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Bushwhackers @ Lost Tribes

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  • #16
    Re: Bushwhackers @ Lost Tribes

    Originally posted by Hairy Nation Boys View Post
    All weapons WILL be turned over the federal authorities.
    Its a good thing I won't have a weapon. At least, not so's anyone will notice...
    Ron Mueller
    New Madrid Guards

    "How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg?
    Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."
    Abraham Lincoln


    • #17
      Re: Bushwhackers @ Lost Tribes

      Originally posted by Hairy Nation Boys View Post
      We will work with the local authorities to have peace.

      Right Micahel?

      See you soon! :wink_smil
      Absolutely! As sheriff, that's what I'm all about here - peace. But you ain't gettin' my gun.:baring_te
      Michael Comer
      one of the moderator guys


      • #18
        Re: Bushwhackers @ Lost Tribes

        This looks like it's shaping up to be a grand event! There will be lots of surprises, to be sure...

        P.S. You bushwhackers aren't gonna push us around like you did at Marmy's! You ain't gettin' an ounce of cherry bounce! (Hey I rhyme! :D)
        Anna Allen
        <a href="">Star of the West Society</a>
        [COLOR="DarkRed"][B]The Cherry Bounce Girls Mess[/B][/COLOR] :p

        [I]It's a damn poor mind that can only think of one way to spell a word.[/I]-Andrew Jackson


        • #19
          Re: Bushwhackers @ Lost Tribes

          duplicate post
          Last edited by Old Reb; 07-10-2009, 02:22 PM.
          Tom Yearby
          Texas Ground Hornets

          "I'd rather shoot a man than a snake." Robert Stumbling Bear


          • #20
            Re: Bushwhackers @ Lost Tribes

            Miss Anna,
            We got not an ounce of bounce and did not pounce. We protected you from vile yankee raiders. We gave you yankee dollars because you had none. We brought in a banjo player for entertainment and Professor McBride to supply enlightened chitchat with you ladies. We even had a prayer meeting. You know that we are kind and gentle men and would not harm you in any way. So, please don't speak of us as ruffians and scoundrels. For you know it is not true.
            Last edited by Old Reb; 07-10-2009, 02:14 PM.
            Tom Yearby
            Texas Ground Hornets

            "I'd rather shoot a man than a snake." Robert Stumbling Bear


            • #21
              Re: Bushwhackers @ Lost Tribes

              The reason you didn't get any cherry bounce was that we stole & hid it just before escaping from the clutches of Mr. Hildebrand's men. It was given to some deserving soldiers on the following day.

              I remember that camp meeting somewhat differently, in fact. There were some poor boys crying their eyes out because they were about to be hanged. Then Miss Anna and I begged Jay Stephens, may his name never be mentioned in polite society again, to help us escape. He simply shrugged and told us "gee, I'd like to help you gals, honest I would, but I'm just so d___ d tired." Miss Anna then noticed that the guard's attention was briefly distracted so we hightailed it out of our imprisonment and hid in the undergrowth; only to fall into the company of some bushwhackers, who took us up into their hideout in the mountains.

              I'm not sure whether similar adventures can be had near Gray Summit (Boonesfield) but we aim to try. We're keeping our allegiances to ourselves.

              And Sherriff Comer keeps to strict temperance principles. If there's any whiskey in town, he'll sniff it out.
              [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Silvana R. Siddali[/SIZE][/FONT]
              [URL=""][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Star of the West Society[/SIZE][/FONT][/URL][B]
              [COLOR="DarkRed"]Cherry Bounce G'hal[/B][/COLOR]:wink_smil


              • #22
                Re: Bushwhackers @ Lost Tribes

                For the sake of Honor, although there was a great deal of confusion and tension, I recall s0me aspects differently.

                I was not tired, and though Bailey Smith, (my actual historical persona) did know the ladies of the camp and hoped for the best. After Cody drained what little whiskey was to be found in the camp, (seeing no one got a second taste,) the near presence of Federals, another at times friendly/at times rival band of irregulars, etc..... I had to regretfully inform you there was nothing I could do to control the deteriorating mood of the lot of them or my generally well-meaning captain/preacher, given the circumstances. There were too many factors leading to that 'perfect storm', and I was not going to be it. (You would have suffered as well...) You did the best thing, fleeing during the confusion and although I saw your flight, due to our history/familiarity, I spoke not a word.... your safety and honor preserved.....

                Jay Stevens
                Tater Mess
                Independent Volunteers
                Iron Man Mess
                Reenactor Preservation Coalition
                Friends of Historic Lone Jack

                Wyandotte Lodge # 03, AF&AM

                Into The Piney Woods, March 2009
                Lost Tribes, October 2009
                Bummers, November 2009
                Backwaters, March 12-14 2010
                The Fight For Crampton's Gap July 2010
                In the Van, August 2010
                Before The Breakout Sept 2010

                "If You Want To Call Yourself A Campaigner, You Attend True Campaign Events" -B. Johnson


                • #23
                  Re: Bushwhackers @ Lost Tribes

                  Aw, Jay, I was kidding. :cry_smile

                  You're one of the Gentlemen, after all.
                  [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Silvana R. Siddali[/SIZE][/FONT]
                  [URL=""][FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Star of the West Society[/SIZE][/FONT][/URL][B]
                  [COLOR="DarkRed"]Cherry Bounce G'hal[/B][/COLOR]:wink_smil


                  • #24
                    Re: Bushwhackers @ Lost Tribes

                    Originally posted by Silvana Siddali View Post
                    Aw, Jay, I was kidding. :cry_smile

                    You're one of the Gentlemen, after all.
                    Oh, No Worries. And no offense taken. That couple hours was really an incredible experience for everyone who happened to enter that situation whether civilian, Federal, CS, guerilla, etc. In most every other military situation (then and at events of course) officers/honor, most generally made sure there was a protocol or mostly civil treatment, so your's were extended the same. At that event, and even more so this one, tensions/reprisals were the norm in Missouri. That was the beauty/intrigue of Marmy's (if you were out and interacted with the other factions/civilians) and this one. And, rightfully so, the Federals will be in control this time.

                    Go Federals!!!
                    Jay Stevens
                    Tater Mess
                    Independent Volunteers
                    Iron Man Mess
                    Reenactor Preservation Coalition
                    Friends of Historic Lone Jack

                    Wyandotte Lodge # 03, AF&AM

                    Into The Piney Woods, March 2009
                    Lost Tribes, October 2009
                    Bummers, November 2009
                    Backwaters, March 12-14 2010
                    The Fight For Crampton's Gap July 2010
                    In the Van, August 2010
                    Before The Breakout Sept 2010

                    "If You Want To Call Yourself A Campaigner, You Attend True Campaign Events" -B. Johnson


                    • #25
                      Re: Bushwhackers @ Lost Tribes

                      First a question: Is that broom mentioned earlier a weapon or mode of transportation?

                      Also for all parties involved there is a recall on cherry bounce and it should never be made for civilian consumption. Sure, you posture around it and talk loudly about its health benefits but only the real men drink it. It causes fights, looting, consumption, small pox, facial hair on women, hell fire, and bad breath. I wish I could load up my shotgun with the cherry pits and shoot them like rock salt at the false propagators of the cherry bounce.

                      As for me I'm done with the Army and not having a coat or shoes, I'm done trying to keep up with Price, I'm done with living on horse fodder all while the officers toast each other with whiskey and don't offer me any. My horse died from a federal shell at Pilot Knob and I'm done with this damn war.
                      And you all can go to hell.:wink_smil

                      Well anyway... Baily Smith's take on the whole affair probably went something like that.
                      Frank Aufmuth
                      Frank Aufmuth
                      When you hear my whistle, Hell will be upon you.


                      • #26
                        Re: Bushwhackers @ Lost Tribes

                        My Goodness, Mr. Afmuth! Did it take you this long to think of a way to cast aspersions on the only method of defense for my tiny two person household???

                        You're sounding rather bitter about the loss of your coat and horse. Can I offer you a seat by the fire? You can leave the shotgun on the other side of the room. We'll take care of it for you.

                        Trish Hasenmueller

