The Bummers 2009 event offers us a unique opportunity to use some of the more advanced weapons of the Civil War. It is well documented that many of Sherman’s Bummers went out of their way to get equipped with some of the best weapons they could find including Spencer and Henry Rifles. As a matter of fact several of the units being portrayed were selected largely because it was documented that they were armed with repeating weapons.
While this chance and excuse to purchase a Spencer or a Henry sounds great on paper, many folks do not have one of these sitting in their closets and a new one is not cheap. A Spencer Rifle, which is being reproduced by Armisport, is currently running for between $1,300.00 and $1,500.00. Henry Rifles are going for $1,100.00 to $1,300.00. This is not cheap especially in this economy.
Matt Woodburn and I are working on a deal to make getting a Spencer or Henry a little easier on the wallet. We have worked out some reduced pricing if we buy in bulk. So here is the base pricing we have so far for each. This does not include shipping and any AFT transfer fees.
• Spencer Rifle - $925.00 - must have at least 10 orders
• Henry Rifle - $870.00 - no minimum order
So if you want one of this fine weapons participating in this purchase would save you a couple of hundred dollars. Even with the savings this is still not cheap. Again we have come up with a couple of options to help folks out that want to have or use a repeater for Bummers. All money must be turned in by Aug 10, 2009 to ensure weapons can be delivered on time for the event.
So which one to get?
Well according to what I have found over 200,000 Spencer Rifles and Carbines were made and only 14,000 Henrys were produced. The Spencer was first used in combat in October of 1862 with the 1st Massachusetts Cavalry at a skirmish near Cumberland Maryland. The Army began to receive contract delivers in late December of 1862. The Army ordinance department only purchased 1.731 Henry Rifles. The remainders were all private purchases for individual units. Here are some links to more about these weapons:
What is I can’t afford one?
If you are like me you have a hard time saving money. If I have it I will spend it. So to help folks with similar leanings, Matt Woodburn has created an escrow account. All you have to do is send him a check for whatever amount you can afford and it will be deposited in the account for you allowing you to save the money over time. If for some reason you decide want your money back before the purchase of the weapons, whatever you have deposited will be returned to you in full. If you want to begin saving money in this escrow account just send checks or money orders made out to Matt Woodburn at:
Matt Woodburn
235 3rd Avenue South
Franklin, Tn 37064
Make sure to include what it is for (Bummers Spencer or Henry) and you contact info including email address so Matt can let you know when he receives the check. If you have any questions about the escrow account contact Matt at
We are also working on a special ammunition buy for these as well. Hopefully we will be able to post more information on that soon. We also have some details to work out on shipping and transfer fees with the ATF. Spencers and Henrys are considered modern weapons by the ATF. So there are a couple of issues that must be worked out since these must be shipped to someone with an FFL license.
While this chance and excuse to purchase a Spencer or a Henry sounds great on paper, many folks do not have one of these sitting in their closets and a new one is not cheap. A Spencer Rifle, which is being reproduced by Armisport, is currently running for between $1,300.00 and $1,500.00. Henry Rifles are going for $1,100.00 to $1,300.00. This is not cheap especially in this economy.
Matt Woodburn and I are working on a deal to make getting a Spencer or Henry a little easier on the wallet. We have worked out some reduced pricing if we buy in bulk. So here is the base pricing we have so far for each. This does not include shipping and any AFT transfer fees.
• Spencer Rifle - $925.00 - must have at least 10 orders
• Henry Rifle - $870.00 - no minimum order
So if you want one of this fine weapons participating in this purchase would save you a couple of hundred dollars. Even with the savings this is still not cheap. Again we have come up with a couple of options to help folks out that want to have or use a repeater for Bummers. All money must be turned in by Aug 10, 2009 to ensure weapons can be delivered on time for the event.
So which one to get?
Well according to what I have found over 200,000 Spencer Rifles and Carbines were made and only 14,000 Henrys were produced. The Spencer was first used in combat in October of 1862 with the 1st Massachusetts Cavalry at a skirmish near Cumberland Maryland. The Army began to receive contract delivers in late December of 1862. The Army ordinance department only purchased 1.731 Henry Rifles. The remainders were all private purchases for individual units. Here are some links to more about these weapons:
What is I can’t afford one?
If you are like me you have a hard time saving money. If I have it I will spend it. So to help folks with similar leanings, Matt Woodburn has created an escrow account. All you have to do is send him a check for whatever amount you can afford and it will be deposited in the account for you allowing you to save the money over time. If for some reason you decide want your money back before the purchase of the weapons, whatever you have deposited will be returned to you in full. If you want to begin saving money in this escrow account just send checks or money orders made out to Matt Woodburn at:
Matt Woodburn
235 3rd Avenue South
Franklin, Tn 37064
Make sure to include what it is for (Bummers Spencer or Henry) and you contact info including email address so Matt can let you know when he receives the check. If you have any questions about the escrow account contact Matt at
We are also working on a special ammunition buy for these as well. Hopefully we will be able to post more information on that soon. We also have some details to work out on shipping and transfer fees with the ATF. Spencers and Henrys are considered modern weapons by the ATF. So there are a couple of issues that must be worked out since these must be shipped to someone with an FFL license.