your families and forefathers.
Company B is ready to reform! Let us do our duty and honor our commitments to the fair State of Georgia!
(Sign up for Company B boys, Southern minded friends are welcome. You'll have a home with Georgians, Carolinians, and others. Trust me when I say that we'll have a busy time of things!
Folks that feel that they can no longer "campaign" because of their "advanced experience" and "long service" are welcome in my company!
Historically many men who were in their middle age or older were in the Georgia Militia. This is the perfect oppurtunity to be the "correct" type of fighting man in a unique unit impression that is heading done on this type of scale!)
PM me or send an email to: if you are interested or need more info.
Capt. T. White (Herb Coats)
Company B, 11th Ga. Militia
Hood and his army are GONE! They can no longer help our fair state and home. We are all that is left to defend the Empire State of the South! We held the Blue Ogres back at the Gates of Atlanta as long as we could under General Smith, now we are to go out again. Let no man sit at home thinking that someone else will save them form the dire peril that is at our doorsteps! It is YOU that will help defend the lands of your families and forefathers.
Company B is ready to reform! Let us do our duty and honor our commitments to the fair State of Georgia!
(Sign up for Company B boys, Southern minded friends are welcome. You'll have a home with Georgians, Carolinians, and others. Trust me when I say that we'll have a busy time of things!
Folks that feel that they can no longer "campaign" because of their "advanced experience" and "long service" are welcome in my company!
Historically many men who were in their middle age or older were in the Georgia Militia. This is the perfect oppurtunity to be the "correct" type of fighting man in a unique unit impression that is heading done on this type of scale!)
PM me or send an email to: if you are interested or need more info.
Capt. T. White (Herb Coats)
Company B, 11th Ga. Militia