Re: Bummers Rules of Engagement
The last time I saw an event announcement that required folks to bring above 40 rounds was At High Tide (one of the more flagrant cases of false advertising I've experienced), a precedent that doth not bode well, at least not for me personally. Eighty rounds roughly equals a pound of powder per man. That's either one huge brew-up, a large loss of time and effort spent making rounds if the yankees get them or when they melt in the rain, and/or yet another burden to carry around that could easily be cut in half. We're already seeing attrition amongst the Federals that will probably end up with the Georgia forces outnumbering them, a scenario, when combined with insane amounts of ammo and the presence of known powder-burners, that equals a big game of "whack the blue-clad mole." I was hoping mostly for a nice walk in the woods, punctuated by some period-correct running away from heavily armed yankees, as well as some culinary treats courtesy of a thankful civilian populace. And rain, in epic amounts.
Some documentation could make this all better.
The last time I saw an event announcement that required folks to bring above 40 rounds was At High Tide (one of the more flagrant cases of false advertising I've experienced), a precedent that doth not bode well, at least not for me personally. Eighty rounds roughly equals a pound of powder per man. That's either one huge brew-up, a large loss of time and effort spent making rounds if the yankees get them or when they melt in the rain, and/or yet another burden to carry around that could easily be cut in half. We're already seeing attrition amongst the Federals that will probably end up with the Georgia forces outnumbering them, a scenario, when combined with insane amounts of ammo and the presence of known powder-burners, that equals a big game of "whack the blue-clad mole." I was hoping mostly for a nice walk in the woods, punctuated by some period-correct running away from heavily armed yankees, as well as some culinary treats courtesy of a thankful civilian populace. And rain, in epic amounts.
Some documentation could make this all better.