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Important Event Announcement - "Bummers"

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  • Re: Important Event Announcement - "Bummers"

    Like Ken said... and the rules and regs are listed here:

    We will have some news very soon on overall commanders and some other announcements as well.
    Former AC Owner


    • Re: Important Event Announcement - "Bummers"

      Hey fellers - Tripp asked if he could bring his Henry, and got his wish . . .
      If some of us could portray men of the 18th Wisconsin . . .?
      I do a HELL of a Wisconsin accent!!!
      Your most obedient servant and comrade,
      James C. Schumann
      Mess #3
      Old Northwest Volunteers


      • Re: Important Event Announcement - "Bummers"

        Fellow Ruffians,

        "10) NO loud, rowdy or inappropriate behavior, especially between taps and reveille. Maintain military discipline."

        Awww come on! Aren't we supposed to be portraying some of the most bold and audacious men of the army!!! :D;)

        Can't wait... Henrys huh?
        Eliot Toscano
        Independent Brute
        Putting on no style...

        "Six children from the local village appeared wearing [U][B]fallacious accoutrements & reprehensible baggage [/B][/U]and thought they would put a sham battle on for our amusement. We laughed so hard at their imitation of soldiers that our sides were hurting for hours."
        A.R. Crawford in the 76th Illinois Infantry, Co D - April 1863 - The origin of FARB


        • Re: Important Event Announcement - "Bummers"

          Originally posted by PvtShot View Post
          Fellow Ruffians,

          "10) NO loud, rowdy or inappropriate behavior, especially between taps and reveille. Maintain military discipline."

          Awww come on! Aren't we supposed to be portraying some of the most bold and audacious men of the army!!! :D;)

          Can't wait... Henrys huh?
          Eliot - its all relative you man's rowdy might be another man's best behavior ;)

          ...or maybe this is a strong hint from Eric and Co that our days at this event will use up all the rowdy and audacious we can muster, leaving Morpheus our best friend at night...
          Soli Deo Gloria
          Doug Cooper

          "The past is never dead. It's not even past." William Faulkner

          Please support the CWT at


          • Re: Important Event Announcement - "Bummers"

            "Fellow Ruffians,

            "10) NO loud, rowdy or inappropriate behavior, especially between taps and reveille. Maintain military discipline."

            Awww come on! Aren't we supposed to be portraying some of the most bold and audacious men of the army!!!"

            Please make all the loud noise you want in between taps and reveille. It will make our job easier. I'm just say'n..... ;)
            Herb Coats
            Armory Guards &


            • Re: Important Event Announcement - "Bummers"

              Greetings Everyone:

              The question has come up several times regarding invitations for Bummers. The answer to this question is that we have sent out unit invitations to established progressive/authentic groups, but individuals are welcome as long as they can meet the uniform guidelines. You can view the guidelines here:


              We recognize that not all authentic reenactors are members of established groups. We also recognize that there are many individuals out there who might be members of mainstream organizations, but have an authentic kit and a desire to attend a more authentic experience. We encourage all individuals who have the desire, the attitude and the kit to attend Bummers. If you have general questions, please feel free to contact me directly at and I will attempt to point you to the right person in our organization. The contacts for our event can be found here:


              Thanks for your continued interest in the event. We will try our best to provide an experience worth the trip to Georgia. :)
              ERIC TIPTON
              Former AC Owner


              • Re: Important Event Announcement - "Bummers"

                This looks like a great event. I'm really going to try and make this one. Now if only someone would do a Meridian Expedition event......

                Will MacDonald


                • Re: Important Event Announcement - "Bummers"

                  Great event idea...I might come out of hibernation for this one.

                  It's important to remember that there is a distinction between brigade foraging parties and "bummers". Brigade foraging parties were organized groups...."bummers" were individuals or small groups that went on their own accord. The two are often melted together to many people.

                  My GGG-Grandfather's records from the National Archives say that he was a Sergeant in charge of a brigade foraging it wasn't always an officer in charge of the group. His name was Wm. Dawson, Co. H, 63rd Ohio....he was an old fart....upper 30's when he went enlisted.


                  • Re: Important Event Announcement - "Bummers"

                    "It's important to remember that there is a distinction between brigade foraging parties and "bummers". Brigade foraging parties were organized groups...."bummers" were individuals or small groups that went on their own accord. The two are often melted together to many people."

                    Don't worry. I think those rascally Blue Team organizers know that factoid. Perhaps there will be some "Bummers" at the event. Perhaps not. All I know is that folks who are interested in attending should definitely mark their calender for this one.
                    Herb Coats
                    Armory Guards &


                    • Re: Important Event Announcement - "Bummers"


                      Your Quote - It's important to remember that there is a distinction between brigade foraging parties and "bummers". Brigade foraging parties were organized groups...."bummers" were individuals or small groups that went on their own accord. The two are often melted together to many people.

                      To answer your question about the distinction between the terms "Bummers" and Brigade Foraging Parties. The distinction is not as set, or defined, I think, as you describe. This was a fluid situation, in which the term was used either commonly, or at times specifically to describe the foragers of Sherman's Army - before and after the March to the Sea. The first thing you are correct about - the brigade structure did not last long on the March to the Sea. One of the books on our reading list is Joseph Glatthaar's "March to the Sea and Beyond" Here is a passage describing what you mention:

                      Initially, Sherman hoped to organize foragers for each brigade, but that soon proved unsatisfactory, since too many division commanders sent out only fifty men per brigade, not enough to provide for all the troops. As the brigade organization began to break down, many commanders decentralized the system even more and had each regimental commander assign foraging duties to one or two companies. The forage they gathered no longer went to the brigade commissary; it went directly to the men in each regiment.

                      Here is a more direct, general description of a "bummer" from Glatthaar:

                      The term "bummer" mostly applied to the regular or everyday foragers. Members of the twentieth corps, particularly easterners, tended to use the term to refer to self-appointed or unauthorized foragers, but most troops in Sherman's army considered a bummer anyone who foraged on a regular basis, with or without authority. The word "bummer", as used before the March to the Sea, referred to a soldier who took it easy and shunned what he considered unneccessary demands and discipline, yet executed to the best of his ability in times of crisis. This, then, was the forager in Sherman's Army - a man who, when properly motivated, performed superbly but had scant interest in disciplined routine.

                      Another Definition (From Our Web Site) - Bummers Definition - The origin of this term, applied to Maj. Gen. William T. Sherman's foragers during the March To The Sea and the Carolinas Campaign, is obscure but was common army parlance by 1864. Possibly deriving from the German "Bummler", meaning "idler" or "wastrel," the name was embraced by many soldiers, who believed it struck terror in the hearts of Southern people. (Source: The Historical Times Encyclopedia of the Civil War)

                      Based on our research so far, the term "bummers" or "foragers" from the southern citizen persective was also used interchangably between general and specific. Citizens, riled by the newspaper accounts saw a distinction - between the main body of Sherman's army and the "bummers" or "foragers" who were stealing food, ransacking, pillaging, burning homes, and buildings, etc. Militia was sent out specifically to apprehend or kill "bummers" or foragers who threatened the food, livestock and lives of local citizenry.

                      That is why, for a variety of reasons, this singular word - "Bummers" creates much the same reaction it did 140 years ago and the reason we used it to title our event. When we tried to come up with a singular term that would rile the passions of the southerners and the pride of the yankees at the same time, there was no other term that achieved this. Of course, an equivalent would be to simply post Sherman's picture, so we did that too. ;)

                      Glatthaar's book is a really good source as are the Memoirs of Henry Hitchcock - "Marching With Sherman". Both can be found on our reading list for the event here -

                      You are also correct with your observation " it wasn't always an officer in charge of the group." :D There is more information about that on our web site - click here.

                      Good to have someone with an actual relative in the ranks at the event. Any others out there who had relatives participate in the "March to the Sea" - from either side?
                      Last edited by Eric Tipton; 01-27-2008, 12:26 PM.
                      ERIC TIPTON
                      Former AC Owner


                      • Re: Important Event Announcement - "Bummers"

                        Would anyone like to tell the rest of us why the A/C "cannot support this"?
                        Robert Carter
                        69th NYSV, Co. A


                        • Re: Important Event Announcement - "Bummers"

                          Originally posted by JustRob View Post
                          Would anyone like to tell the rest of us why the A/C "cannot support this"?
                          Support what?maybe I am late here.What are you talking about?
                          Kiev Thomason
                          a.k.a. King Corn:baring_te
                          Armory Guards
                          Forest Park Lodge #399
                          Forest Park GA.


                          • Re: Important Event Announcement - "Bummers"

                            Would anyone like to tell the rest of us why the A/C "cannot support this"?

                            That was in reference to ************, who was indirectly a vendor for the event. He is no longer a vendor for "Bummers", and asked not to be mentioned on the AC. That was part of the reason for his removal and the reason that his name now appears as asterisks here.

                            The AC has provided us this folder and already made Bummers a Tier 1 event for 2009. Sorry for the confusion.
                            Last edited by Eric Tipton; 03-05-2008, 07:24 PM.
                            ERIC TIPTON
                            Former AC Owner


                            • Re: Important Event Announcement - "Bummers"


                              Just to let you know... I won't be giving up my woobie for this one. :baring_te

                              Hope to see you there.

                              Mike Phineas
                              Arlington, TX
                              Mike Phineas
                              Arlington, TX
                              24th Missouri Infantry
                              Independent Volunteer Battalion

                              "Oh, go in anywhere Colonel, go in anywhere. You'll find lovely fighting all along the line."

                              -Philip Kearny


                              • Re: Important Event Announcement - "Bummers"

                                Mike you are more than welcome to keep your woobie, knapsack, groundcloth, knapsack, haversack, etc.

                                I highly suggest leaving room in said haversack and knapsack. You Blue Bellies need to be following "Uncle Billy's" specified instructions for foraging. :D
                                Herb Coats
                                Armory Guards &

