Re: The good citizens of Georgia
scouting behind Sherman's lines in the Atlanta campaign with a cavalry unit of thirty men that gained fame as "Shannon's Scouts." The scouts followed the Union army across Georgia, making raids on Sherman's units and conducting reconnaissance missions, locating approach routes, and relaying military intelligence back to Confederate forces. The unit killed approximately forty-three federals and captured over 100. Shannon's Scouts were so effective that Union general Judson Kilpatrick offered $5,000 for Shannon's capture.
Those boys should not have been Straggling. :D.
scouting behind Sherman's lines in the Atlanta campaign with a cavalry unit of thirty men that gained fame as "Shannon's Scouts." The scouts followed the Union army across Georgia, making raids on Sherman's units and conducting reconnaissance missions, locating approach routes, and relaying military intelligence back to Confederate forces. The unit killed approximately forty-three federals and captured over 100. Shannon's Scouts were so effective that Union general Judson Kilpatrick offered $5,000 for Shannon's capture.
Those boys should not have been Straggling. :D.